Category: BU Community

FREE COOKING CLASS: Cooking with Your CSA Box

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Picture from SeriousEats If you pick up a CSA box tomorrow, you’ll find yourself the owner of: — 4 lbs. Potatoes — 6 Apples (from Carver Hill Orchard in Stow, MA) — 4 Bell Peppers — 1 Buttercup Squash — 4 ears new Popcorn** — 1 bunch Collard […]

Fruit up your salad

By Bianca Tamburello, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Two weeks ago at the KJ SC Test Kitchen, we sipped tea with our pinkies pointing up toward the ceiling and prepared a fancy SC Arugula and Roasted Pear Salad with pine nuts. Adding fruit to your salad is a great way to get your daily servings of […]

SC Options at Make a Difference Monday

Happy October! The beginning of a new month means another Make A Difference Monday in the dining halls! Tomorrow, Monday, Oct 15th, all the dining halls will be featuring sustainable options. Be sure to try some of the Sargent Choice options and let us know what you think via Twitter or Facebook! At the deli: […]

Spice up your humdrum burrito

By Bianca Tamburello, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Next time you visit your favorite burrito joint take a close look at the assembly line of ingredients. You’ll probably find the usual suspects of rice, beans, cheese, meat protein, salsa, guacamole and sour cream. The majority of restaurants offer the same underwhelming options, with a small number […]

Fun with Frittata

By Bianca Tamburello, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Frittata is a traditional Italian egg-based dish similar to an American omelet or a French quiche. The word frittata may sound quite fancy, but it’s actually very simple and inexpensive to prepare. Frittata is the “go-to” dish at my house when we are far overdue for a trip […]

MTV star soon to appear at Sargent Choice Night

With the first Sargent Choice Night of the year only a week away, we think it is fitting to start getting you guys excited by introducing you to Executive Chef Michael, the man responsible for spoiling us with college food fit for a restaurant. By Bianca Tamburello, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Okay, well maybe he’s […]

Crazed for Cupcakes

By Bianca Tamburello, Dietetics Student, Sargent College In the last 5 years, cakes have been kicked aside and cupcakes have taken center stage. From food trucks to dozens of trendy cupcake shops to television shows such as “Cupcake Wars” on the Food Network, cupcakes are inescapable. While many food trends quickly lose stamina, I’m hopeful […]

Goat Cheese and Good Company

By Bianca Tamburello, Dietetics Student, Sargent College This Wednesday we kicked off the first Karen Jacobs’ Sargent Choice Test Kitchen of the semester! Karen, the “regulars” and I were thrilled to have about 35 people in Karen’s 100 square foot kitchen.  Although it was a bit cramped, we had a fantastic time making SC Caramelized […]

Not Just Water

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Think watermelon is just water? Think again. According to the George Mateljan Foundation at Whole Foods, one cup of watermelon contains approximately 20% of your daily vit C as well as 17% of your daily vit A. It also has a small amount of potassium and magnesium. One […]

Sustainable Events

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Here at BU we pride ourselves on being a green environment. From recycling and compost bins to Make a Difference Monday to energy-conserving light bulbs, there are many ways in which BU practices sustainability. For a full list be sure to check out BU Sustainability’s awesome website! BU […]