Category: Kate W
Kate: How to Get Through Your Finals Week
Kate W: Why I Love, Love, Love Off-Campus Internships or Extracurriculars

Kate: Taking Advantage of your Sophomore Year
Kate: Top 5 Low-key Study Spots with the Best Views
The semester is in full swing and we are all swamped with dozens of assignments and midterms with fast-approaching deadlines. With all these assignments come a great find the absolute best study spot on campus. The perfect spot is quiet and not to busy with a great view of the city to help you procrastinate on those long and dreaded days/nights in the study lounge. Here are five low-key study spots on campus with the best views.
1. The greenhouse
The greenhouse on the top of CAS is a hidden gem. It is open to people who are in the gardening club, so find a friend or join the club to enjoy this amazing spot. After getting the key from the department office, you can head all the way upstairs to the roof. The greenhouse itself has nice plants and greenery, but the rooftop view behind it makes this spot special. There is a little office with some couches and seats to study in adding a used, but cosy aesthetic to the space. This space really is a secret, so it’s almost always super quiet and empty. This is a great place to get straight to work and I highly recommend it.
2. Hojo
Hojo is another great option for a study spot with a great view. Just walk into hojo and head up to the top floor. There are always open tables in both the regular and the quiet study lounges, so it’s a really great place to meet up with people or isolate yourself from the world and get to work. To top it all off, there are 360 degree views of the city.
3. StuVi2
So, this one isn’t exactly a secret but if you’re talking about study spots with a view, you have to include the study lounge on the top floor of StuVi2. This study lounge has huge floor to ceiling windows that surround the building giving you an incredible view of everything Boston. If that doesn’t inspire you to study, it’s fine because the lounge is open 24 hours so you’ve got plenty of time.
4. Law building
As one of the newer buildings on campus, this spot is a little less known. However, there are tons of places around the law building with incredible views of the river. Whether it be the Charles River Room on the fifth floor or the cafeteria on the second floor, you’ll find floor to ceiling windows (that are actually clean!!) to give you a little happiness while you’re studying. These places are usually pretty quiet and there are always places to sit around the building. An added bonus - the ambitious law students will inspire you to work hard and get your assignments done.
5. Yawkey Center for Student Services
The last hidden spot is Yawkey Center. This spot has two floors of dining hall, three floors of academic assistance, and six floors of great views. The CAS writing center and the Educational Resource Center have comfy chairs and spots with incredible views of Fenway. Sometimes, you get a free concert too!. You also can’t discount the dining hall. Marciano commons has some large windows with great views of Bay State or Fenway. It can get pretty busy but you can usually find little nooks where it’s quiet and there aren’t as many people. You can, also, take as many snack breaks as needed, making this study spot one of my favorites!
Kate W: Reflection on Freshman Year
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I am officially approaching the end of my Freshman year of college. I feel like a completely new person from when I started and I have learned so much over the last eight months.
Freshman year is the year of new. New city, new college, new friends, new classes, new independence, new everything. Nothing hits you harder than watching your parents leave you alone for the first time, knowing that you are officially on your own. But, you keep going, as overwhelmed and anxious as you are. It’s crazy to think that this moment happened eight months ago for me, and in a couple months, a new group of students will go through the same thing.
With time going as fast as it does, graduation will be here before you know it. But, until then, it is important to take risks and spend as much time as you can to experience everything. College is a place for experiencing new things, and no better place to experience than Boston. So, wake up early on that Saturday morning to go to that feminist rally, or take a study break and go walk along the Esplanade with friends because those are the moments that you will remember and cherish.
Don’t stress too much about things that are out of your control. Everyone gets bad grades (or sleeps through a COM Exam if you’re like me), but it’s important to learn from your mistakes, buy a better alarm clock, take a deep breath, and just move on because these things will happen and they are out of your control at that point. So, go easy on yourself and let yourself make mistakes because they are inevitable and stressing too much over them won’t help.
Finally, take time for yourself because everyone needs simple nights staying in the dorm watching Netflix. School and friends are important, but these are the nights that keep you sane. It’s nice to take a break from all madness of the week and of BU, and just take time to relax and reflect on your life. These breaks are essential to make sure you’re not getting too caught up in the craziness of it all.
Going to BU was the best decision I could have made and I can’t wait to spend another 3 years walking up and down Comm Ave countless times a day, waiting in long lines at Starbucks, and spending great nights in the dorms playing ukulele with my friends. Thanks for a great year!!
Kate W: Foods You Should Always Have in Your Dorm Room
Having food in your dorm is super important especially being a crazy busy BU student or with the always unpredictable Boston weather. Sometimes it’s just impossible to get the dining hall, but that definitely will not stop you’re stomach from growling in the middle of class or on your walk down Comm Ave. That’s why it’s always important to keep these snacks or small meals on hand in your dorm room.
- Fruit:
These make for a great breakfast-on-the-go or mid-day snack. Not only does fruit taste good, but it is also healthy. Fruits are very easy to come by at BU especially in the dining halls where you can take an extra apple or two to eat later on.
- Popcorn:
If you’re a film/tv major like me or even just a movie lover, movie nights are very frequent, and no movie is complete without popcorn. So, for the nights that you spend with your friends in the dorms watching Netflix, this is exactly the snack that you need to have readily available.
- Late night study snack:
This can be any guilty pleasure snack that you keep around in case you need a quick boost of energy while studying. Buying them in bulk may also be a good idea since staying up late to catch up on homework seems to be a common circumstance at BU. You will probably get hungry and doing homework is bad enough, let alone doing it with a growling stomach. So, the easy solution is to keep a snack in your dorm that makes you happy and can help you focus on your work. My personal snack of choice is animal crackers.
- Peanut Butter:
Peanut butter goes with everything. Whether you have left over pretzels, vegetables, or bread, peanut butter goes well with it all. It can easily turn a quick, boring snack into something more delicious and that you actually enjoy eating. It is kind of hard to take peanut butter on the go, but it’s a great option if you only have a little bit of time or if the walk outside from your dorm to the dining hall seems a little too difficult with Boston weather.
- Ramen:
Ramen is the stereotypical college food for a reason. It’s no 5-star meal, but it is easy and if made right, it can taste pretty good. Your only kitchen resource of a rented BU microfridge is pretty limiting, making Ramen one of the best options for days when you’re snowed into your dorm. It’s also a great late night meal especially if you don’t have a lot of time to eat because it’s super quick and easy to make. Basically, ramen is a college student’s dream and should be eaten often.