Finding somewhere to buckle down during exam season is important, but what do you listen to once you’re there? I love film scores for when I need to focus and do some work. Scores are made to be driving, but not distracting, and sound great! Picking out the perfect study soundtrack can be daunting however, and searching the depths of Spotify for that one score that motivates you out of the hundreds of movies out there is an easy route to procrastination. Never fear, CA Sophia is here! I’ve found some of my favorite scores to keep you motivated no matter what you’re doing.
1.) Thor: Ragnarok:

The score reflects the movie, and with upbeat electric steel-drum vibes, Thor: Ragnarok’s score is as much fun as the film itself. This score would be great for when you need a quick energy boost to power through the end of a project.
2.) The Grand Budapest Hotel:

Wes Anderson’s scores are as quirky as his movies, and with a mix of yodeling and rhythm the Grand Budapest Hotel is no exception. The score doesn’t change much in cadence or volume, so if you thrive in consistency this is a great score for you!
3.) Pacific Rim:

Just as the movie Pacific Rim asks who doesn’t love giant robots, the score asks who doesn’t love electric guitars? One exciting riff later and you’ve got the rock-and-roll score to power through any paper.
4.) Whiplash:

Sometimes you just want some jazz. More traditionally musical than the other scores on this list, Whiplash serves up smoother tunes and some bigger band bops to keep you on track.
5.) Speed Racer:

You may remember Speed Racer from its brief partnership with the candy baby bottle pop, but what you should remember is the absolute banger of a score it provides. Big band meets classic rock meets the fast and the furious, Speed Racer will help you close the gap between you and the finish line in no time.
There are tons of other fantastic scores out there, but that’s all for me! Good listening folks!