Laura Marris has won a 2013 New England Poetry Club Daniel Varoujan Award

Marris “Night Palace,” a poem by Laura Marris (Poetry 2013) is a winner of the 2013 New England Poetry Club Daniel Varoujan Award, judged by Aaron Poochigian. According to the New England Poetry Club’s website, the prize “is in honor of Daniel Varoujan, a poet killed by the Turks in the genocide which destroyed three-fourths of the Armenian population. It is funded by Diana Der-Hovanessian’s royalties from her translations of his work.”

Congratulations, Laura!

Laura Marris graduated from Yale in 2010.  At BU she was a Robert Pinsky Global Fellow and the winner of the Hurley Award for a poet in the graduating poetry MFA class. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Meridian, H.O.W., and

Anthony Wallace awarded a Pushcart Prize Special Mention

2013 Drue Heinz Literary Prize recipient Tony Wallace"In a Room With Rothko," an essay by Anthony Wallace (Fiction 1999) that originally appeared in The Arts Fuse, has been awarded a Pushcart Prize Special Mention in Pushcart Prize XXXVIII: Best of the Small Presses (Norton & Co, 2013).

The Arts Fuse, which is an e-journal of arts criticism, describes the essay as "a personal meditation on the art of Mark Rothko, ranging from memories of a mystical encounter with his paintings to thoughts on the recent SpeakEasy Stage production of 'Red,' which is based on the life of the artist."

Anthony Wallace was awarded the 2013 Drue Heinz Literature Prize for a collection of short stories called The Old Priest; the University of Pittsburgh Press published the collection in September 2013. The title story originally was published in The Republic of Letters and was awarded a Pushcart Prize; "The Old Priest" appears in PPXXXVII (2013 edition) and has been reprinted in 236, the BU Creative Writing alumni literary magazine. Tony has published poetry and short fiction in literary journals such as CutBank, The Atlanta Review, Another Chicago Magazine, The Florida Review, and River Styx. He has twice been a finalist for the Flannery O’Connor Short Fiction Award. He teaches in the Boston University CAS Writing Program and is currently teaching EN 305, Writing of Fiction, for the Creative Writing Program.

Tara Skurtu in the minnesota review

Tara Skurtu (Poetry 2013), who has just returned from her journey to Romania as a Robert Pinsky Global Fellow, has been published in the minnesota review. Her piece "Morning Love Poem" is available to read online.

Tara Skurtu’s poems appear in Poetry Review, Hanging Loose, Salamander, Poet Lore, The Los Angeles Review, Hiram Poetry Review, The Southeast Review, The Comstock Review, and elsewhere. Earlier this year she was named one of Lloyd Schwartz (“Fresh Air”)’s six favorite new poets. Tara has also recently been awarded the BU Class of 2013 Academy of American Poets Prize. The contest judge was Gail Mazur; one poet in the current poetry class was selected. She is a 2013  in Poetry. In Romania she was invited by the Romanian poet Andrei Bodiu to read poetry and discuss creative writing with students at the University of Transylvania in Brasov.

Congratulations, Tara!

Publication News for Dariel Suarez

A story by Dariel Suarez (Fiction 2012), "The Comforter," about a mental hospital in Havana where patients die when a cold front comes through, has been accepted for publication in the Southern Humanities Review and will appear in print in the next few months. Dariel also has work forthcoming in Prairie Schooner and The Florida Review. All are stories that he worked on while in workshops at BU with Leslie Epstein, Sigrid Nunez, and Ha Jin.

Congratulations, Dariel!

Dariel Suarez is a Cuban-born writer who came to the United States in 1997. He is a fiction co-editor at Blood Lotus Journal and a founding editor of Middle Gray Magazine. He has taught creative writing at Boston University and the Boston Arts Academy, and is teaching this fall at BU’s Metropolitan College. Dariel’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals and magazines, including Gargoyle, Necessary Fiction, and Baltimore Review (links are to online texts of his work), as well as several anthologies. He’s recently completed a story collection set in his native country, and he’s at work on a novel about a Cuban political prisoner, titled The Playwright’s House. Dariel can be found at

Ani Gjika’s poetry in Fishouse

Ani GjikaA number of poems by Ani Gjika (Poetry 2010) have just been featured on, an online audio archive of emerging poets. Her translations will also appear there, under this page, sometime in the next few days. Congratulations, Ani!

Fishouse also features an audio question-and-answer section with Ani. In one of the questions for the Q & A section, Ani mentions an assignment Robert Pinsky gave to her MFA class: to create a personal anthology of her own favorite poems. This, Ani says, was one of the most meaningful things she did at BU.

Born and raised in Albania, Ani Gjika moved to the U.S. at age 18 and studied poetry writing at Simmons College and Boston University. She is the recipient of a 2010 Robert Pinsky Global Fellowship and winner of a 2010 Robert Fitzgerald Translation Prize. Her first book, Bread on Running Waters (Fenway Press, 2013), was a finalist for the 2011 Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize and 2011 May Sarton New Hampshire Book Prize. Gjika's poems and translations have appeared in Seneca Review, Salamander, Silk Road Review, Caesura, Linebreak, 3:AM Magazine, Two Lines Online, and elsewhere.

New publications for Leah Griesmann

Leah Griesmann (Fiction 2005) spent the summer in Berlin, Germany, where she received a DAAD grant in fiction to research her next writing project. DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service, is the German national agency for the support of international academic cooperation.

Leah's story "Stardust" is forthcoming in PEN Center USA's The Rattling Wall. She is also reading an original short story at San Francisco's Litquake Festival, and her story "The Slave," which appeared in J: Journal: New Writing on Justice (link is to the story's online text) will be performed at "Play on Words" at the Blackbird Tavern in San Jose, California.

Leah Griesmann (Fiction 2005) was a 2010-2011 Steinbeck Fellow in Fiction, and the recipient of a 2013 DAAD grant for fiction in Berlin, Germany. Her stories have appeared in The Cortland Review, Union Station, Litro Magazine, Pif Magazine, J Journal: New Writing on Justice, and PEN Center USA's The Rattling Wall.  Her fiction has been read or performed at Sacramento Stories on Stage, the Center for Literary Arts, Why There Are Words, Play on Words San Jose, and San Francisco's Litquake Festival. She is currently a lecturer in creative writing and composition at San Jose State University where she is at work on a novel and a collection of stories.

Congratulations, Leah!

Tonight: Writers at the Black Box

Please join our MFA students for the first Black Box reading of the year, tonight at 7pm at the Dugout! The Black Box series is a student-run reading series, sponsored by the Creative Writing MFA students.

Abriana Jetté features three more BU poets on StayThirsty

Abriana Jetté (Poetry 2012) has posted a second installment of "Emerging Poets" on, featuring three BU MFA alumni: Megan Fernandes (Poetry 2012), Lisa Hiton (Poetry 2011), and Rebekah Stout (Poetry 2010). The article also features Jonathan Escoffery, who teaches Creative Writing at the University of Minnesota.

To read Abriana's essay, visit

Abriana Jetté is a poet, essayist, and educator from Brooklyn, New York. She traveled to Sardinia as a Robert Pinsky Global Fellow while earning her MFA at Boston University. She also has an M.A. in Creative Writing and English Literature from Hofstra University, where she graduated with Distinction. Her work has appeared in the American Literary Review, Word Riot, The Boiler, Every Day Poets, and many other places. She teaches Creative Writing at St. John's University, and various English related courses for the City University of New York.

The poetry of Megan Fernandes, who will be teaching a feminist theory and technology course at Brown University this fall, can be found in Guernica, Memorious, RATTLE, Redivider, and many other journals. For more information on Fernandes, visit:

Lisa Hiton has poetry forthcoming or published in Hayden's Ferry Review, Linebreak, DMQ Review, The Cortland Review, and many other places. For more information on Hiton visit:

Rebekah Stout has been the program director for the Favorite Poem Project. Her poems are featured or forthcoming in Salmagundi, Slate, and Poetry International. To hear Stout read "This Horse" visit:

Tara Skurtu invited to read at the University of Transylvania

More good news from our Global Fellow in Romania, Tara Skurtu (Poetry 2013). Tara has been invited by the Romanian poet Andrei Bodiu to read poetry and discuss creative writing with students at the University of Transylvania in Brasov today, Monday, October 7th. Congratulations, Tara!

Tara Skurtu (Poetry 2013)’s poems appear in Poetry Review, Hanging Loose, Salamander, Poet Lore, The Los Angeles Review, Hiram Poetry Review, The Southeast Review, The Comstock Review, and elsewhere. Earlier this year she was named one of Lloyd Schwartz (“Fresh Air”)’s six favorite new poets. Tara has also recently been awarded the BU Class of 2013 Academy of American Poets Prize. The contest judge was Gail Mazur; one poet in the current poetry class was selected. She is a 2013 Robert Pinsky Global Fellow in Poetry.

Global Fellow Tara Skurtu invited to read at International Poetry Festival in Romania

Tara Skurtu (Poetry 2013) is a 2013 Robert Pinsky Global Fellow (part of the BU MFA program); she is currently spending her global fellow semester in Romania. The Romanian poet and scholar Radu Vancu has just invited Tara to be an official author (and read poems) at the International Poetry Festival in Sibiu, Romania, September 27-29. Tara is one of two poets from the US. (The other is Martin Woodside.)

The Robert Pinsky Global Fellows in Poetry and the Leslie Epstein Global Fellows in Fiction may go to any country and do there what they wish, for a typical stay of three months. The Global Fellowship adventure is not only intended to help our MFA candidates grow as writers, but also to widen eyes, minds, and hearts–from which better writing and poetry might eventually flow.

You can follow Tara Skurtu's adventures in Romania at Congratulations, Tara!