Eliza: Things You Should Definitely Do When Moving Off-Campus

When I returned to Boston this spring semester, I wasn’t returning to living at BU.  Instead, I was venturing out one tiny step into the real world and moving into an off-campus apartment in the depths of Allston.  I took this tiny step into the real world because, in all seriousness, a vast majority of the nearby parts of Allston are mostly populated by BU undergrads, so it still feels like home.

Here, I strive to lay out some of the things you should make sure you do as you move off-campus.  Making it a smooth transition can make sure you feel at settled before classes start.

Do be sure to get a checking account set up, and get check books! A lot of landlords prefer to receive rent in checks, so make sure you have them for when the time comes around.

Do talk to your roommates about paying utilities (if you have them).  Also, make sure someone is setting up wifi, or else that first week is going to be seriously lacking in Netflix binging.

Do plan who is bringing what for the kitchen.  Moving in is hectic, especially if you’re going to have a lot of roommates, and it only gets more hectic if three of you all bring a blender (not saying we did this, not saying we didn’t).

And on that note…

Don’t overpack! Moving into a big off-campus apartment after years of living in a tiny dorm may make it tempting to bring a ton of stuff, but a cluttered living space can make for a lot of unneeded stress.

Don’t feel like you have to bring everything to Boston with you! There’s an Ikea relatively close, and most likely a roommate who lives nearby will have a car during move in week.  Just go buy things once you’re here!

Don’t spend all your money on take-out! There are so many great options in Allston for ordering food, but it adds up.  Take advantage of that kitchen you were so excited to have, once upon a time.
I’ve been so happy with my choice to move off-campus, and making sure to do little things like this made the process so much smoother for me.  If you can make it work, Allston is definitely worth the extra walk.

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