Jim Gavin, current fiction student, in The New Yorker

Jim Gavin’s short story “Costello” is in the December 6, 2010 issue of The New Yorker, in stores today. The abstract from the magazine’s website describes the piece as a “short story about a plumbing salesman and widower who lives alone in suburban California.”

Jim was a Stegner Fellow at Stanford University and is a current fiction student in Boston University’s Creative Writing program. He is also a Lecturer at BU and will teach EN 405, Writing of Fiction, to undergraduates in Spring 2011.

“Costello” may be accessed online to those with a subscription to The New Yorker’s website. http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2010/12/06/101206fi_fiction_gavin#ixzz16hpRYaXg

Congratulations to Jim!

Ashley Anna McHugh wins the New Criterion Poetry Prize

Ashley Anna McHugh has just been awarded the tenth annual New Criterion Poetry Prize for her new book, Into These Knots (Ivan R. Dee, October 2010). Ashley is a 2007 graduate of the Boston University Creative Writing MFA program in Poetry.

McHugh Photo - Color

For news and information about the New Criterion Poetry Prize, visit their website at http://www.newcriterion.com/

Tom Yuill’s Medicine Show reviewed in The Hudson Review

In the Autumn 2010 edition of The Hudson Review, Volume LXIII, Number 3, Lorna Knowles Blake reviews Thomas Yuill's book of poetry, Medicine Show (University of Chicago Press, 2010). Yuill is a graduate of the Boston University Creative Writing program in Poetry.

In her review, Blake writes that Yuill's poems are "antic, inventive and formally accomplished," and "strike a range of tone--hilarious, sardonic, tender, elegiac."

Tom Yuill will be teaching Writing of Poetry, an advanced undergraduate poetry workshop (EN 304), here at Boston University in Spring 2011.

The Breukelein Institute honors Jhumpa Lahiri

Photo credit: Elena Seibert

On Monday, November 15, 2010, The Breukelein Institute conferred its Gaudium Award upon four outstanding men and women: Stephen Colbert, Rick Curry, S.J., Carmen Dell'Orefice, and Jhumpa Lahiri, a graduate of the Boston University Creative Writing program in Fiction and recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for her debut collection of stories, Interpreter of Maladies. Ms. Lahiri is also the author of The Namesake, a novel, and Unaccustomed Earth, her second short story collection.

The Institute's annual fund raising dinner was held at the Yale Club in New York City.



Alumni News

Happy November and welcome back to the blog! We're happy to share the latest items in alumni news.

-Congratulations to Kevin Shushtari (Fiction '09), recipient of the Forugh Farrokhzad Fellowship Award: http://www.vermontstudiocenter.org/vsc-announces-new-forugh-farrokhzad-fellowship/

Janee J. Baugher (Poetry '92)'s debut collection of poems, Coordinates of Yes (Alahada Books), was released in March 2010. Visit Janee's website for more information on her wonderful new book: http://janeejbaugher.wordpress.com/

-Micah Nathan (Fiction '10)'s novel, Losing Graceland (Broadway 2011), will be released on January 4, 2011. Micah also will have a story coming out in Gettysburg Review next year.

Losing Graceland: A Novel

BU in the Boston Globe

Yesterday's Boston Globe featured a short piece on John Irving's Tuesday, October 19, 2010 lecture, sponsored by the Boston University Creative Writing Department. John Irving read from a work-in-progress, his thirteenth novel, and answered questions from the audience. The event was hosted by Leslie Epstein, Director of Creative Writing at BU.


Boston University's own Daily Free Press also covered the event. The photos here were taken by Connor Reidy of that newspaper.


New book of poems from Carla Panciera

Congratulations to Carla Panciera, who graduated from Boston University's MA in Creative Writing program in Poetry in 1987. Carla's second collection of poetry, No Day, No Dusk, No Love, will be released in November 2010 (Bordighera Press)panciera.  It received the Bordighera Prize and will appear as a bilingual (English/Italian) volume.

Carla Panciera’s work has appeared in The New England Review, Nimrod, The Chattahoochee Review, and The Sycamore Review. Her collection of poetry One of the Cimalores, published in 2005, received the Cider Press Book Award.

Photo credit: Amy-Jo Conant

New book by Janet Ruth Young

A second young adult novel by Janet Ruth Young, a 1987 graduate of the fiction program at BU Creative Writing, will be published by Atheneum Books for Young Readers (a division of Simon & Schuster) in May of 2011.

The Babysitter Murders is the story of a teenage girl who is plagued by thoughts of murdering the boy she cares for.  Janet's previous YA novel, The Opposite of Music, was published by Atheneum in 2007.

Congratulations, Janet!

janet THAT

Kevin Shushtari wins the July 2010 Glimmer Train Very Short Fiction Award


Congratulations to J. Kevin Shushtari, a May 2009 graduate of the MFA program in Fiction here at BU.  Kevin has just won the  July 2010 Glimmer Train Very Short Fiction Award for his story, "The Vast Garden of Strangers." He will also contribute an essay to Glimmer Train’s next edition of the Glimmer Train Bulletin, their print resource for writers, which consists of tips and techniques from their award-winning contributors.

Glimmer Train's
Very Short Fiction Award -- July 2010
Top 3 Winners And Finalists

1st-place winner:
J. Kevin Shushtari for "The Vast Garden of Strangers"

2nd-place winner:
Graham Arnold for "The Story Is in The Reflection"

3rd-place winner:
Nahal Suzanne Jamir for "In Perfect English"



Maia Rauschenberg published in Passages North

Maia RauschenbergNew verse by alumna Maia Rauschenberg (Poetry '09) has been published in the Winter/Spring 2010 issue of Passages North, a literary magazine published at Northern Michigan University.


Following her graduate, Maia spent several months in Patagonia as the recipient of a Robert Pinsky Global Fellowship for travel related to her creative writing. She blogged periodically about her trip; a November 2009 excerpt from her travel blog:

Tierra del Fugeo is a land of peat bogs, swamps, vista, lichen, and crumble. It’s haunting and peaceful, inhabitated by beaver and bird. It’s easy to feel lonely here, even when other people are around. Coloane’s stories are beginning to come to life for me in an entirely new way. In Boston I struggled to understand his often bleak views of nature, but here, I sense its motives. This land is dramatic, derelict, huge and empty. Some moments it seems the best a person can hope for is a companion and hot mate. But then I touch the bark of the nothofagus. It feels dry, a clear sensation. There’s something magic here, surely.

More about Maia's experience, and about the Fellowship program, can be read at http://blogs.bu.edu/world.