Jazzy G: Tips, tricks, and tidbits to help you make the most out of your time at BU

So, it’s finally happening. Last week, I had my last first day of school and was forced to accept the fact that I am a senior in college. It’s true what they tell you: blink, and it’s almost over. Seriously. I can’t tell you where the time has gone or where I will end up next. But that’s okay because this blog isn’t about that. No. Instead, this blog is about the things I can tell you  — the things I’ve learned along the way. 


Let’s get to it. My tips, tricks, and tidbits for incoming freshmen who want to make the most of their time on COMM Ave.


  1. “No” is a complete sentence. It is always okay to say “no.” Your time is a gift, and you don’t have to share it with everyone who asks. You also don’t owe anyone an explanation or reason. Just a “no” should suffice in almost every situation. 
  2. Pay attention to the friends you make along the way. We always hear that networking is one of the most important things you can do to help yourself in your career and internship search. It’s never too early to start building those connections. It can be as easy as sending an email, asking for a coffee chat, or befriending your peers in COM. Check out BU COM Career Services to get more networking tips. 
  3. Don’t wait to get out of the BU Bubble. The BU bubble is a real thing! It’s so important that you don’t let it drown you. Whenever you have the chance, go off-campus and explore the city. You can study at a coffee shop in the North End, grab dinner in Seaport, or visit a bookstore in Cambridge. Boston has so much to offer, and it’s important to explore while you still can. 
  4. Always shoot your shot. It never actually hurts to just shoot your shot. Send the email; apply for that internship; volunteer even when it’s scary. Some of the best advice I ever got was from a COM professor who shared her motto with me: “If someone has to win, why can’t it be me?” That question now lives rent-free in my mind, and I’d beg you to ask yourself the same thing anytime you’re in doubt. 
  5. Do ~all~ the things you can while still taking care of yourself. I cannot emphasize enough how quickly time will go by. I beg you to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Obviously, you should prioritize your mental health and schoolwork before anything else. Beyond that, however, I would advise you to try saying “yes” to as many things as you can. College is a time to stretch yourself. So, try new things and take every mistake as a learning opportunity. Everything will be okay. 

Jazzy: On Feeling Fine When the World Is on Fire

On Feeling Fine When the World Is on Fire

My Tips to Help You Weather a Unique Spring Semester

This school year has been rough, to say to least. We’ve had to grapple with killer bees, a global pandemic, rising racial tensions, a presidential election, an attempted coup, confusing Gamestop stocks, climate change, Bridgerton, wildfires, oh my!

And, it’s only the beginning of second semester.

Here’s how I’m dealing when the world is on fire, literally. Maybe one of these tips can help you, too.

  1. Journaling

Before the pandemic, I rarely wrote about myself. But, now, my tune has changed. With everything going on, I find it cathartic to write about my life. This way, I can process my emotions before they start pouring onto another person. There’s lots of different ways to journal — I personally love this

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  1. Keeping an Organized Calendar

I don’t know where I’d be without my Google Calendar and Notion workspace. My bedroom has become my classroom, work office, dining room, study space and gym; it’s easy to lose track of time. But, my organizers keep me healthy, safe and sane during these tough times.

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  1. Getting Fresh Air

Admittedly, this is something I struggle with. However, studies have shown that fresh air and sunshine are good for the soul. So, go for that morning walk. Take your dog for a run. Bike to Starbucks; you deserve it. 

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  1. Remembering to Breathe

It sounds silly, but I promise it’s not. I schedule Breathing Breaks, as I call them, into my day. Sometimes I need to check-in with my body, relax my muscles and calm my mind. The Headspace app, free for BU students, can help with this as well.

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So, now it’s your turn. What works for me might not work for you. And that’s okay. It’s also okay to not be okay. There are days when I struggle to get out of bed. It can be hard to log-in to Zoom, or to turn on your camera, or to reach out to a classmate about that cup of coffee you said you wanted to get with them 3 months ago. But, no matter where you’re at in life right now, it’s okay. It’s okay to feel all your feelings. It’s okay to ask for help.


I’d be remiss to not include a few mental health resources. So, here’s a non-exhaustive list of free resources for exhausted folks. You can access these no matter where you’re at — mentally, economically, or physically.