Stacy Mattingly publishes essay in Asymptote

StacyMattingly--ORIG QUALITY

We’re excited to share this piece in Asymptote by Stacy Mattingly (Fiction 2011)! The Sarajevo Writers’ Workshop and Atlanta’s Narrative Collective (which Stacy founded and co-founded, respectively) came together last fall to form The Borders Project.  In this essay, Stacy follows the Project to their first-ever reading, which took place in Atlanta last May.  A multi-genre literary collaboration, The Borders Project aims to examine all sorts of boundary lines—physical, temporal, emotional, relational, among others—and their implications. Eighteen writers and one translator came together to create work in two languages.

Congratulations, Stacy!

Stacy Mattingly is a U.S. writer and the founder of the Sarajevo Writers’ Workshop, a bilingual group of poets and prose writers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She also co-founded Atlanta’s Narrative Collective with poet L.S. McKee. Stacy holds an MFA in fiction from Boston University, where she was a Marcia Trimble Fellow, a Leslie Epstein Global Fellow, and recipient of the Florence Engel Randall Graduate Fiction Award. She has worked as a coauthor on books including, with Ashley Smith, the New York Times bestseller Unlikely Angel, an Atlanta hostage story released last fall as a feature film, Captive. Stacy has taught creative writing at Boston University and helped lead the first Narrative Witness exchange for the University of Iowa’s International Writing Program. She has recently completed a first novel, set in the current-day Balkans.

Isadora Beeler Deese to publish debut science fiction YA novel

isadora_deese-right_of_capture-front_cover-1000pxIsadora Beeler Deese, Playwriting '94, announces the publication of her debut science fiction Young Adult novel, Right of Capture, by Pelekinesis Press on October 15, 2016. The adventure follows an epic sibling rivalry that coincides with a brutal race among global contenders to own the world-changing resource buried deep inside the teens. It is the first in a five book cycle, and can be purchased here.

Some early reviews of Right of Capture:

M.M. Buckner (Fiction 1984)
"Ingenious premise. Engaging style. Young readers will love this heart-pounding adventure. Right of Capture makes an impressive debut for Deese's new SF fantasy cycle."

From Publishers Weekly
"Technical and complex, the story unwinds with the fast pace of a thriller, peppered with the nastiest aspects of sibling rivalry and family tension."

Congratulations, Isadora!

Isadora Deese 2016-30

Photo by Mariann Murray

Isadora has been working at MIT for the last fifteen years, where she helped coordinate some of the first iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) competitions. She co-wrote "Adventures in Synthetic Biology" with Drew Endy and the Synthetic Biology Working Group, illustrated by Chuck Wadey, which in 2005, was the first comic to be on the cover of Nature. She is currently a Board member of the BioBuilder Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to expanding STEM curriculum in middle school, high school, and community colleges to include bioengineering principles and skills.

She is married to writer, historian, and fellow Creative Writing alum R.S. Deese (Poetry '95). His book We Are Amphibians: Julian and Aldous Huxley on the Future of Our Species was published by the University of California Press in 2014.  Isadora and Sam have three boys and live in the greater Boston area.

Caroline Woods’s debut novel to be published by Tyrus Books


We're thrilled to announce that Caroline Woods’s debut novel, Fräulein M., will be published by Tyrus Books (F+W Media) on January 1, 2017!  The novel explores the fates and family secrets of orphaned sisters propelled to opposite sides of seedy and splendid Weimar Berlin, one swept up in cabaret culture, the other in Hitler Youth.

Warm congratulations, Caroline!

Caroline Woods (Fiction '08) has taught fiction writing and freshman composition at Boston University and the Boston Conservatory. Her short fiction has been published in Slice Magazine (which nominated her for a Pushcart Prize), LEMON, and 236, BU Creative Writing’s Literary Journal. She has also received two Glimmer Train honorable mentions. As a teenager Caroline published a book of ghost stories, Haunted Delaware (Infinity 2000), which received praise as a self-publishing success story in The Village Voice, Writer’s Digest, and other publications.


Dariel Suarez’s latest publications


We're very pleased to share Dariel Suarez's recent fiction publications!  The title story of his collection, which Dariel says got him into BU’s MFA program, has just been published by The Florida Review. Here’s a link to the issue, where you can read an excerpt of his story "A Kind of Solitude."

Dariel's short story “The Comforter,” which was workshopped in Leslie Epstein’s class, has been published in the current issue of  Southern Humanities Review. Click here to read an excerpt.

And be on the lookout for Dariel's story "Mudface," which will be in the upcoming issue of the North American Review.

Congratulations, Dariel!

Dariel Suarez is the author of the chapbook In The Land of Tropical Martyrs, available from Backbone Press. He earned his M.F.A. in fiction at Boston University and is one of the founding editors of Middle Gray Magazine. He has taught creative writing at Boston University, the Boston Arts Academy, and Boston University’s Metropolitan College. Dariel’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals and magazines, including Michigan Quarterly Review, Prairie Schooner, The Florida Review, Southern Humanities Review, and The Caribbean Writer, as well as several anthologies. Dariel is currently finishing revisions on a novel about a Cuban political prisoner, titled The Playwright’s House.

Ryan Wilson’s Pushcart nomination and publications

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We're blown away by all of Ryan Wilson's (Poetry '08) recent achievements!

Ryan's poem “Xenia” was published in the Winter 2016 issue of Able Muse, which nominated the poem for a Pushcart Prize. His long poem, “Authority,” was published in the Spring 2016 issue of The Hopkins Review.

Three poems—“L’Esprit de l’Escalier,” “In the Harvest Season,” and the long poem “Il Estraneo”--were published in the Candlemas 2016 issue of Dappled Things.

His poem “Hesperides” was published in The Classical Outlook, 91.1 (Spring 2016).

Forthcoming poems include “Children of Privilege” (Measure) and “For a Dog” (The Yale Review), which was named a finalist for the Frost Farm Prize and for the Morton Marr Prize.

Ryan is also a prolific writer of non-fiction.  His essay “ ‘Rich Refusals’: Donald Justice and the New Critics,” originally appearing in the Winter 2015 issue of The Sewanee Review, was awarded the Walter Sullivan Prize for Promise in Criticism by that journal.

The Sewanee Review also published his essay “Warren, Eliot, Dante, and the Promises of Tradition,” an excerpt from his doctoral dissertation, in their Winter 2016 issue.

The Hopkins Review published his essay “Classic Ransom” in their Winter 2016 issue.

His essay “How to Think Like a Poet,” originally published in the Easter 2015 issue of Dappled Things, was awarded the Jacques Maritain Prize for non-fiction. Additionally, it will be appearing later this year as a monograph from Wiseblood Books. For now, it remains available here.

For the second straight year, his poetry manuscript, The Stranger World, was a finalist for the Vassar Miller Book Prize.

Finally, Ryan has been newly hired as the Office Manager for the Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers (formerly housed at Boston University), and he is also the new editor of Literary Matters, which will be forthcoming in a new format this Fall as an online journal.

Hearty congratulations, Ryan!

Ryan Wilson was born in Griffin, Georgia. His poems, translations, and essays appear widely, in journals such as 32 Poems, First Things, Iron Horse Literary Review, River Styx, and Unsplendid. Currently living in Baltimore with his wife, he is a doctoral candidate at The Catholic University of America.

Shubha Sunder Wins MCC Grant


We're happy to announce that Shubha Sunder (Fiction 2012) has won a 2016 grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council in the Fiction/Creative Nonfiction category!  The complete list of grant winners is here, and you can read about Shubha (and some of her work!) here.

Congratulations, Shubha!

Shubha Sunder is a 2012 graduate of the BU Creative Writing Program, which awarded her the Florence Engell Randall Graduate Fiction Award and a Leslie Epstein Fellowship for travel to Russia. Her fiction has most recently appeared in Crazyhorse (for which she won the 2015 Fiction Prize), Michigan Quarterly Review, The Bangalore Review, and Narrative Magazine, where it was a winner of “30 Below.” She has won scholarships to Sewanee and Breadloaf and currently lives in Boston, where she is at work on her first novel, set in her hometown of Bangalore, India.

Praise for Tim Floreen’s debut novel, new book out this fall

timfloreenTim Floreen (Fiction 2005) published his first novel last October, a young adult science fiction thriller from Simon & Schuster called Willful Machines. In a starred review, Kirkus called it “gothic, gadgety, and gay” (which Tim himself says is an accurate assessment). The New York Public Library named it one of the best teen books of 2015, and it was also a finalist for the Northern California Book Awards and on the American Library Association’s 2016 Rainbow List. Tim’s second book, Tattoo Atlas, also a thriller for young adults, comes out this October.

Congratulations, Tim!

Tim Floreen received a bachelor’s degree in English at Yale University and graduated from Boston University’s creative writing program in 2005. He now lives in San Francisco with his partner and their two daughters. You can find out more about Tim at his website,

Lisa Hiton publishes two poems


Lisa Hiton (Poetry 2011) has recently published two poems.  "Dream of My Father’s Shiva, Auschwitz, 1942" appears in Leveler, accompanied by some thoughts on the poem from the editors. "Lethargy" is in Lambda Literary Review, and we found it particularly relevant in light of the tragedies in Orlando.

It begins:

I am ill with history.
With watching it happen
and not belonging to it. In the efforts of
lesbianism, I have fallen

Read the rest of the poem here.

Congratulations, Lisa!  And thanks for sharing your work with us.

Lisa Hiton holds an M.F.A. in poetry from Boston University and an M.Ed. in Arts in Education from Harvard University. Her poems have been published or are forthcoming in Linebreak, The Paris-American, Hayden’s Ferry Review, andLAMBDA Literary among others. Her first book has been a finalist or semi-finalist for the New Issues Poetry Prize, the Brittingham & Felix Pollack Poetry Prize, the Crab Orchard Review first book prize, and the YesYes Books open reading period. She has received the Esther B Kahn Scholarship from 24Pearl Street at the Fine Arts Work Center and two nominations for the Pushcart Prize.

The Back Porch Collective to read this weekend


The Back Porch Collective is reading at The Middle Gray this Saturday, 6/18!  BU MFA alumni in the Collective include Stacy Mattingly (Fiction ’11), Dariel Suarez (Fiction ’12), Shubha Sunder (Fiction ’12),  Ani Gjika (Poetry ’10), and Tara Skurtu (Poetry ’13). View more details on their website.

This reading's theme is UNLOCKED: Reconsidering Home & Place, and the writers will be joined by musicians Giuseppe Paradiso and Jussi Reijonen.  Event page here.

Hope to see you there!



Lisa Taddeo wins Pushcart Prize


We're happy to share that Lisa Taddeo, an incoming MFA candidate in fiction, won a Pushcart Prize for her short story "42"! The story was published in issue 36 of the New England Review last year, and can be read here.

Congratulations, Lisa!  We're looking forward to reading more of your stories this fall.

Lisa Taddeo contributes to Esquire, New York, and Glamour, among others. She has published fiction in the New England Review and Esquire. Her pieces have been anthologized in Best American Sports Writing and Best American Political Writing. She is currently at work on her debut nonfiction book for Simon & Schuster about desire and sexuality in America, and is a candidate for an MFA in Fiction in 2017.