Kaitlin: Change is Good.

I’ll never forget how excited I was to go home during and after my first semester at BU. I was happy to get out of the city for a little while, to hang out with my family, but mostly, I couldn’t wait to see all of my friends.

What I really didn’t realize was how much things were going to change. Of course, I knew that we all made new friends, and would have tons of stories to tell, but I was quite shocked when what used to seem so perfect had gone pretty sour and even awkward.

Not only did each of us change, each of us changed a lot. Some matured a substantial amount, others changed their viewpoints on controversial subjects, a few (including me) completely altered their lifestyles.  It was actually pretty terrifying. For a little bit, I felt like a huge chunk of my childhood and young adulthood was destroyed. People who were once my closest friends would become people I would never hang out with again? I couldn’t handle that. I started to fight reality a bit and try to pretend that everything was “normal” and that none of us changed or grew up at all.  It was a very odd place to be in.

Basically, I’m writing this post to let you know that change will happen, and more often than not, change is really, really good. At BU, you’re in an environment where you’re challenged. You’re meeting students and professors who are so passionate about what they do and what they learn and what they teach. You’re having discussions that are intelligent and worthwhile, learning more about yourself and the world than you can even grasp.

Take pride in that.

Appreciate the fact that your change is progression. You’re becoming a more well-rounded human being, with worldviews and tons and tons of knowledge. Grasp on to all of this, and hold tightly to the new friends, the new memories you’re making right here, right now.

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