Tagged: Kelli Swensen

Best of the Food Web: Healthy.Happy.Life

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Every Wednesday this semester we will be posting about a new blog or cooking website that we love! The internet is filled with food websites, and our goal is to arm you with the “Best of the Food Web”! Out of all the blogs we’ve featured on Best […]

Everything in Moderation

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Resolution 5: Drink Less Image Source According to the CDC, excessive alcohol use is the 3rd leading lifestyle-related cause of death in the US. While not always lethal, alcohol can still be detrimental in respect to your health leading to malabsorption of nutrients and weight gain if consumed […]

Get Moving: Gym Membership Optional

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Image Source Resolution #4: Exercise More The word “exercise” often conjures images of running on a treadmill or lifting weights at the gym , both requiring you to take a chunk of time out of your day to do. Well this year I challenge you to change that […]

Eating Healthy isn’t All or Nothing

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Image Source Resolution 3: Eat Healthier According to the USDA, eating healthier is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions in the US. Whether it’s eating more whole grains or figuring out how to eat more non-starchy vegetables, the best way to start eating healthier is to […]

Keeping Promises: Decreasing Stress Starts At the Table

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Image Source Resolution #2: Become less stressed and more organized Who couldn’t benefit from being less stressed? Now I wish I could tell you there is a miracle food that will get rid of stress all together. Unfortunately, no such food exists, but there are ways to lessen […]

Grain of the Month: Brown Rice

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College The first Tuesday of every month we will be featuring a grain. The posts will include background on the grain, nutritional information, instructions on how to store and cook it, and, of course, one or two healthy recipes for using the grain. Our goal is to help you […]

Keeping Promises: Get Out in the Community

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Happy 2012! With a new year, I think it’s only right to change up the blog a little bit. What kind of changes? Well instead of Spice of the Month, this year we’ll be featuring Grain of the Month – check out our January Grain of the Month […]

Holiday Parties: Sargent Choice Style

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College The holidays have become synonymous with casserole dishes and cookie platters. I’m sure many of you have been invited to at least one food-filled holiday party, or you may even be the brave soul hosting, this week. Either way, the decision of what to make can sometimes be […]

Flavorful Way to Eat Your Broccoli

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College “Eat your broccoli” I’m sure many of you heard this command sometime during your childhood. As a kid, broccoli was never associated with something good; rather, it was the fee you had to pay in order to get a cookie after dinner. While some people grow to like […]

Best of the Food Web: Hapa Bento

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Every Wednesday this semester we will be posting about a new blog or cooking website that we love! The internet is filled with food websites, and our goal is to arm you with the “Best of the Food Web”! Hapa = Hawaiian for “half” Bento = Japanese term […]