Kerlin C: Advice for First-Generation Students

As a first-generation latina student, I would like to share with you a little bit about my journey thus far. 

I want to start off by saying that I am so proud of you and how far you have come! Applying to college is not easy, especially when you are the first in your family to begin this journey. I am proud of you for not giving up even when doubt embraced your mind and made you wonder if you were making the right decision. Or when there were times that you felt alone and did not know who to turn to to ask for help. Despite every doubt, every fear, you made the decision to keep going and are closer to achieving your dream. And to many of us, this dream is not just for ourselves but for our families as well. 


I know many feelings may be encountered at the beginning of this journey and I ask that you take into account every single one of them. If I were to tell you that everything would get easier from here on, I would be lying. It does not get any less challenging but now you have so many resources available to you. Take every opportunity that presents itself and be grateful for the opportunities you are given. 


My first semester was hard. As I arrived on campus, everything felt surreal. I thought I wouldn’t miss home and felt like I was ready to conquer the world. I was wrong. I missed home, my family, and felt like I had no one to turn to to ask for help and worst of all I felt very lonely and like an imposter. It was hard trying not to compare myself to others. To this day I am still learning and growing. I am not sharing this to discourage you but to be honest and open. If things are not how you imagine them to be, that is ok. Good things take time and if something is meant for you, no matter how long it takes, it will get to you one way or another. 

You are capable of creating and achieving your dreams. What you get out of this life is the work you put into every little thing you do. You are creating and working for a life that will be your future. If there is something I would like you all to take away from this is to not take time for granted, to never limit yourself and that it is ok to ask for help. For the longest time, I was determined and stubborn that I did not need anyone’s help. But I did need someone to guide me and go to to ask questions. It is ok to ask for help but in order to receive this help you have to allow yourself to receive it. A whole community awaits you here at BU!

 Please don’t hesitate to reach out

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