To be fair, I was warned about a New England winter. They said it would be a cold; but you’d have to live in to understand. My freshmen year, winter in Boston wasn’t that bad so I was pretty confident I could survive the cold, however this year is a different story. It’s not cold, it’s freezing. However, I’ve found three things that help keep a California girl warm.
- Invest in a good jacket
Seriously, it’s worth the price. You can try and compensate with layers of sweatshirts but nothing is better than a good down jacket.
- Wear gloves
I learned the hard way that gloves are not a fashion statement; they are a necessity. It’s quite hard to function in class when your hands are numb from the cold.
- Be Positive
My dad used to tell me that being cold was a state of mind. In California, cold is definitely a state of mind but in Boston I can’t say the same. However, the cold isn’t fun for anyone so complaining about it won’t make it any warmer. (I’m looking at you everyone who tweeted: “OMG it’s 2 degrees out!? NO!”)
Instead look at the positives of colder weather! Like, still being able to wear your favorite scarf, witnessing the magic of snowfall or still being able to order a hot chocolate from Starbucks because it’s cold and no one can judge you.
On the brighter side, spring is almost here! That means, we’re closer to open house in April where I get to meet all of you wonderful, perfect prospective students! It also means Marathon Monday is closer, but that’s another blog post discussion.