Category: Cooking Vidoes

Best of the Food Web: Eating Well

By Ellie Schulman, Film and Television student, College of Communication I was asked to write a review of for this blog, but every time I tried to focus on checking out the specifics of what the site has to offer, I would end up watching 20 minutes of cooking videos and making lists of […]

Sargent Choice Cooking: Herb-Crusted Cod with Cracked Wheat Berry Salad

By: Stephanie Horton, Dietetic Intern, Nutrition and Fitness Center Video by: Alan Wong It only takes 3 minutes and 56 seconds to stay healthy when you’re in a hurry. “How?” you may ask. Simply by watching Executive Chef Walter Dunphy in the Sargent Choice kitchen cook a delicious herb-crusted cod with cracked wheat berry salad. […]