A story by Alice Lesch Kelly (Fiction 1992), “Good Girl,” has been published in the winter issue of The Quotable, a print and online journal. Her blog post about the story, “A Man Brings Home a Dog,” appears on the journal’s blog. You can read “Good Girl” online here and buy a copy of the issue here.
Also, Alice’s new book, Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby: The Ultimate Pregnancy Guide (HarperOne, January 29, 2013) has been published and is now available in bookstores. Alice co-wrote the book with Dr. Siobhan Dolan, medical advisor to March of Dimes. The book’s publication kicks off the March of Dimes’ year-long 75th anniversary celebration.
Alice Lesch Kelly is a freelance magazine writer and book collaborator. She teaches undergraduate creative nonfiction workshops at Emerson College.
Congratulations, Alice!