Category: BU Community

Tofu Scramble in the Dining Halls

By June Duan, Dietetics Student, Sargent College   Something is new in the BU dining halls, have you noticed? Vegan and Vegetarian-friendly Tofu Scramble is now being tested during breakfast hours (7-11AM) in all of the dining halls! For those of you not familiar with the dish, a tofu scramble is basically the same as […]

Best of The Food Web: Operation Beautiful

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Being National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, instead of featuring a healthy food blog, I though it was more appropriate to feature a healthy body image blog. Mentioned by Elizabeth Jarrard a year ago (check out her lovely post here), Operation Beautiful is a movement started by Caitlin Boyle […]

Make a Difference Monday Feb 27th

Now that we’re all back and deep in work, it’s time for another Make a Difference Monday! Tomorrow, Monday February 27th, all the dining halls will be featuring sustainable food options. Here’s a sneak peak of the options to get your stomach excited for tomorrow: Breakfast Option to add tofu Turkey bacon Whole wheat toast […]

Pump, Pump, Pumping up the (Cranberry) Pumpkin Muffins

By Bianca Tamburello, Dietetics Student, Sargent College I spy a food that wears a crisp little hat, is pillow-like, yet crumby, sweet but not too sweet, and functional as a breakfast accompaniment, dessert or snack. Unless you have already read the title of this post you must be wondering what heavenly little food I could […]

The Ultimate Resolution

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College When I hear the word “resolution” I think of making a conscious decision to make a change that will better my life. While setting goals for yourself is good, it’s important that they are healthy goals. While eating healthier or exercising more are good goals, they can be […]

Pizza Pizzaz

By Bianca Tamburello, Dietetics Student, Sargent College The regulars at Karen Jacobs’ Sargent Choice Test Kitchen have been crazy for pizza the last two weeks! In addition to the Tomato, Basil and Fresh Mozzarella pizza from last week, we cooked up Smoky Corn and Black Bean pizza this week. Not only is this recipe our […]

Keeping Promises: Get Out in the Community

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Happy 2012! With a new year, I think it’s only right to change up the blog a little bit. What kind of changes? Well instead of Spice of the Month, this year we’ll be featuring Grain of the Month – check out our January Grain of the Month […]

Holiday Parties: Sargent Choice Style

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College The holidays have become synonymous with casserole dishes and cookie platters. I’m sure many of you have been invited to at least one food-filled holiday party, or you may even be the brave soul hosting, this week. Either way, the decision of what to make can sometimes be […]

Flavorful Way to Eat Your Broccoli

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College “Eat your broccoli” I’m sure many of you heard this command sometime during your childhood. As a kid, broccoli was never associated with something good; rather, it was the fee you had to pay in order to get a cookie after dinner. While some people grow to like […]

This is How Sargent Choice Rolls (Sushi)!

By Bianca Tamburello, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Sargent Choice Vegetarian Brown Rice Sushi was back by popular demand at Karen Jacob’s test kitchen last week!  At previous test kitchen nights, I was often told that this is the most awaited recipe of the semester and a SC favorite. Sargent Choice is lucky enough to have […]