Brady: Finding Solace Through Sports

IMG_0830[5261]Over the last five months, almost every conversation I’ve had has tied back to the word “pandemic.” I’m sure I’m not alone in getting a little tired of talking about COVID-19, so while I am certainly continuing to follow all guidelines and live as safely as possible amidst a global pandemic, it is nice to have something that serves has a small but sufficient distraction from the unfortunate realities that we face. For me, that source of comfort has been the return of sports.

NASCAR and the PGA led the way back to competition in May and June, thanks to their naturally socially distant sports, and the more dominant American sports leagues have followed suit in the last few weeks. The MLS is concluding its “MLS is Back” tournament, held in an isolated community for MLS personnel only in Orlando. The NHL and NBA have each created similar “bubbles,” with hockey shifting to a new playoff format in Toronto and Edmonton and basketball relocating the conclusion of its regular season and playoffs to Orlando. The MLB worked out a shortened regional schedule to keep teams in their home ballparks with significant protocols in place, and that plan is yielding mixed results in the early stages of the season. The NFL is ramping up its preseason activities, hoping for a fairly unaffected regular season slate of games starting in September.

The NHL and NBA are the furthest into their 2020 campaigns, looking to conclude seasons that began last October. Several teams have already been eliminated from contention either through qualifiers or regular season results, so if you need a new team to root for, Boston has you covered.

The Celtics are in line to enter the playoffs as the third seed in the Eastern Conference, poised to make a push for the NBA title when their first postseason series tips off next week. The Bruins have been slow out of the gates since the restart but their regular season success meant they could land no lower than the fourth seed in the Eastern Conference, which is where they will be when the first round begins on Tuesday, taking on the young and talented Carolina Hurricanes.

The Red Sox don’t have quite the same championships aspirations as the B’s and C’s, but they’ve had a few encouraging signs over the last few days. Roughly a quarter of the way through their 60-game season, the Sox have experienced the range of inconsistent arms and slumping bats, but a few breakout players and big wins over divisional opponents last week have helped the team stay within contention for a playoff spot.

The Patriots aren’t in competitive action yet and won’t be until the regular season begins (fingers crossed) on September 13. However, there have been sightings of football in Foxborough with players gathering for an adapted training camp. The Revolution will also be back at Gillette Stadium soon after bowing out of the “MLS is Back” tournament in the Round of 16, looking ahead to an altered MLS regular season later this month.

There are undoubtedly far more important things than sports these days, but it has been nice to have something feel somewhat normal in a time where nothing else seems familiar. Whether it’s turning on a prime-time game after dinner or following along with some afternoon action, sports give us a reason to get excited and forget about what may be stressing us beyond the game. Sports are an outlet, a means of entertainment, and a mental vacation, and I think we could all use some of that these days.

Anika: How I’m Preparing for a Remote Fall Semester

ella-jardim-M0zs81FNm6s-unsplashI chose to learn remotely from home this fall, but that has come with a whole load of mixed feelings. I miss being in Boston and on campus so much, from waving to friends as I walk to class down Comm Ave to getting late night ice cream on Newbury Street.

Those of us who are staying home probably won’t be able to get the Boston nostalgia fully off our minds, but here are some ways I am preparing for a successful (if not particularly exciting) fall semester at home:

Setting boundaries between work space and relaxing space

This is something I am particularly bad at. The desk where I do all my work is in my room, just feet away from my bed. Whenever I get tired or need a break, I lay down on my bed, and my 15-minute hiatus is in danger of turning into hours of procrastination.

One tip I’ve found helpful is to set a timer -- not for your breaks, but for your work time. It’s really easy to ignore a timer when you’re comfortable in your bed, but if you set one for however long you want to be working before that, you’ll get more done and it won’t seem as daunting to come back to the task later.

Implementing a routine, but with some variety

One of the toughest parts of quarantine has been feeling like I’m living the same day over and over again. For me, having a routine can be quite helpful when I need to get work done, but in my weaker moments it can also exacerbate my existential dread…

To address this, I try to set certain hours of the day when I will be responsible for working, but change that up on the weekends or on days when I have fewer commitments. It’s also very important to work in time to exercise, zoom with friends, and do other activities you enjoy (like baking, watching movies, etc.)!

Cleaning out my desk

This semester, my desk isn’t just going to be where I do my homework, but where I attend all my lectures and discussions as well.

While my workspace is not Pinterest-worthy by any means, I do want to have a space where I don’t feel overwhelmed by the number of miscellaneous items surrounding me. I still have several binders from high school lying around that general area, and while I don’t like throwing these away (who knows when I’m going to be wondering about the makeup of a cell again?), I’ve been working on consolidating and moving them away from my immediate workspace. 

Whether you’ll be on campus or off, there’s no doubt that this semester is going to be a challenge. Just as usual, though, each of us is going to have a slightly different experience, and hopefully we’ll look back on this time and see how it shaped us for the better.

Lindsey: 4 Feelings for BU Move-In 2020


Is it still March? Is Carole Baskin still relevant? Did I really bake banana bread consistently for 3 months? These are all valid questions, however, I’ve come to the realization that it really is August. 

The moment we’ve all been waiting for since we were sent home from our favorite place (aka college) is quickly approaching. It almost feels like it’s a dream, but it’s really happening. Although COVID-19 is still present in America, many of us will be making our way back to Boston, moving into our dorms, and entering this “new normal.”

As a senior at Boston University, I am more than excited to return to my favorite city and see my best friends; however, I have to admit I have some mixed feelings about returning to campus. This is what’s running through my head:


I can’t help but feel excited. I’ve lived in my parents’ house for the last five months (love them, but I’m ready to leave). I also studied abroad in London last semester, and have not seen some of my best college friends since January! I just want to feel independent again.


There’s a lot to will I make sure my roommates are going to practice the COVID-19 guidelines? I haven’t been on a plane since March, and now I need to fly from Los Angeles to Boston on a 6-hour plane ride. I need to quarantine when I get to campus...Ahh!


I’ve been living at home with my family where I’ve felt quite safe. I haven’t left my house much and I’ve been super careful about social distancing and wearing a mask. But now, I’m going to be independent again. I’ll have to do my own grocery shopping and make sure that I’m acting responsibly.


BU re-opening is a big deal. Although BU has many new protocols in place to make sure we have a safe semester, a lot of this is still on us ensuring that we are doing our part as members of the BU community. It is important that we follow the protocols, such as testing regularly and quarantining upon move-in if asked to.

It’s normal to have a lot of feelings about going back to or starting college -- I mean, we are living in a global pandemic. However, BU has developed a very detailed plan for our return (check out the Back2BU website) and if we all make an effort to follow these rules, we can have a successful semester at school. 

Starting college during a time like this can be scary. The best thing you can do is communicate! Talk to your roommate about how you’re feeling about starting college and what you’re comfortable with living-wise. We’re all in this together, and we will get through it! 

I’m a senior who’s done move-in three times now! So, email me at if you want to share your concerns or have questions! 🙂

Colbi: Top Five Movies I Watched During Quarantine

netflix at home

My family and I always try to jazz up the new “normal” of life during a pandemic. One of the ways we stay entertained is by watching a new movie or series every night. Here is a list of my favorites (in no particular order) to help keep you entertained!

Den of Thieves

I know I said this list isn’t ranked in any particular order, but this movie is undoubtedly the best I’ve seen all year. It’s the kind of movie that you want to re-watch immediately after finishing it. It is marketed, and seems, like your typical action-packed bank heist drama, but if you don’t watch closely you’ll miss the mastermind of it all (it’s okay, I missed it too).


This is technically not a movie because it’s a docu-series, but I am including it in the list because this will have you absolutely shocked. It follows the downfall of a religious cult in Waco, TX. Watching it will make you feel conflicted in many ways, and I think that’s what makes it so intriguing.

Instant Family

I LOVED this movie. It follows a couple who adopt three siblings and adjust to the complicated reality of their new life. It is a heartfelt film, but also extremely hilarious. It will make you laugh and cry and want to hug your family. It’s a must-watch, feel-good movie.

Double Jeopardy

Double Jeopardy stars Ashley Judd, and we stan Ashley Judd in this household. This movie has lots of twists and turns and it’s hard to guess how the storyline will finish. I won’t give too much away, but it’s all about a woman who gets accused of murdering her husband. Did she do it, or was it a set up? There’s much more to the story than you can expect.

Molly’s Game

This movie is phenomenal. I will be honest, it can be slow to the start but once you get into the action, you won’t want it to end. It follows the at times unbelievably wild, yet real life of Molly Bloom who runs poker games for the most exclusive socialites in the country.

Honorable Mentions

The Florida Project

If you love A24 films, this is one you need to watch next. It follows the life of a little girl named Moonee who lives an often heartbreaking life that is masked by her still young view of the world. It’s beautiful and one of the most raw movies I have ever seen.

The Silver Linings Playbook

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence; that’s really all you need to know. Romance, comedy, and real life stuff. Can’t help but love it.

The Lovebirds 

An action-packed comedy on Netflix! You will be laughing the entire time—highly recommend it.

Geneve: Summer Side Hustles

busy desk areaApproaching Summer 2020, COVID-19 had given me a bleak outlook for any potential internships. While I was lucky to still have an (unpaid) remote internship, I also loaded up my to-do list with side hustles and passion projects. Although there has been a lot of uncertainty in the world lately, there is no better time than now to – for lack of better word – shoot for the stars! 

One key project that has taken up much of my time in the past month has been working with fellow COM (now graduated!) peer Maya Malekian. As a participant in the PR Council Agency-Ready certification program, Maya saw a high number of engaged students with many talents in the PR field without internships for the summer, but plenty of skills to offer. This was combined with an increased number of nonprofits and small businesses that have been affected by the pandemic and have had to scale back on communications efforts during a time when social conversation is more important than ever. Maya wanted to start a pro bono integrated communications agency to help bring these two needs together in a mutually beneficial way, and hence empath worldwide was born. 

My past few months have included countless Zoom and Google Meet calls, late night brainstorming Facetimes, and reaching out to the BU community and beyond to recruit leadership members and now creatives to join the team. As our August 1st launch date is approaching, I feel a little nervous, but am more excited to finally reveal what we've been working on over the past few weeks and begin doing work for our clients. 

Additionally, I applied to the Her Campus Aussie Business Plan Competition on a whim. Normally, I wouldn't say I have an entrepreneurial spirit by any means, but I decided to pitch my idea of Do Up Dorm Designs, an affordable interior design consultation service for college students. I have always had a passion for interior decorating and this was the perfect opportunity to put it to the test. I ended up moving to the next round in the competition as one of 20 finalists, and in addition to receiving a $2,250 cash prize, I could be one of 5 winners of $10,000. I have been meeting regularly with a mentor who has experience in the interior design industry to help flesh out my business plan in preparation for pitch day in August, where I'll be presenting to Procter & Gamble executives!

I have three main pointers for how to fulfill your passions through side hustles: 

1. You don't need to actively seek out opportunities, but find ways to get creative. If something comes up that piques your interest in the slightest, see if you can take advantage and use it as an avenue to try something new that you've always wanted to. 

2. Never stop learning! Your pursuits can be completely outside of what you study in school. There are so many online courses to engage in nowadays–many of which are free–and other interactive groups like Patreon where you can learn directly from experts in a field! This is also a great way to network and learn from a mentor.

3. Multitasking! Although 110% quality comes first, it is always possible to multitask, especially now that the world is operating remotely. You might have a 9-5 commitment at an internship but there is always a way to weave in calls and other tasks with that schedule. Find ways to get creative, and always use a calendar system that works for you to make sure you don't miss a thing!

Harper: Five Boston Coffee Shops to Order Takeout From

coffee shopAlthough we may no longer be able to study in coffee shops like we used to, supporting businesses in Boston is still a fun treat for yourself and for the business that you are buying from. Cramping for finals, working on group projects, and commuting to an internship can all be jazzed up with a little coffee or tea.

While some may run on Dunkin, I think it’s fun to venture off-campus (now with your mask on!) and find some places that don’t hold the bright orange and pink logo. Here are some coffee shops I am missing from Southern California on this bright and sunny day:

Thinking Cup

  • Multiple locations 
  • Great pastries and desserts!
  • No wifi but that does not matter for a while

Pavement Coffeehouse

  • A BU right of passage 
  • Vanilla Oat Milk Latte is AMAZING + the bagels (but they sell out pretty quick)
  • Try the “Death Cream”


  • Amazing full meals as well as baked goods
  • To-die-for sweets and desserts 
  • I never got to order more than just plain coffee, but their drip coffee was amazing!

Caffe Nero 

  • Has a rewards program!
  • The Pistachio Muffin is amazing + the sandwiches
  • Not as expensive 
  • Many, many locations

Japonaise bakery & cafe 

  • Smaller shop in Brookline near South Campus 
  • Yummy breads + cute picturesque desserts

My lovely fellow COM Ambassador Geneve has a Instagram account dedicated to all things coffee + desserts in Boston, but also in other places around the world! Check out Bean Happens for some more coffee inspo!

Meredith: Self-Care Tips That Will Make You a Better Student This Fall


Being a good student definitely involves staying on top of your academics, keeping your schoolwork organized, and paying attention in class. You have to study hard to get the grades you want, but if you are not taking care of yourself properly then none of that other stuff is going to happen for you. Here are a few things I started doing during quarantine that I will bring into the fall semester in order to have the best semester I possibly can. 

1. Staying active

I know that after a long day of clubs, classes, and internships, going on a run or heading to the gym is the last thing you want to do. That’s why you need to start getting into the habit now so you can carry it into the fall easily. I started running in the past few months and I have fallen in love with it! There are so many awesome apps you can use to build up your speed, strength, and endurance (I recommend the Nike Run Club) and have fun while doing it. Getting in some exercise and making time for yourself where all you have to focus on is working hard really clears your brain and releases some great endorphins!

2. Reading for pleasure

Finding an activity that allows you to relax and escape for a little while can be so good for your mental health. For me, that has been reading young adult novels that I never used to have the time for. I am sure many of you relate to this: when I was younger I used to read non-stop and blew through so many book series. Since I started reading again I have felt like a child exploring new worlds and falling in love with new characters. Not only does it enhance your reading skills, but it allows for some escapism to new worlds. If you do not know where to start but like fantasy or young adult series, I recommend the Throne of Glass series!

3. Developing a skincare routine

As someone who has struggled with acne literally my entire life, this one has helped me feel more confident physically and mentally. Taking the time every morning and night to nourish your skin is so relaxing and can even feel like you are at a spa. There are so many amazing (and cheap) skincare products that you can use to feel relaxed and refreshed. The Ordinary or CeraVe are great brands to start with. Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love clear skin? When you feel and look your best, you will perform your best!

These are just a few ways to feel on top of your game all of the time and take care of yourself every day. If you start to incorporate activities like this into your everyday life, you will notice a difference in how great you feel and how successful you are.

Steven: Why do FYSOP?

Hey guys! I hope you’re all enjoying your summers! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Steven Gelman and I’m a Junior studying Film & Television and Journalism. This summer, I’m serving double duty as both a COM Ambassador and a FYSOP Coordinator! For this blog post, I wanted to talk a little bit about FYSOP, what it’s going to look like this year, and why you should participate in it!

The First Year Student Outreach Project, or FYSOP, is an annual service learning program for  incoming first-year students. This is the 31st year of FYSOP, and for the first time, it is a remote experience. This shouldn’t discourage you from participating, though. I am super confident that this year’s FYSOP will be an invaluable opportunity for first-year students to connect with your peers before arriving on campus, all while learning about your home during your time at BU, Boston. So, why do FYSOP? Let me tell you:

1. You can connect with students before arriving on campus

When I was a first-year student, my biggest concern was finding friends. Thinking back to my experience, it’s hard to imagine never meeting anyone in person before arriving on campus, which is exactly what many of you are experiencing. If you feel the same way I felt about wanting to connect with other students before arriving on campus, FYSOP is a great opportunity to meet some fresh faces before classes start.

2. You will get to learn more about yourself, BU and Boston

FYSOP will be your first opportunity to get to know your new home during your time at BU, Boston. You will get to know the different communities that make up Boston, interact with many community partners, and learn more about one of seven social justice focus areas! (My focus area is Youth and Family Advocacy, and we’re pretty awesome). If you have any interest in getting to know Boston better, I’d highly encourage you to participate!

3. It’s $10 (yes, $10)

FYSOP is literally $10 this year. That’s the equivalent of 4 trips on the T, a quesadilla at Bay State Underground, or a plate of Panda Express at the GSU. At that price point, FYSOP is super accessible for anyone who wants to participate.

4. You can participate from your bed

With FYSOP being remote this year, you truly can participate from anywhere. Everything planned for FYSOP is also going to be recorded, so if you’re an international student, you can participate too!

5. You get a T-Shirt

That’s right, FYSOP is only $10 AND you get a T-shirt. What more do you need to know?

For me, FYSOP was just what I needed as a first-year. It helped spark my love for community service and social justice, allowed me to make friends before classes started, and taught me a lot about myself and my role in the community. If you have any doubts about participating, I’d encourage you to go for it! I promise you won’t regret it 🙂

Sophie: What the Pandemic Taught Me About COM

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Stepping into the broader BU student community as a COM major can feel infantilizing at times. Every COM student has come across jokes --whether via meme in the Facebook group, BU Memes for Normy Teens, or in person among friends -- that poke fun at COM courses as easy. COM students don’t know math. COM students don’t take any finals. COM students don’t have any homework. Every CAS, ENG, or Questrom student seems to believe that they could study Public Relations or Film/TV and skate by with a great GPA. And not to mention the judgement that can come from family members who ask the eternal question: are you sure you don’t want to pursue medicine or law instead?

As a Film/TV major with friends across various disciplines in COM, it seems to me that this is a universal experience. While we in COM know the absolutely essential nature of our field -- thanks, COM 101 -- sometimes, even if just for a brief moment, I buy into what the rest of the world sees. I won’t ever design bridges. I won’t ever perform surgery or create vaccines. Those are the things that are supposed to make society go round, not movies. Early on in the pandemic, back when everyone was just getting used to lockdown and COM students were grappling with how to take JO 200 or Prod 1 over Zoom, I couldn’t stop thinking about the jobs that seemed to really, really matter in that moment:healthcare staff, lab scientists, essential delivery workers, software engineers. I didn’t seem to see my own field on the list. 

As we all settled into our own isolated routines, though, I began to notice a pattern in what we were talking about over FaceTime or text: “Did you see the headline of the New York Times?” “Check out Ben & Jerry’s statement!” “I binge-watched both seasons of Fleabag today.” In this pandemic, when everyone is scared and bored, communication workers have buoyed morale, spread key information, and often provided a needed distraction. 

If there has ever been a time to feel uncertain about the future, it’s now. But I feel heartened to see the projects that my friends have tirelessly churned out: articles, podcasts, campaigns, photojournalism, videography, and more. Once this is all over and the world settles, and people return to doubting the utility of COM careers, I will sleep well at night knowing that current COM students and countless COM alumni stepped up to the plate and did their part to ferry the world through this crisis.

Kaya: Life Lessons from a Graduating Senior

As of writing this blog, I am just two papers and two finals away from graduation. Am I ready? No. Am I very soft? Yes. Will I be that one senior who graduated but still hangs around campus all the time? I will do everything in my power to make it so. A lot is uncertain right now, but I know one thing for sure: choosing COM at BU was one of the best decisions I ever made.

But there are some choices I wish I hadn’t made, or wish I had made sooner. From me, a graduating senior, to you, dear COM blog reader, a few life lessons:

  1. Join as many clubs as you can. Stick with the ones you love. You’ll be glad you did. 
  2. Prioritize your friends over (almost) everything else, old and new. Netflix can wait. So can your reading that’s due next week. (The paper due tomorrow? It can’t wait. Sorry friends.)

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3. If you think your shoes will be uncomfortable when you walk from one end of Comm. Ave. to another, you’re right. Sneakers are your friend. Wear them wisely. 

4. Spend a summer in Boston. Go to Shakespeare on the Common. Walk along an empty campus. Complain about the heat. Relish the heat. Fall in love with the city. Spend a summer at home, whatever home means to you. Reconnect with old friends. Check in with your family. Complain about having nothing to do. Relish having nothing to do. Rekindle your love with home.

5. Picnic on the Esplanade. Picnic on the BU Beach. Picnic on the COM Lawn. Picnic in Amory Park. Picnic in your dorm. Take the T to the beach and picnic there. Wear sunscreen!

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6. Talk to your classmates. Go to office hours, even if you don’t have any questions. Linger after class when you can. Get to know your professors!

7. Apply for your dream internship. If at first you don’t succeed, try again. Apply for an internship you never thought you’d be interested in. If you succeed, you’ll learn something new about yourself and what you want.

8. The outlets at Pavement Coffeehouse are not as abundant as you think. Bring an extension cord and stick to the perimeter.

9. JP Licks Ice Cream. That’s it. That’s the tweet. 

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10. Re-read a book you read freshman year.

11. Dining points are not convenience points. Learn the difference, and spend wisely.

12. The mozzarella stick pizza from T. Anthony’s will not look like you think it should. Eat it after 12 a.m. and approach nirvana.

13. Go to a hockey game! 

14. Register for a PDP. Learn to rock climb, figure skate, or run a marathon. Brag about it to your friends. Get them to take a PDP with you!

15. The BU Shuttle will not arrive when you need it most. Buy a Razor scooter instead.

16. Take a deep breath. Take a sip of water. Take a nap. 

17. Become a COM Ambassador. 😉

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18. Oat milk is the best dairy-free milk.

19. Thank your professors. Thank your advisors. Thank your parents. Thank your friends. Thank your bus driver. Thank your clubs. Thank your editors. Thank your supervisors. Just say thank you!

(A big, big thank you to my fellow COM Ambassadors, FreePies, professors and dear dear friends at BU. I miss all of you dearly!!!)