Jess S: 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Coming to BU


As a freshman or incoming student, it’s easy to get lost in the busy culture of college. Going back and forth between classes and clubs, it can seem overwhelming and sometimes challenging to find time outside of the university. Nonetheless, I strongly urge you to appreciate the city for what it is! Boston is such a rich place filled with tons of cute coffee shops, museums, nature parks, and great restaurants. In the fall, go on a walk by the esplanade (the road by Charles River) and take cute pictures next to the trees. When it starts to get chilly out, head to Time Out Market and go ice skating with friends. There are hundreds of activities around the city, so take advantage of them as much as possible! Who knows when the next time it’ll be before you can spend 4 straight years in the city of Boston?

2. Windproof is the way to go 

Boston is known for its weather. BU is known for its wind tunnels. You’re going to be walking around campus from building to building during the school year, and the last thing you need is your umbrella inverting on you in the middle of comm ave on a busy afternoon. Go look up ‘Windproof umbrella with button’ on Amazon and thank me later. 🙂

3. Go to office-hours 

Office hours are a great opportunity for students to connect with their professors outside of the classroom. It’s a time during the week that professors keep open so students can hop into their office and ask them questions about the course or even just say a quick ‘hello’. A bunch of students also use this time to ask their professors for career advice. Most of the Professors in COM are still in the industry so they have all the inside scoop on what’s currently

going on in the market. Professors are also always open to talk about their journey and answer any questions you may have career wise. They genuinely want their students to succeed!

4. You don’t need all the textbooks! 

BU, like many other universities, will give you a heads up on all the required textbooks for your classes. Believe me when I say, 70 percent of the time, you won’t need it for the class. Most students even end up switching classes, and waste a good amount of money on a book they’ll never use. Wait until the second or third week of the semester before you make the purchase! Textbooks are A LOT of money, and if you can save a little bit by grabbing a copy online (*wink) or just not buying it at all, it’s better than wasting a hundred dollars.

5. Don’t get the UNLIMITED 

Every single dining plan is different. Some give you dining points, which are basically “campus dollars” you can use on different food stalls like Panda Express, Starbucks, and Halal Shack. The Unlimited option gives you unlimited swipes to the dining halls, but they are usually the most expensive. Let’s be honest, you’re not going to be in the dining halls 3 times a day 7 times a week. Most people end up eating at the George Sherman Union, where students can use their dining points to buy from those food stalls. Don’t get the Unlimited and save yourself a few thousand dollars! 

College is really just a bunch of kids “playing adults” in a big city. A lot of these things I’ve learned on the fly, and there are a bunch more hacks you’ll find out for yourself! Remember, it’s okay to not have all the answers right away. Ultimately, your college years are about more than just academics—they’re about self-discovery, friendships, and exploring your passions. So, while it’s important to stay informed and prepared, don’t get too caught up in the details. Trust yourself, and enjoy the ride!

Kristin R: The Best Places to Walk in and around Boston

Whenever I find myself stressed out, pondering over the same thing over and over again, or just simply need time to myself for reflection, I take a walk.  It’s something I’ve been doing since before I can even remember, and I try to make time for a walk everyday no matter how early or late it is. Back home in California, I had established my favorite walking spots, so when I arrived in Boston at the end of August last year, I knew I had some catching up to do. Here I have listed my favorite places I have found to walk for every occasion.

Hall’s Pond Sanctuary

 The perfect place to sit on a bench and observe life at ease. I recall stumbling upon this place one of my first weeks at BU, and it really helped me have a moment of peace to myself amidst all the change.

The Esplanade

 Creativity sparks here as people watching is at its peak.  Perfect place to stroll and think about anything you want.

Coolidge Corner

 All the shops and scenery here feel like a place out of a movie. Walk here for the opportunity to feel like you’re in a made up land and let your mind wander.

Park Drive

 A street lined with apartment buildings and an open grass area. On one of my first walks around Boston I got lost on this street, but for the first time I didn’t panic.  I felt lost in a refreshing way being able to see all the other college signs around such as Berklee and Emmanuel College, really making me feel like I was in “America’s College Town.”

Winchester Street

 The street that gets you away from city life. Walking through and looking at all the gorgeous homes has led me to come up with many stories on who may live inside.


 After accidentally getting off on the wrong T stop, I stumbled upon the Longwood area.  It’s one of those places, for me at least, that is surrounded by so many little stores and new sights that it helps you truly think about all the things you haven’t seen yet as a young mind in a big city.

BU Bridge

Gazing across the Charles River from the BU Bridge at night and seeing the illuminated lights from the tall skyscraper was my, “We’re not in Kansas anymore,” moment. As I kept walking across the bridge, I thought of all my accomplishments that led me to this moment, and all the dreams I want to pursue at Boston University.

Jonathan M: Top Three Study Spots

So, you're a student at Boston University, and you're on the hunt for that elusive perfect study spot. I have struggled with this my entire college career, not with studying, but more with screenwriting. This is the real problem; sometimes the library gets old, and you need a change of scenery, or your dorm, well... Lucky for you, Boston is full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Here are my top three study spots near the BU campus that will become your new go-to havens.

Boston Public Library: Though not technically on campus, the Boston Public Library is worth the short T-ride away (or, in my opinion, if you're not in a time crunch, the walk will help you with your ideas!). Nestled in the heart of the city, this library is a little distracting because of how beautiful it is, but once you get past that and throw some headphones on, it really doesn't get better than this. And if you need a study break, the open-air courtyard offers stunning architecture, serene fountains, and comfortable seating. It's the ideal spot for basking in the sun while you tackle your assignments. Also, don't forget to grab a cup of coffee from the library's cafe (or the billion coffee shops near the library) to keep you refreshed and focused. 

Amory Park: Just a stone's throw away from BU, Amory Park is a hidden gem for students seeking a peaceful and green study spot. This charming park provides a serene atmosphere where you can lay out a blanket, crack open your textbooks, and let the gentle breeze inspire your learning (OK, I might have gone a little too far there). But still, the outdoor space has a really nice path, some picnic tables, and a little water feature (I saw a turtle the other day, NDB). I suggest sitting under the shade of a tree and writing your notes in your lap; that's usually how I find myself in that park. IMO, it's the best outdoor study escape near campus.

An Open Classroom: OK, you just got out of your late-night class, and you go to the library? Nah, that place is too basic; you gotta find an open classroom. These are found pretty easily during the night hours and, in my opinion, make for a great space. You can be as loud or quiet as you want and don't have to feel like you're in a little box (I'm looking at you, BU library). This is really my favorite campus-centric option; there’s usually an open classroom located near the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). And I like their classroom since the large windows offer plenty of natural light and a more tranquil atmosphere; it's an ideal space for productive study sessions. The best part? Chalkboards, are consistently fun to feel like you’re doing more than you’re actually doing.

These hidden gems are sure to provide a refreshing change of scenery and an inspiring backdrop for your studies. When you're yearning for a break from the library and the usual study spots, give these locations a try. You might just discover that your productivity and motivation get a significant boost (A change of scenery can do a lot!). Happy studying!

Ellie S: The Hardest Working Pep Band in All of College Athletics

There are so many clubs at Boston University, but only one has a title that is known throughout the college athletics world. I am of course talking about “The Hardest Working Pep Band in All of College Athletics”, or the BU Pep Band.

I never planned on joining any form of band when I came to Boston University. I was convinced that my senior year in high school would be my last time playing my clarinet. That was until I heard the Scarlet Band at summer orientation. I was so impressed by their song collection, no folk songs or classical compositions were being played, and I loved that. They were playing contemporary tunes, I distinctly remember hearing Good 4 U by Olivia Rodrigo and Holiday by Green Day. Those first few notes convinced me that I had to join the band in some capacity. I also thought it was neat that when representatives went around recruiting at orientation they made it clear that the Pep Band was open to any level of skill. Pep Band is one of the most diverse clubs you can be a part of, with all the colleges being included, with students from around the country and world, but somehow we can all come together to celebrate music and BU athletics.

There are so many other positives associated with being in the Pep Band. The first one is access to sporting events like the Bean Pot (a hockey tournament between all the Boston Schools), which is free and so are the Championship hockey games at TD Garden. The band also puts you in the middle of the game, we are the backing track to every sporting event. It allows us to create an amazing atmosphere to show our terrier pride. There are also so many connections that are made through the band. I have made so many close friendships and everyone becomes a family by the end of the school year. 

I hope more people consider joining the hardest-working pep band in all of college athletics. I think signing up was one of the best choices I made as a first year. Even if you don’t play an instrument, I suggest watching a pep band performance. Everyone involved in the program puts in much effort and strives to keep BU sporting events lively. The gameday atmosphere would change so much without the band. I hope you learn to love their quirky dances, wild chants, and amazing songs during your time at BU.

Diya S: Advice for First Years

Hi! I’m CA Diya Shah and I want to give some advice to any first years reading! Starting your journey as a first-year student at Boston University is an exciting and transformative experience. As you embark on this new chapter, make the most of your time at BU.

First and foremost, make it a priority to actively engage in the vibrant academic and social community at BU. Immerse yourself in campus life by joining student organizations, clubs, or sports teams that align with your interests and values. These extracurricular activities can foster meaningful connections, help you discover new passions, and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Additionally, establish a healthy and balanced routine that prioritizes both academic excellence and personal well-being. Create a well-structured study plan that allows you to effectively manage your coursework while also making time for self-care, exercise, and social interactions. Remember that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for long-term success and overall well-being.

Take advantage of the vast array of academic resources and support services offered by BU. Make use of the libraries, tutoring centers, writing labs, and academic advisors to enhance your learning experience and academic performance. Seek guidance from professors and mentors, as they can provide valuable insights and advice to help you navigate your academic and career goals.

Embrace diversity and actively engage with the rich cultural and intellectual tapestry that BU offers. Explore various perspectives, cultures, and communities through campus events, seminars, and guest lectures. Cultivate an open-minded and inclusive approach to learning, fostering a deeper understanding of global issues and promoting a sense of empathy and interconnectedness.

Furthermore, prioritize building a strong professional network by attending career fairs, networking events, and alumni gatherings. Explore internship opportunities and seek practical experiences that align with your academic interests and career aspirations. These experiences will not only enhance your resume but also provide valuable insights into your chosen field of study.

Finally, remember to maintain a positive attitude, stay resilient in the face of challenges, and remain adaptable to change. Your time at BU is only so long, so approach each day with a sense of curiosity, enthusiasm, and a willingness to embrace new experiences. Most importantly Have Fun!

GT N: Turn Your Life Upside Down

If you’re too comfortable, you’re doing it wrong. 

Don’t get me wrong; I think being in a state of comfort and stability is what everyone should strive to achieve, but it is not the state you should stay in, especially during this time of your life.

College is the only time where you can be immersed in a concentrated group of people that share relatable and different experiences as you, and it is so temporary. Now is the time to learn more about yourself, who you like to be around, what makes you happy, and where you want to go in life. I’m not saying you will know everything by the end of college or fully understand yourself by the time you graduate, but you should do your best to get as close as you can.

I moved to Boston from Southern California alone. I got a random roommate. I went to concerts alone. I rushed for a business fraternity without understanding Greek culture. 

It was hard. It was really hard, and sometimes, I just wanted everything to stop. However, looking back, I am so grateful I took so many leaps of faith because it made me who I am today. I am more in touch with myself. I know I want to continue living in a city, how to use the T, coexist with my roommate, how to enjoy my own company, and realizing Greek life is not for me.

Maximize your growth as a young individual in this safe environment to test your limits! Never put yourself in a position where you feel unsafe, but know that the highest mountains come after the lowest valleys. You will truly never know until you try. I know how it feels to want security and belonging, but I encourage you to embrace uncomfort. 

Do something alone. Join a club you never saw yourself joining. Go to networking events when you don’t know anyone. Do things outside of your daily routine. 

Embrace college and discomfort. You will only know your limits when you test them. Turn your life upside down so you won’t have to turn it around in the future.

Mia C: 5 Tips for Internship Application Season

Internships are a great building block to gain experience and discover if a particular industry or organization is the right fit for you. Read on for 5 tips to obtain that dream internship and survive intern application season!  

Create a Tracker:

Stay organized by creating a tracker to manage and keep track of internships you want to apply to. You should capture important information such as the organization’s name and industry, position title and description, internship and/or application link, recruiter or hiring manager name and contact information, status of application and due date. Keep in mind that different industries have different timelines for when they accept applications. 

Research Your Dream Companies:

You can supplement your internship search by doing your own research in addition to LinkedIn or Handshake. Look up organizations you are interested in working for and go to their internal website for internship opportunities. You can also conduct research in industries or sectors you have a passion for. As Mark Twain said, “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Polish your LinkedIn and Handshake Profiles:

Spend time on polishing and making your LinkedIn and Handshake profiles not only professional but have it tell something special and unique about you. 

Make sure your relevant work and volunteer experiences are current and up to date. You can also enhance your profile by having a great summary or “about” section in LinkedIn. The space can be used to highlight something about you, describe what you are passionate about or just express your personality. It is an undervalued way to make a strong first impression. 

Connect with people and expand your network. Do not be afraid to reach out to people at your dream job. You can set up a coffee chat, virtual or in person.

BU Career Center:

The BU Center for Career Development (CCD) is a great resource and BU’s colleges also have their own career center including the College of Communication (COM). They offer personalized feedback for resumes and cover letters, host workshops and events, and provide career guides, interview tips and advice. If you go in for a resume review, make sure you have proofread and double checked for all spelling and grammatical mistakes.

The CDC has developed internship and experiential programs. One program is the Yawkey Nonprofit Internship Program which gives students a living allowance stipend for unpaid internships at nonprofit organizations. 

In addition, COM has specific internship funds such as the COM Fellows Fund that supports students in media and communication related internships at places such as America’s Test Kitchen and Boston 25. There are also fellowships and scholarships specifically for diverse students.

Be Patient:

Finding an internship can be stressful. Be kind to yourself and break down the process so it is not too daunting and overwhelming. Strive to apply to two internships a week, it adds up!

Jess S: How to handle THAT time of the semester

It’s finally midterm season. Boston’s hot summer days are beginning to trickle behind us, and the dry leaves of autumn are starting to make their way up the trees. The fresh school year rolls around and as people’s routines settle in, the dreaded weeks of exams and presentations become the prominent event in almost everyone’s schedules. Right before the week of Halloween costume parties and the annual spring of frat flu, we must first overcome the dreaded midterm season. College is finally collegeing, so here are a few tips to get through the first patch of the school year grind.

1. Don’t Panic

Tests, readings, and stress are all part of the College experience. Believe me, if you think you have a lot of assignments to do, there will always be someone on campus with double the work you have. In other words, look at the bright side – you don’t have it the worst. Almost everyone around you will be feeling the weight of this time of the year, so don’t be afraid to vent about it to your friends.

2. Resources, resources, resources

If you’re struggling with a class, you need to take advantage of the resources at BU. All professors hold office hours, which is a great way to get yourself settled into a topic you’re unsure about. Office hours are a time when you can sit with your professor (or a teaching assistant) and discuss ANYTHING you need help with in class. If office hours aren’t your vibe, reach out to your friends in class. The educational resource center at BU offers free tutoring for certain classes, and booking an appointment would only take 5 minutes of your time. There are so many places you can get help in the weeks leading up to it. Don’t feel embarrassed to ask for help, because at the end of the day, your grade is on the line.

3. Take breaks

The days leading up to midterm season can seem overwhelming, and at times the built-up pressure will compel you to study for hours on end. It’s never a good idea to pull an all-nighter, regardless of how difficult the class may be. If you don’t procrastinate, you won’t have to cram a large chunk of information into a full day of revising. Doing up to an hour of studying every day a week or two before a midterm will help you immensely. I’ve tried both routes and the latter has always proved more successful.

4. Balance your social life

It’s never a good idea to completely cut out any form of human interaction during a stressful week. Your friends will be your support system, so don’t forget to take study breaks and
actually TALK to people during the week. Your emotional and mental health are just as important as a good grade. That being said, try to skimp out on the frat parties and late-night
rendezvous. Instead, go on study dates or lunch breaks to stay in full study mode.

5. After…

Skipping class the next day may seem like the way to go the night after a big test. However, believe me when I say once you start skipping lectures you cannot, and may never, stop. We’re not halfway through the semester yet, so the grind is far from over. A few weeks will go by before it gets to THAT point again. The best thing to do would be to reward yourself a bit outside of class. Go to a nice dinner place, spend the weekend sleeping in, or explore the city with some friends.

The college experience wouldn’t be complete without the haunting weeks of deadlines, exams, and endless assignments. This time of the year may seem like the worst part of being in university, but at the end of the day, everyone comes here to learn. Regardless of what grade you get, or how difficult your classes are, there will always be something to learn out of every experience. That being said, the ideal outcome would be for you to succeed while doing so. Post midterm season, you’ll finally have time again to live a little outside of those textbooks and office hours, so take advantage of that. Before you know it, the second set of midterms will show itself without warning. Except this time, you’ll know how to handle it.

Chloe P: Three ways to stay organized as the semester kicks into full gear

Just around three weeks of the Fall 2023 semester have gone by — in a flash. Classes are picking up, extra-curricular activities are in full swing, and work schedules are finalized. Everyone stays organized in different ways, but here are three ways that help keep me prepared:

  • Google Calendar

I am a huge advocate for Google Calendar. As August winds down and the Fall semester approaches, I am adding my classes, work schedules, and e-board meetings into my Google Calendar so that once the semester starts, I pretty much know when I’ll have time for other stuff — like eating, doing homework, and office hours when I inevitably need help in one of my classes. GCal has features to add events, but you can also add things like “focus time” or “tasks.” Tasks benefit me, especially during syllabus week, for big-ticket items like midterm exams, significant papers, and final projects. Focus time can help build time into your schedule when you can do work or be productive in another way. Whether it’s exercising, doodling, or painting, finding time for de-stressing is key when the semester is busy! Google Calendar lets you do all of that!

  • A handy-dandy notebook

Have you ever been in a big lecture hall when a professor is explaining an upcoming exam? Everyone is trying to get every word down about the exam format, but because of the volume of students, the wifi goes out! There is nothing more frustrating.

Another way I stay organized is by keeping a small notebook — mine’s actually a reporter’s notebook — on hand to write down quick notes. In class, I’ll have it open to write down reminders to myself if an assignment deadline is changing or the professor mentions something I want to remember. The equivalent of this is using the Notes app on your phone, but I love writing things down. Not only is it easier to remember the things you write, but sometimes you can’t always have your phone out in class.

The small notebooks are also helpful for the other random things that come up during the day, like tasks you remember you have to do, grocery lists, and more. 

  • Writing to-do lists daily

The third way I stay organized is by writing to-do lists for the next day, every night. You could splurge on the fancy to-do lists you find walking around stores like The Paper Source and Target, but I prefer to use my notebook (a multi-talented queen!) to write my list. I start by writing down my schedule for the following day, which includes class, work, and any other meetings or events that may have popped up. Then, I’ll write down any assignments or discussion points I have due. Finally, I write down anything I should do to get ahead of the syllabus if I have any gaps in my schedule. I also write down if I have any errands, like a grocery list or picking up textbooks. This keeps me organized during the day, especially as the chaos of being a student is distracting!

With all sorts of things going on, staying organized is the key to success for your grades, but, more importantly, for your mental health. As my dad (and Taylor Swift) says, “Failure to prepare is preparation for failure.”

Donna C: Ways to Get Involved!

With the school year starting up, I think it’s important to share some different ways students can get involved on campus!


There are over 450+ clubs that students are able to join on campus. These clubs range from Student Government, Community Service, Greek Life, Cultural Clubs, and more! To learn more about the clubs offered on campus and how to get involved, you can either check them out at Splash on Saturday, September 9 starting at 12 at Nickerson Field, or visit the Student Activities Office Website at If there is a specific club you’re interested in, clubs sometimes table at the GSU and check out their social media and see when their events are!

Attend Campus Events

BU hosts a number of events throughout the year that are usually promoted through BU Today or will have flyers put up around campus (including residential buildings). You can also check out what events BU is hosting and when at their website, which is Attending these events will not only give you something to do during your free time, but will also allow you to meet different people on campus!

Office Hours

Attend your professors’ office hours! Not only will this help you with your classes, but it also allows you to get to know your professors better, and for your professors to get to know you better! You can see when your professors have their office hours by checking the class syllabus, or by simply asking them.

Jobs on Campus

BU offers many opportunities for students to get a job on campus, from being a tour guide, working in food service, or becoming a Learning Assistant. To see all the jobs being offered on campus at the moment, go to the Student Link, go to My Job & Career, then press part time jobs (you can decide if you want an on campus job, or something else that is off campus). Having a job will not only allow you to become more independent by having some sort of an income, but will also cause you to meet new people and gain new and different skills.

Intramural Sports

Did you play a sport in high school and want to continue in college? Join an intramural sports team at BU! For the fall, outdoor soccer, flag football, basketball, ice hockey, volleyball, and tennis will be offered. To learn more about how to register to join an intramural sports team, go to this Fitness and Recreation Center website at ims/intramural-sports/.