GT: You are right where you are supposed to be.

I am here to validate your feelings and remind you everything will be okay.

College is a beautiful place and time for us to learn and become the best version of ourselves. I must admit, however, it can be intimidating and overwhelming especially when everyone around you is moving at a different pace. 

I left the suburbs of southern California to experience the pace of the city and east coast culture. The transition and adjustment for my first semester was beyond difficult because I felt so lost and lonely. I was the only one to go far from my high school, and it felt like everyone else knew what they were doing and were able to make friends and enjoy BU just fine. This caused me to go into an emotional spiral because I kept asking myself: what am I doing wrong?

Well, the answer is nothing. I am right where I’m supposed to be. I’d like to share some quotes and sayings that helped keep me grounded in my college journey, and hopefully they will help you too. Wherever you are on your college journey whether it be your freshman year, last semester and job searching, or somewhere in between, I would like to offer some wise words and reassurance. 

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”: Whenever I see someone the same age with me partying a little harder or doing a little better, I begin to feel sad for myself and wonder why my life isn’t as great. However, I have to remember that everyone has a life of their own and there is a lot going on behind the scenes. Comparing my experiences with others will not make my life any better. As a COM major, there’s no way to exile social media from our lives, but rather learn how to live with it in a healthy way.

“Everything is temporary.”: This is very bittersweet. Time will pass and you will finish that class you dreaded so much or that fun event will come to an end. Nothing lasts forever except the constant changes, so appreciate the good times and endure the bad. Great things are ahead of you.

“Find out what you like, figure out why you like it, and just be bold after that.”: Our student body is such a diverse group and there are many influences around us that can be overwhelming. Trends go in and out and what’s socially acceptable can change overnight. It is important to not get lost in the sauce, and remember you are your own person and you are in control of your life. Stay true to yourself, always.

In the end, we are very small specks on a spinning rock. Nothing really matters except how you choose to go about your life. You will go through some valleys physically, mentally, emotionally, and that is completely okay. You will make it. You will be okay. Trust the process, and more importantly trust in yourself.

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The COM Ambassador program is available to current and prospective COM freshmen. We are here to answer questions and help you learn all the great things that BU, COM and Boston have to offer. Be bold. Be creative. Be COM. @BU

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