Katherine Hollander’s latest published poems

More lovely poems from Katherine Hollander (Poetry 2006)–three of which you can read online! We’re proud to report that some of the work that she did as part of BU Creative Writing’s annual painter/poet project has been published in The Common Online. The project pairs BU poets with BU painters so that they may create collaborative work. The painter with whom Katherine collaborated was Alla Lazebnik (BU MFA 2012).

Also, Katherine’s poem “Der Anfang” has been published in Literary Imagination.

Her poem “The Apartment” was published in Hunger Mountain.

And finally, Sugar House Review has chosen Katherine’s “Poem” –originally published in SHR in summer 2012–as the first to be read and heard online in their new series “The Sound of Sugar.” (Visit the website to hear “Poem” in Katherine’s own voice.)

Katherine Hollander has published poems in Slate, Literary Imagination, Hunger Mountain, and elsewhere. She is a PhD candidate in modern European history at Boston University.

Congratulations, Katherine!

New publications for Abriana Jette

Abriana Jette (Poetry 2012) has had a very successful February! Since the month began, her poetry has been accepted by Empirical Magazine, Perceptions Literary Magazine, and Every Day Poets. Her personal essays are forthcoming in The Boiler Journal, dirtCakes, and Elsewhere.

Abriana Jette is a poet, essayist, and educator from Brooklyn, New York. Her work is forthcoming or has appeared in the American Literary Review, Empirical Magazine, dirtCakes, The Boiler Journal, and many other places. She currently teaches at the College of Staten Island. As a Robert Pinsky Global Fellow in Poetry, she traveled to Sardinia.

Congratulations, Abriana!

Patricia Park in The Guardian

Patricia Park (Fiction 2009) has just had an op-ed published in The Guardian--on the front page! Her article addresses some of the themes she's exploring in her novel-in-progress: white collar vs blue collar work, and the stigmas attached to the latter. Click here to read "The case for blue-collar work: College no longer guarantees success."

Patricia Park lives in New York City and Boston. She blogs at koreanbodega.com.

Congratulations, Patricia!

Tonight at the BU Castle: Terrance Hayes and Ani Gjika

‎Our spring 2013 Robert Lowell Memorial Lecture is at 7:30 tonight at The Castle, 225 Bay State Road, featuring Terrance Hayes and Ani Gjika (Poetry 2010)!7:30 tonight at BU, The Castle, 225 Bay State Road, Terrance Hayes and Ani Gjika!

An interview with Jim Gavin in the LA Times

Jim Gavin (Fiction 2011)'s collection of short stories, Middle Men, was released yesterday by Simon & Schuster. On Friday, Jim gave an interview to the Los Angeles Times about the mix of fact and fiction in Middle Men. To read the interview, click here.

Jim Gavin’s fiction has appeared in The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Zoetrope, Esquire, Slice, The Mississippi Review, and ZYZZYVA. He lives in Los Angeles.

Two new poems and an upcoming reading for Tara Skurtu

Tara Skurtu, one of our current poetry students, has two poems that have just been released in Hanging Loose (“Dreamt Dad Died” and “Trenches”). Congratulations, Tara!

Tara Skurtu is the recipient of an Academy of American Poets Prize. Her poems have also appeared in the Los Angeles Review, Poetry Review, Salamander, Poet Lore, The Los Angeles Review, Hiram Poetry Review, The Southeast Review, The Comstock Review, among other publications.

Tara will also read at the Blacksmith House on Monday, March 18th, one of three "New Voices: Emerging Writers" who will read their poetry that evening. The event is part of the Blacksmith House Poetry Series at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. The reading will begin at 8pm at 56 Brattle Street in Cambridge. Tickets are $3 and may be purchased 45 minutes prior to the reading.


Emma Duffy-Comparone featured in One Story

Emma Duffy-Comparone (Fiction 2012)'s short story "The Zen Thing" is featured in the current issue of One Story. You can read an excerpt from the story and a Q&A with the author here and subscribe to the magazine ("one great short story in the mail every three weeks") here.

Emma also has stories forthcoming in The American Scholar (Spring 2013) and The Southern Review (Summer 2014).  She has taught EN 305, Advanced Fiction Writing, to undergraduates at BU, and she currently teaches fiction at Champlain College in Vermont.

Congratulations, Emma!

Shubha Sunder’s “The Western Tailor” in Narrative Magazine

More wonderful news: Shubha Sunder (Fiction 2012) has received third place in Narrative's 30Below contest, and her story "The Western Tailor" has just been published online. (Follow the link to read her story.) Congratulations, Shubha!

Shubha Sunder grew up in Bangalore, India. At BU, she won the Robert Fitzgerald Prize and the Shmuel Traum Prize for her translation of Marcel Proust. She was also a recipient of the Florence Engel Randall Graduate Fiction Award and received a Leslie Epstein Global Fellowship in Fiction, which took her to Russia. She currently lives in Maine.

Ani Gjika’s first book of poems, BREAD ON RUNNING WATERS, has been published

Ani Gjika (Poetry 2010)’s first book of poems, BREAD ON RUNNING WATERS, has just been released by Fenway Press. You can order your copy of her remarkable debut here.

In her wonderful introduction to the collection, Rosanna Warren lauds the way that "Gjika has turned English, her adopted language, into a subtle instrument, a beautifully judged voicing that never slides into self-pity or melodrama, never loses its cool...The justness of Gjika’s phrasing has everything to do with her exact and trustworthy weighing of justice, the unspoken norms of decency that stand, immensely implied, in the background of these poems whether set in or out of Albania."

Born and raised in Albania, Ani Gjika moved to the U.S. at age 18 and studied poetry writing at Simmons College and Boston University. She is the recipient of a 2010 Robert Pinsky Global Fellowship, which took her to Albania, and winner of a 2010 Robert Fitzgerald Translation Prize. Bread on Running Waters was a finalist for the 2011 Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize and 2011 May Sarton New Hampshire Book Prize. Ani is working on an anthology of poetry in translation by Albanian women.

Congratulations, Ani!

Tony Wallace Awarded Drue Heinz Literature Prize

2013 Drue Heinz Literary Prize recipient Tony WallaceTony Wallace (Fiction 1999), now a senior lecturer in the Boston University College of Arts & Sciences Writing Program, has been awarded the 2013 Drue Heinz Literature Prize for a collection of short stories, THE OLD PRIEST. As part of the prize, the University of Pittsburgh Press will publish THE OLD PRIEST later this year.

The Drue Heinz Literature Prize recognizes and supports writers of short fiction and makes their work available to readers around the world. The award is open to writers who have published a book-length collection of fiction or at least three short stories or novellas in commercial magazines or literary journals. Past judges have included Robert Penn Warren, Joyce Carol Oates, Raymond Carver, Margaret Atwood, Russell Banks, Rick Moody and Joan Didion. The prize carries a cash award of $15,000 and publication by the University of Pittsburgh Press.

Tony's short story "The Old Priest," which is included in the collection, was originally published in The Republic of Letters and was awarded a Pushcart Prize. The story appears in PPXXXVII (2013 edition) and has been reprinted in 236, the BU Creative Writing alumni literary magazine. His work has appeared in CutBank, The Atlanta Review, Another Chicago Magazine, The Florida Review, and River Styx. Twice he has been a finalist for the Flannery O'Connor Short Fiction Award.

Tony will teach CAS EN 305 A1, Writing of Fiction--an advanced workshop for undergraduates--for the BU Creative Writing Program this fall.

Congratulations, Tony!