Kelly T: How to be a “SMART” Student

I am lying on my bed, scrolling through the past two CA blogs I’ve written and wondering what kind of person I’ve grown into over my five semesters at BU. Did I become the one that I previously envisioned myself? Was college life that scary? If you had told the 16-year-old me that I’d be studying at an American college, I would’ve laughed so hard in disbelief. Now I have two semesters left at BU (ikr time really does fly by, and it’s hard to believe that I’ve decided to go to LA for my senior spring to study for the entertainment management track program!! SO EXCITED!!!). I would like to use this space to summarize my Fall 2023. 

Overloading sounds scary, but you will ace it if you manage it well! As an Asian kid, I’ve always been told to study more, practice more, sign up for more, etc. When it is that time of the year, and you hear all of your friends talking about internships, summer courses, and GPA, no doubt, overloading is a “MUST.” This is the first real semester that I started taking some upper-level COM-related classes, such as CM501: Introduction to Graphic Design. By the way, I forgot to mention that I recently just added a minor: innovation and entrepreneurship; that’s what I’m taking SI250 – idea to impact. I previously thought all of the business courses were drained, intensive, and boring until I met Professor Patrick for SI250. Genuine, caring, supportive, all of the good adjectives were made for him. I’m not trying to be cheesy, but as a COM student, it is truly rewarding if you take classes that involve a lot of discussion and personal interaction. Could you imagine that out of the five classes that I’m taking, three professors remembered my name right after the first class? Isn’t it one of the best things about being a student? I felt super valued and happy for myself to be a COM student and had the experience of immersing myself in such a closed community. Other than the two courses that I’ve mentioned, I’ve also taken FT201-screen languages since I’ve been thinking about adding another minor in film and television. You probably want to ask me, “Wait, why are you stressing yourself that much?” HAHA, I know one major and two minors across two different schools sound overwhelming, but if you truly love what you are learning, then it will not make you that stressed. I previously thought Adobe software was too complicated until I used Adobe Illustrator to design the album cover for my favorite idol. I previously thought that learning how to use the Tripod and the Canon camera was too much work for me, but when you hear people call your director, that feeling made it all worth it! Another course that I would like to mention is CM331- Writing for Communication! If you have the chance, take it with Professor Sender! Truly humorous and caring professor, you get to experience a wide range of COM writings such as press releases and news stories, and we even get to do a five-minute presentation approaching the end of the semester, introducing to the class the five moments in your life so far that you would like to give it a shout out! 

Don’t ever let others hit you down and tell you what you are capable of; you never know your potential until you try it!

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