As a new semester rolls around, there are so many things to look forward to. A new set of classes, opportunities to meet new people, and another chance to have an amazing time at BU with your friends! However, there is the homework issue. If you’re anything like me, the second I see my blackboard fill up with assignments, an instant feeling of dread fills my body. The only thing that can pull me out of a homework induced funk? Animal Instagrams. Some may call it procrastination, but I could spend hours fawning over adorable animal pictures and videos. So without further ado, here are my all time favorite animal instagrams that cheer me up when I’m drowning in work (or on any day, really).
1. @pleasantcats
Featuring a variety of different breeds, pleasant cats is the purrrfect instagram for a cat lover! As the handle suggests, the account features the cutest cats (and sometimes dogs) on insta, and they always give picture creds, which helps you find more furry friends! As my friends will attest, I have spent an inordinate amount of time squealing over these pictures.

2. @juniperfoxx
If you are looking to tap into your ~wild~ side, then juniper the fox is just for you! This account follows juniper, a domestic fox, and all of her adventures. This account is all adventures- whether it is a walk through the woods, curling up to her owner in bed, or flirting with the other animals in the house, Juniper is always up to something. Lucky for us, her antics are caught on camera!

3. @mensweardog
As its bio claims, menswear dog is the “most stylish dog in the world”, and I could not agree more. Not only is menswear dog a shiba inu (my fav breed), but he is impossibly stylish. Menswear dog would never be caught dead wearing out of season fashion, and I’m always eager to see his next ensemble. I’d especially recommend this to all of my fashionistas and dog lovers out there.

4. @pitterpatterfurryfeet
If you love animals and beautiful photography, @pitterpatterfurryfeet is the account for you. Run by two professional photographers, the account always manages to capture its subjects, Alice, Finnegan, and Oliver, in adorable poses (and with beautiful lighting). This is also the account for someone that likes both cats and dogs, as Alice and Finnegan are Siberian Lynx and Oliver is a Havanese. This honestly is the most aesthetically pleasing animal account that I have found, which makes it easy (almost too easy) to scroll down the feed for hours.

5. @lordhamiltonofficial
For anyone looking to branch out beyond cats and dogs, @lordhamiltonoffical is a great introduction into the farm life. Lord Hamilton is an adorable pig that dedicates his time to make others smile while working as a therapy animal. Every picture features Lord Hamilton’s signature snout and smile, and it never fails to put me in a good mood.

6. @nevillejacobs
For those of you who keep up with celebrities, you may recognize this famous pet’s last name. Neville Jacobs, pet of Marc Jacobs, lives a more luxurious life than the average dog… or person. When he’s not cuddling with his fashion icon father, Neville can be seen by the pool, taking a glamorous headshot, or hanging with his crew of famous pups (and even sometimes a Kardashian). If you’re like me and like to live vicariously through celebrities, this account is too tempting not to follow!