It is hitting us seniors at all different times… and it hit me during this past week on Spring Break with all my friends… that WE ARE GRADUATING! While the real world and future opportunities are exciting and around the corner, leaving college can be sad, depressing and a little bit scary. Never again will all my best friends be in the same place for a significant amount of time, and that’s not fun to think about. But, be an optimist and make the most out of these last few months! Here’s how I plan to spend the rest of my college career:
1. When faced with the option to either go out and do something fun… or watch Netflix and chill at home… GO OUT! Having fun, making memories & spending time with all your friends will make you happier in the long term, no matter how comfy your bed is or how cold it is outside.
2. Take pictures! Don’t get crazy and let pictures ruin enjoying the moments… but stop for a minute here and there to document your day. Looking back later you will be very happy. And if you’re not the photo taking type, you can always journal things down to make sure you don’t forget things.
3. Eat at & venture to new places! As a senior, there are still so many restaurants I haven’t been to that I have always wanted to try. Stop re-visiting the same places and take more adventures out into the city.
4. Think about the legacy you are leaving behind. Whether it’s the TV show you work on for BUTV, or your role in PRLAB, you are leaving something behind. Pay it forward and make sure you are leaving the organizations and student groups you love better than when you found them. Make your legacy a great one!
5. Have fun! Be an optimist, enjoy your friends and make every day a different one. Try new things and live in the moment… you’re only an undergrad once!