Category: CSA

Brookline Farmer’s Market Redux

By Ellie Schulman, Film and Television Student, College of Communication Last year our fearless former blog manager, Kelli Swensen, posted about her experience at the Brookline Farmers Market. Because I’ve been super busy setting up advertisements around campus for the Fall (and somewhat because I lack originality) I decided that now is a great time […]

FREE COOKING CLASS: Cooking with Your CSA Box

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Picture from SeriousEats If you pick up a CSA box tomorrow, you’ll find yourself the owner of: — 4 lbs. Potatoes — 6 Apples (from Carver Hill Orchard in Stow, MA) — 4 Bell Peppers — 1 Buttercup Squash — 4 ears new Popcorn** — 1 bunch Collard […]

A Peach Recipe Worth Repeating

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College I hope move in weekend wasn’t too stressful! Last year we posted about a turnip with a strange name: kohlrabi. That post also included an insanely easy and delicious peach recipe. I couldn’t help myself and had to re-post it here, so if you didn’t get around to […]

CSA: Potato, the American Classic

This week’s CSA box included: — 1 pint Cherry Tomatoes — 2 lbs. Sweet Peppers — 2 Eggplant — 2 lbs. Tomatoes — 2 lbs. Potatoes — 8 ears Corn — 1 lb. Beans — 1 head Lettuce As always, I looked over the list of this week’s goodies and for the first time wondered […]

Eggplant Parm: A Sargent Choice Favorite

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College This Week’s CSA Box: — 1 Melon — 1 pint Cherry Tomatoes — 5 Frying Peppers — 2 Cucumbers — 1 large Eggplant — 2 lbs. Early Girl Tomatoes — 8 ears Corn — 1 lb. Beans In case you missed it last year, or didn’t get a […]

It’s Finally Here! Peach Season

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Picture Source Cherry season and sweet corn season have been tasty, but my favorite season is finally here: peach season! Yes those sunset-colored, fuzzy-skinned fruits are the highlight of summer for my taste buds. Suffering from end of summer head cold (why does this always have to happen?)? […]

Local Produce: Get it While You Still Can

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College As hard as it is to believe, August is already here. While for some of you that doesn’t mean too much, but for any teachers, students, or parents it’s the final countdown to complete all your summer plans. If one of your plans involved eating more local produce, […]

The Sweetness of Summer (Squash)

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College This week’s box in pictures: As much as I love zucchini and summer squash, it can get tricky knowing what to do with so much of it. Once you’ve added it to stir fry, pasta, and sandwiches, or stuffed it, what do you do with that little bit […]

CSA Box: Turnip Pairings

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Looking over the contents of this week’s box, each ingredient seemed so familiar and could easily be incorporated into a summer-perfect salad What is in the box: — 1/2 pint Blueberries — 1/2 pint Cherry Tomatoes — 6 ears Sweet Corn — 1 bunch Turnips — 3 Cucumbers […]

Fresh Ingredients at Every Meal

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College In no way do I expect you to make all these dishes in the same day, I thought it could be useful to give you guys an example of how to incorporate produce from the CSA boxes into each meal. But first, what was in the box last […]