Christy: A Time for Lasts

Since coming to Boston University in September 2014, I have experienced so many “firsts.” I went to my first college class, I survived my first Boston winter (it was the storm Juno…) and lived in my first apartment, just to name a few. 

I just celebrated my birthday with all the wonderful friends I’ve made over the last three and a half years at BU, and it hit me: this is the last time I will be able to celebrate with all my closest friends in one place. 

Now, I realized, I have experienced so many firsts that it might be time for some of my lasts (such as my last COM Ambassador blog post).

I know it sounds sad and dramatic, but with only a month left at BU before I graduate, I think I am allowed to be. Graduating early comes with its advantages and excitement, but it also means I have a semester less of time in Boston, at BU and with my friends. But, what’s the point of being sad? I don’t have only a month left — I have a whole month left! In this month, I am going to do as much as I can to see my friends, make memories and make the most of this month. To do this, I promised myself I would:

Make it to all the plans, events and activities I am invited to.

I am a homebody and really value my alone time. But, I am just doing myself a disservice by losing out on time with my friends. 

Make plans to go places I have yet to visit.

I already started this by planning trips to both Salem and Martha’s Vineyard last month, but there’s still so much more to do. I have never been to the Lawn on D, and I have SO many restaurants still to try.

Do now, sleep later.

Not later into the morning, but sleep when I am actually tired instead of retiring for the night in bed at 5:30 p.m. with Netflix and mac and cheese.

Say “yes” more.

I am a very indecisive person … but if I don’t say yes now, when will I?

The friendships I have made while in this incredible city have helped me grow, and are invaluable to me. Hellos may become goodbyes and firsts may become lasts, but at least I know when I leave Boston in December that I have made the most of my time left.

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The COM Ambassador program is available to current and prospective COM freshmen. We are here to answer questions and help you learn all the great things that BU, COM and Boston have to offer. Be bold. Be creative. Be COM. @BU

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