Tom: A Theater-Filled Fall

Hi all! We are about half way through the semester and midterms are just starting to settle down in COM, so I’ve started to set my sights on my extracurricular activities. My biggest extracurricular activity is my on-campus theater commitment. I am the President of On Broadway, which is the premier musical theater organization at Boston University. The greatest part of On Broadway is that the entire club is completely student-run, which means students run every single part of the process of putting up a show. This semester, I’ve had the opportunity to work on three different shows:

1)     The Drowsy Chaperone – Assistant Lighting Designer

My first show of the semester which just launched last weekend was The Drowsy Chaperone in which I tried my hand at lighting for the first time. As Assistant Lighting Designer, I got the opportunity to learn the light board, program cues, focus the lights on the stage, and choosing which cool lighting effects go from scene to scene. Since The Drowsy Chaperone went up in the amazing Tsai Performance Center on campus, we were able to do limitless lighting effects that created an amazing show.

2)     How to Succeed in Business – Ensemble

For my second show of the semester, I will be headed to the stage to act in the ensemble of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. The show has been an absolute blast to be in the ensemble of, especially since I get to play a variety of bit parts, ranging from nerdy business man to an energetic 60’s game show host. I am also getting a workout with the number of dance numbers in the show (this show may turn me into a dancer, who knows?)

3)     Fire & Rain: An Original James Taylor Showcase – Producer

I am trying my hand at producing again, but this time for a student-developed showcase. Fire & Rain is a completely student created collection of James Taylor songs arranged to fit numerous different musical styles. Producing is one of my favorite parts of the theater because I am involved in the advertising and budget management regarding the production. This is my fourth shot at Producing with On Broadway, and I’ve enjoyed the chance to work on a student developed piece!

My semester thus far has certainly been theater filled, but filled with all of the things I enjoy. On Broadway has been an amazing outlet for the past four years to fulfill my theater pursuits and I am very happy to have found such a great home on campus. If you are interested in theater as a hobby, BU is definitely the right place to be.

Will: Living in COM is Kinda Awesome

This past week, due to multiple projects including the successful #COMinaday endeavor, I was closer than I’ve ever been to actually living in COM.  Here’s why living in COM was kind of awesome:

NUMBER ONE! Over the course of a week 3 celebrity alumni graced COM with their presence as well as incredibly informative presentations. Stephanie McMahon, a senior executive at WWE, gave a presentation on Wednesday and Jay Roewe along with Michael Gunn gave a cooperative presentation about HBO and The Newsroom.

NUMBER TWO! It’s literally 30 feet away from Starbucks, Subway and the Warren Towers dining hall. Not to mention the numerous vending machines in the building. That means I can get coffee for breakfast, Subway for lunch, and Warren for dinner and never have to be gone from whatever I’m working on for more than 20 minutes at most.

NUMBER THREE! You have no choice but to be productive. With a full-blown radio station, fully-functional multi-room television studio, and hundreds of computers equipped with all types of software, it’s easy to have fun and work on your projects.


-The chairs in the student lounge are pretty comfy

-And multiple newspapers are delivered to COM every single morning!

-You can shower in the fountain…


Taylor: What Does the Grad Say?

Before coming to BU, software like Final Cut, the Adobe platforms, Avid, and ProTools were all foreign. Editing was not something that I would have immediately volunteered as tribute for. Writing for online and broadcast are skills that completely contradict my pre-college learnings. One of most valuable in-house tools that COM offers daily is the assistance of graduate students. Here are top ways to spot a Grad student (not creepy):

1. The COM Writing center, located in the basement, has nearly a dozen tutors awaiting the arrival of students interested in perfecting their writing craft. Whether you are working on a film script, press release, or a news article the room has someone happily ready to offer assistance.

2.  COM has tons of applications installed on the computers located in labs throughout the building.  Tip: It would behoove you to checkout the tutorial times of graduate students and other TA’s that are available for guidance.

COM offers a lot of opportunities for students to connect with peers, faculty, alumni, and graduate students…MAKE USE OF THE RESOURCES AVAILABLE!


- Taylor


Sara: Baby It’s Getting Cold Outside

It’s starting to get cold in Boston and chances are you’re mentally preparing yourself to start hibernating for the winter. It’s pretty easy from here on out to return home from classes, stay inside and drink hot chocolate/coffee/ your hot beverage of choice instead of adventuring around the city. BUT I’m here to try and steer you away from that mindset because although the city gets cold, Boston doesn’t stop! Welcome to the approaching winter season all you Californians/ Floridians, where we still function regardless of what wrath Mother Nature brings upon us.

Don’t let your adventurous side stop just because of the chill! Here are some great events happening around the city in the coming months that I look forward to all year:

-Ghost Tours in Salem, MA

Now through Halloween

-Ice Skating at the Frog Pond on Boston Common

mid November

-Boston Christmas Festival & Gingerbread House Competition

Nov 8-10 at Seaport World Trade Center

-Christmas at Newport Mansions

you have to take a trip to Newport, RI for this but it’s worth the drive!

(this is a tour through the Mansions, if you’re into history you’ll love it)
starts November 23

-Faneuil Hall Christmas Tree Lighting

(also check out BLINK! Light show)
November 23

-Boston Ballet Nutcracker

November 29- December 29

-Boston Pops Holiday Show
Boston Symphony Orchestra

December 4 -24

-First Night Boston- Boston’s celebration of the new year

December 31

(Am I jumping the gun by talking about Christmas before Halloween has even passed? Maybe…)


Steph: Travel the World with COM

I recently found out that I will be spending my Spring semester abroad across the pond in London! I absolutely cannot wait to begin my adventure. The best part about it is, through COM, I will not only be living and studying in a totally different country, but I'll also be working there!

When you study abroad through COM's programs, you get to fulfill an internship while you're there too. How cool is that?! And, you're guaranteed to find an internship, with a little help from a placement agency that the Study Abroad office works with.

COM has study abroad programs in London, Spain, Dublin, Paris, Sydney, and "abroad" in D.C. and L.A. Want to write for a music magazine down under? Wanna make documentary films in Spain? Or maybe you want to work PR in London? All those options are open to you through BU COM Study Abroad.

Stay tuned for my blogs from across the pond! Cheerio!

Morgan: So You Failed Your First Exam…

It happens to the best of us. You had no idea what to expect from your professor for your first COM101/AR100/PS101/anyotherlargelecture exam. They might have given some very vague details about what would be on it and how it would be set up, but still, you struggled to find the right way to study for your first big college exam. So now what?

Unfortunately, crying in your professor’s office rarely works. So the best thing to do is STAY CALM, and follow these steps to success.

1)   Head over to your professor’s office hours to go over the exam. Were there concepts that you just didn’t understand? Did the set up or the wording of questions confuse you? Figure out what went wrong so you can be prepared next time.

2)   While you’re there, ask about extra credit opportunities. There may not be any available, but it never hurts to ask.

3)   Start PAYING ATTENTION in lecture. I know, shocker. Get yourself this nifty little self control app so you can block all those tempting websites you want to surf during lecture. Or if possible, take notes the old fashioned way – pen & paper.

4)   Make sure not to lose any more points. If there are homework assignments, papers, etc. that are part of your grade – make sure you do the absolute best on these you can. Use the COM writing center and your TF’s as resources – their job is to help you! So take advantage of it!

5)   Next time, study like crazy. Some of my study methods include…


-       Making outlines of each chapter.

-       Spending 5 hours in the library until I memorize absolutely everything.

-       Trying to put all of the information for each chapter on a single piece of paper – color-coded.

-       Studying with friends! Sometimes trying to explain a concept to someone else helps you understand it better.

-       Not leaving it until the last minute. Start studying 4-5 days in advance so it really sticks in your brain!

You can do it!!


Maria: How to Avoid the Graduation Crisis

Commencement weekend is a little less than 7 months away. It may sound exciting to your mom and dad who don’t have to pay tuition after May 18th, but to me and other seniors, it’s one of the most terrifying thoughts. College has been the most amazing three and going on four years of my life, and to think that that will all come to an end soon is very scary. And it makes frightening questions come to mind - what do you mean no more four-day weekends? How am I going to afford anything without a student discount? And the question that is without a doubt on everyone’s mind: where am I going to work once I graduate?

Fortunately, BU and COM specifically prepare you well for graduation… or at least the best anyone could be prepared for graduation. COM has a great resource that I encourage everyone to utilize during his or her time at BU, and that’s COM Career Services. COM Career Services is there to help you with getting a job, even before you graduate. They have an online database full of internships and jobs in Boston and around the country. You can even access the database once you graduate, which is extremely helpful if you find yourself in a bit of a rut a couple months down the road after graduation. They also have cover letter and resume critiquing, which I take advantage of often. Who knows what companies are looking for on resumes and cover letters more than the people in COM Career Services? They also have fun activities that can help with your professional appearance – one example being a LinkedIn headshot photo opportunity, where you could go in and get a professional picture done for your LinkedIn!

On top of that, internships are highly encouraged in COM. Some students are required to intern as part of their curriculum, while others just take advantage of the amazing companies in and around Boston. I’m on my fifth internship during my college career, and I can honestly say that internships teach you more than you’ll ever learn in a classroom. You’ll never know the full experience of what it’s like to work in a certain industry until you immerse yourself into it. Internships prepare you for the real world and being a “real person” as I like to refer to people with jobs and careers. In addition they are amazing resume builders, and they can only help you get a job and further your professional life. Sometimes internships that you’ve interned with will even offer you a job after you graduate and are usually more likely to hire you over someone who is not familiar with the company.

All in all, it almost makes me cringe hearing the word graduation, but I know that COM has prepared me really well for the future and how to obtain a job. Take advantage of everything COM has to offer; it can only help you and make you a better student and candidate for a job in the future, and that will make you worry a little less about the g-word.


Lauren: Apples to Apples

Hi everyone!  Hope you're all having a fantastic semester so far!

Throughout my time here at BU, I've been a campus representative for a few brands (American Eagle Outfitters, IMAX, etc.) and now I've taken on the challenge of promoting the exciting card game, Apples to Apples.

Being a campus ambassador is a great way for mass communication, advertising and PR students to get experience with marketing, promotions, event planning & social media!  These positions have really helped improved my face-to-face communication skills and look impressive on my resume.  Plus, I've acquired a ton of branded promotional items over the years, which is awesome!  I've loved the experience that I've gotten working as a campus representative, and I highly recommend it to any student in COM!

With Apples to Apples, I get to work for Mattel, a huge toy-manufacturing company!  I go to on-campus events and student group meetings on a weekly basis to give away promotional materials, including lip balms, playing cards, t-shirts, full-sized games, tumblers and coupons!  The other Apples to Apples reps and I also host tournaments too and help spread the word about the game through guerilla marketing tactics!

If you want the Apples to Apples campus representatives to give goodies to your student group, email me at!  We'd love to come by!  And definitely enter the Apples to Apples Crazy College Cash Giveaway here for your chance to win $10,000 IN CASH!

Follow Apples to Apples on Facebook & Twitter to get more awesome updates!

Until next time,



Kevin: Go Sox!

Growing up, I was a diehard Red Sox fan. I remember my town announcing that they were going to convert our little league field into a mini-Fenway park was pretty much the highlight of my life. I remember arguing with my mom until I finally convinced her to let me stay up to watch the Sox win the World Series in ’04. I remember Jason Varitek signing my baseball and that ball might as well have been gold to me. So for me, living down the street from Fenway is a dream come true.

I think baseball fan or not, everyone needs to have a Fenway experience and go to at least one game. This year I went with my roommate to “Dollar Beard Night” and we ended up cutting up my bed sheet to make fake beards, taping them to our faces, and getting into the game for a dollar. (The Sox lost, but it was still one of the best nights of the year so far).

Now that it’s fall and the Sox are in the playoffs, (sorry Yankees, you tried) there’s so much going on around Fenway. The other night, David Ortiz hit a grand slam to pull the Sox back from a 5-1 deficit and I could literally hear the crowd from my dorm. Any time I want to go walk down Yawkey and look at all the banners and posters, it’s just a couple blocks away. Fenway is easily one of my favorite parts of Boston, and to anyone who says they’re not a baseball fan, just try it. Go to one game. I guarantee you’ll get some awesome memories out of it.


Kaitlin: Schedule With Intent and Heart

If you didn’t know it, there is an art to scheduling your classes. It’s a secret that is difficult to get a hold of, but once you do, you learn that it can change your entire BU experience. Whenever scheduling season comes around the corner, I think about my first time doing it during my orientation. To be blunt, I had no idea what the hell I was doing. My first semester was a disaster in terms of scheduling. Nothing made sense. I’d say that by my second semester, I kind of began to figure out what exactly I wanted in a schedule, and trying to stay as modest as possible, I’m now a scheduling wizard.

Explaining how to schedule well is a whole other blog post, but I wanted to take the time to tell you how important/incredible it is to schedule with intent AND your heart. This year, I’m a senior, and I have all of my requirements totally over and done with, meaning I can fill up my last two semesters with classes I really love and care about. COM really promotes following what you’re passionate about, and careful scheduling is really helping me to do that.

I’ve always had a love and a knack for photography. My mother is a photojournalist, so I pretty much grew up with a camera around my neck. When I first came to school, I became so consumed with my classes and ROTC and working that I ended up pushing my camera aside. Now, I’m taking two photography classes, and am having the time of my life. I’ve never been so happy. I take my camera everywhere I go.  But, even though I’m having such an awesome time now, I really wish I hadn’t given it up (so to speak) the past three years.

Don’t let yourself lose the things you love. Yes, do your homework and study and all that, but make sure you leave time for the things that excite you.

To put it simply, I’ll never let my camera go again.