Zach: Best Apps for College

I am always on my computer and phone, in fact I should put them down more. But whatever! Here are some apps that have made my life easier at college!
1: Mint
I’ve mentioned this app in a blog post before but it’s a banking app that allows you to see how much money you have in all of your accounts. It allows you to set budgets (like ONLY SPEND $30 ON STARBUCKS THIS MONTH) and keep track of how much you spend and in what ways.
2: GroupMe
If you are like me, you hate it when people have green texts. We all know what that means, especially in terms of group chats. So, anytime you need to have a group chat, save yourself the hassle of seeing if everyone has an iPhone and make a GroupMe! There’s ton of fun things you can do that you can’t in a normal group chat (like “heart” people’s posts) and it’s super fun.
3: Find My Friends
This one is a recent discovery for me, but it’s built into an iPhone. You can track your friends. I know how creepy this sounds but its amazing. You will never have to send a “anyone in the GSU” text again, because YOU’LL KNOW! Things can get weird when people leave campus and you know where they went but whatever.
4: Foursquare
I eat out very sparingly, and when I do, I make sure it’s a damn good restaurant. In my option, Foursquare is better than Yelp because it collects your tastes and foods you like and matches restaurants to you. It also has a tips section, where people can let you know what is good on the menu, Plus, there is a more specific scale for rating restaurant than just 5 stars.
5: Transit 
THIS APP SAVES LIVES! This app tracks the MBTA and tells you when the T or Bus is coming! It also shows you where Hubway’s and Uber’s are!
6: Overcast
I love podcasts, but don’t have time for them. This app lets you listen to them quicker. It has a feature where you can erase silences and where you can speed up the tempo, without messing with the pitch. Amazing!
7: Self Control (for Mac)

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