Grace: Preparing for Study Abroad: Tips and Tricks from an Organization Fanatic

Boston University’s study abroad program is one of the primary reasons why I decided to attend the College of Communication. Our unique program of study and internship is a truly unique experience I know I will cherish for the rest of my life. Next semester, I will be interning in advertising and taking classes in advertising and international relations while I study abroad in London, England.

Applying for abroad is easy, but the procedure once you are accepted may seem a little daunting. Read on for my tips and tricks on how to stay on top of your responsibilities and make the most of your abroad experience:

1. Make a checklist of items you need to complete before going abroad.

The hub page of your abroad program will list preparation details for you, but sometimes it’s easier to also make a list for yourself. Include key dates and event reminders, and cross off items once you complete them. I even ranked my to-do list in order of importance.

2. Plan excursion destinations with your friends.

If you know some peers in the same program, get together and make a list of countries or cities you want to visit. Wait to buy flights and train tickets until after you’ve received your class schedule, but at least have an idea of where you’d like to go.

3. Stock up on American items you might not find abroad.

Sounds silly, but I know it might be hard to find my favorite eye makeup remover abroad. To avoid these issues, bring along key items you can’t live without.

4. Avoid over packing.

Easier said than done, I know. But honestly, you will most definitely buy more souvenirs than you think. Account for this ahead, and avoid having to buy an extra suitcase for the flight back.

5. Adopt an open mind.

Abroad is all about meeting new people, visiting new sites, and experiencing new cultures. Read about the culture of wherever you plan to study, and challenge yourself to try new things when you’re abroad.

Safe travels, friends. You’re about to start an adventure of a lifetime

Sydney: Things I Wish I Knew Before Coming to College

  Although your high school and family members will try to prepare you for college, it’s impossible to actually be prepared for all the experiences coming your way. I had no idea what to expect coming into BU my freshman year. I only knew one person from my high school attending BU with me, so I came in eager to meet new people, but nervous about the unknown. Here are some things I have learned since coming to BU:

1.     You won’t meet all your best friends freshman year.

o   I met a lot of students my freshman year, from orientation, to FYSOP, to people on my floor, as well as through other extra-curricular activities. However, I didn’t meet some of my closest friends until my sophomore, and even junior year. Although I do have some good friendships from freshman year, I strongly encourage you to be open-minded and meet as many people as you can. Don’t stick to the same group you meet in the first few weeks of classes. BU is such a big school that you might miss out on some great friendships.  

2.     Stepping out of your comfort zone isn’t as scary as you think.

o   Although it’s frightening, sometimes the best experiences come from putting yourself out there and stepping out of your comfort zone. For example, I was pretty shy growing up. I never thought I would be so comfortable giving tours for the Admissions Office at BU, with group sizes ranging from 20-40 prospective students and parents. However, I wanted to share my experiences and my passion for BU, and applied to be an Admissions Ambassador freshman year. The Admissions Ambassador role has been one of my most rewarding experiences, significantly improving my public speaking and communication skills. This experience gave me the confidence to apply to be a COM Ambassador sophomore year. I am so glad I did not let fear or nerves cause me to miss out on these amazing opportunities.

3.     Time management is difficult but possible.

o   If you’re in COM, chances are you will have a lot going on. Between balancing classes, internships, jobs, clubs, and other extracurricular activities, time management is imperative. Although everyone has different organizational skills, you will learn that you can manage your time and fit in the activities that are important to you.

4.     Prioritize making time for yourself.

o   It’s easy to get caught up in your school work, making sure you have a job or internship, or trying to improve friendships. However, sometimes you really need to devote time to yourself. I personally enjoy taking walks on the Esplanade, on campus, or somewhere downtown. It’s really easy to get caught up in college life and trying to make other people happy, but taking time to relax and focus on yourself will positively benefit all aspects of your life.

These are just a few of the many things I have learned since arriving at BU. I still have some time left, and know there is a lot more learning and experiences to go!

Kate: Taking Advantage of your Sophomore Year

As a freshman, everything is new and exciting. New city, new people, new freedom. Junior year is another exciting year often with study abroad and classes relating to what you actually want to do. Senior year is nostalgic as you get closer to graduation. But then there’s that year in the middle of it all, sophomore year. Sophomores are known for getting the “sophomore slump” where everything feels boring and dreary, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
As opposed to a year in desolation and bleakness, look at sophomore year as a time for opportunity and trial. Sophomore year is the time when you can start figuring out what you really want to do. You can take that random Intro to PR class because maybe you want to change your major to public relations. Or, even if you have a major picked out, maybe you can add a double major or a minor. It’s also the perfect time to try out new classes and take that archaeology class that you otherwise wouldn’t have had the chance to. There’s an endless list of classes at BU, so why not take advantage and find something that sounds really interesting.
Sophomore year is also a great time to get really involved. Many juniors and seniors are off interning or studying abroad, so now’s the time to get into clubs and extracurriculars. If you’ve always wanted to be a DJ on a radio show, join WTBU. If you’ve always wanted to write about cool places you’ve visited or any number of lifestyle topics, join The Buzz. If you’ve always wanted to write your own tv show, pitch a show to BUTV10. There are so many opportunities to try whatever you have always wanted to do, and there will never be a better time to take those risks. You can also get more involved with the clubs you are already in. Clubs and activities are great ways to meet more people and find your place which always seems much harder after freshman year.
It takes time to find your way after the excitement of freshman year, but looking at all the opportunities to take advantage of is a great way to stay positive and happy. It’s a stressful time, but doing activities purely for enjoyment is a great way to stay level-headed. Even if your classes aren’t what you expected or something isn’t working out, giving yourself this thing to look forward to will keep your head up. Take advantage of the “sophomore slump” and use it as your opportunity to have an amazing year.

Laura: What Can Happen in a Semester?

Every semester at BU is just as memorable as the next, but something about this semester felt different from the other two I have experienced. As a sophomore, I admittedly did a lot of reflecting on how much has changed since my first ever semester here last fall. I came to Boston this year reminiscing on memories of last year, recognizing that it was no longer going to be my first time doing everything. Woah I actually know how to get around the city, and how to use my dining points efficiently, and where the quietest study spots are (during finals do not go to Mugar- try finding a classroom in the law building!) I adjusted more quickly and looking back on all of the amazing memories a lot did happen this semester!

Here is a quick peek into what my life was like this fall: 

  • I got a library card at the Coolidge Corner Library and definitely recommend it.  
  • I fell getting out of the shower (Yup! Just slipped right out!)
  • I lived with seven friends. Very fun but equally loud and crazy.
  • I went to the synagogue in Brookline with my family for the Jewish high holidays.
  • I got offered my dream internship for the spring 2018 semester at an advertising agency. 
  • I witnessed not one, not two, but THREE weddings in front of the Boston Public Library.
  • I worked on two projects in Ad Club, one as an account executive where we worked on rebranding and one as a copywriter where I made mail templates to be sent out to students.
  • I saw Bleachers in concert at the House of Blues!
  • I started watching This is Us…. all the tears, I know, I asked for this. 
  • I celebrated the one year anniversary of when I met my boyfriend.
  • I went to Dry Bar for the first time and did not like it!!! 
  • I participated in a dance marathon for the Boston Children’s Hospital.
  • I tried oysters for the first time and discovered my favorite new restaurant: Saltie Girl.
  • I lost connections with a few of my good friends from freshman year but formed deep connections with the ones that I still had. I also formed deeper relationships with people who were just acquaintances in the past. 
  • I took my favorite class: Introduction to Creative Writing (CAS EN 202) where my professor always encouraged us to push ourselves in our writing and try new things.
  • I thought my friend Lexi broke my funny bone. She didn’t I am okay people.
  • I went to the Waterfront and Seaport for the first time.
  • I invented a new product for S’well for my COM 331 class. Shark tank here I come?

But as fun as all of these moments were, I noticed an over-arching theme this semester. 

I think I really grew up (woah, what, what is happening). 

Even when I would call my mom on the phone she would mention, “You have matured so much in these past few months! How did that happen?”

I honestly have no clue, but I think it has something to do with it being my second year and not my first. The pressure of making friends is no longer a worry of mine, I understand what it takes to get good grades and I have a lot of practice in time management and balancing everything I want to accomplish. Maybe something that made me become “more adult” is the way that I prioritized finding an internship and using my go-getter attitude to go for, and ultimately accept, my dream internship. I think any nerves I had about networking or simply talking to super-adulty (Laura, c’mon you’re telling us you’re an adult and you’re using the word “adulty”) professional people have evaporated, because I have realized for once that I’ve got this! 

And you do too. It might take time, but I cannot believe how much growth I have accomplished in just one semester and I think that I can only continue to grow if I keep pushing myself here at BU.

Daera: The Best Study Spots on Campus

With finals coming up, I wanted to take the time to share some of my favorite study spots around campus. Just make sure you leave a seat for me if you decide to check them out!

5. Kilachand First Floor Lounge
This is one of my favorite spots on campus for lots of reasons. First off, it’s a very clean cut and modern space. Sometimes, getting into the mindset of studying just takes being in the right spot. For me, that means the right temperature and a plethora of comfortable seating and table spaces. This lounge has couches, a fake fireplace, lots of tables, and a plethora of outlets. Plus, Kilachand is the honors college, so there’s definitely lots of brain power floating around the

8/27/13 -- Boston, MA Kilachand Hall August 27, 2013. Photo by Cydney Scott for Boston University Photography

4. Marciano Commons
I know what you’re thinking, food is the ultimate distraction, but hear me out on this one. Marciano is one of the greatest dining halls in the nation and has great atmosphere. I don’t know about you guys, but I need to snack while I do work and there’s an abundance of food (which is healthy at that) at your fingertips in the dining hall. Another plus: outlets everywhere. Usually, you’ll find me camped out towards the back of the first floor if you want to stop by and say hello.


3. Mugar 4th Floor
This isn’t exactly a secret spot by any measure, but I think it’s often overlooked. A lot of people hype up the second or third floor, but the fourth floor is by far the best. As you go higher up, the library gets quieter and for me the fourth floor has just enough noise to function. My favorite feature about this floor has to be the long communal tables! Not only do they have lots of outlets and chairs, but having other people in such close proximity helps you feel like you’re all holding each other accountable for doing work.
2. COM Lounge
Before I get into the benefits of COM lounge, let me give you all a strong piece of advice: get swipe access to COM the moment you matriculate. It gives you access to COM ~after hours~ (aka nights and weekends). Especially around finals season, the lounge empties out because most COM students have projects instead of finals. The lounge is not just great during finals; all the amenities are still there during the normal semester, but they’re a little more crowded than usual.
1. Theology Library
I don’t even remember when I found out about this spot, but I’m glad I did. Not only are there cubicles throughout, but in the back there’s lots of tables and tons of natural light. It’s in a great spot on campus, too, because of how central it is. When I was taking my religion class, it was a great space to focus on the topics at hand. It’s a very warm and inviting space and the tables and cubicles are both large enough to comfortably spread it. It’s a little more quiet than some of the
other places on the list, but even if you don’t like quiet, you should give the space a try.


(footage of me putting in work in these spaces for the next few weeks)

Eliza: Get in the holiday spirit, even when finals are getting you down

Well Terriers, ‘tis the season and that refers to two things: finals and the holiday season. When I was younger, my parents always started playing Christmas music as soon as they could, and now it’s become a part of my usual routine every December. But with finals on the mind two, it’s important that the songs I’m listening to fit into my usual ~Mugar vibes~ playlist on Spotify. Below, I’ve listed ten of the songs I add every year. Because if I’m going to be studying, at least I can do my best to get a little holiday spirit into it.

White Christmas - Bing Crosby: There are countless versions of this holiday classic, but this one is my favorite. Most people don’t know the song debuted in the film Holiday Inn, which starred Crosby alongside Fred Astaire, before the film White Christmas made it so popular.

Home for the Holidays - Perry Como: Another classic, but this time I choose Como’s version because I grew up listening to this album on LOOP all of December. It’s also a great motivator to get my work done so I can be closer to being home for the holidays.

Peace on Earth / Little Drummer Boy - Bing Crosby and David Bowie: Who would’ve thought these two would be able to get together and make such a great song?

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - Jack Johnson: Jack Johnson is a staple on any of my studying playlists, and his cute version of this song lets Rudolph stand up for himself in the end, which is (I believe) a totally valid update to the original.

Silver and Gold (Instrumental) - Decca Concert Orchestra: This is from the very old school animated Rudolph film and I will never stop loving it.

Carol of the Bells - Mannheim Steamroller: What do these guys do when it’s not the holiday season?

Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) - Mariah Carey: Gotta include one from the holiday queen herself, but I resist All I Want for Christmas is you because it’s too much of a certified BOP for the library.

The Bells of Christmas (Greensleeves) - Frank Sinatra: I’m always surprised by this song, and I have a soft spot for Sinatra, so this one always works.

These are just some of the songs that make my finals cram sessions and late nights in the library seem a little more festive. What songs do you listen to during the holidays?

Zach: How to ease the pre-grad dread

Graduating is a very very very very very daunting event coming up for a lot of people (some even sooner than me... sorry December grads) and it is easy to get caught up in the fear of this pending doom. I have been overthinking ways to avoid these thoughts or turn them into positive ones and here are some tips!

1: Stay Busy

This semester I was the Vice President of Liquid Fun, Producer for Hothouse Productions, and I directed Spring Awakening for BU on Broadway... so I barely had time to think about how I was going to ripped away from all the things I love to start completely fresh and alone in 6 months.

2: Keep in Touch with Potential Employers

The most exciting part of graduating is putting your degree to work, so especially after your most crucial internships summer before senior year, it’s good to keep in touch with them and remind them you exist during senior year! Let them know what projects you are working on so you can carry a solid relationship with them post-diploma.

3: Start Saving

One of my biggest fears about graduating is that I have no life-skills to be able to live on my own with no family or college network, so I started a savings account on an app called Digit that rounds up all my purchases and quietly takes money from my checking and puts it into a savings account. I am trying to save for 3 months rent in New York City... wish me luck!

4: Focus on things that aren’t beholden to college

I was really scared recently that graduating meant I lost my identity because I am so involved at BU. I had to take a night to really think about all the things I am and CAN BE without my activities and friends here. Focus on things you love that transcend location: for me that was improv and theatre. I can still see and participate in both of those things once I am graduated and living in a major city!


Take your last chances to get caught up in all the college stupid things because soon real things will be your worries! Let yourself get lost in roommate drama! It’s stupid and pointless but so is being young!


Well everyone, this is it, my final blog post as a COM Ambassador and as a college student!  As of this Friday, December 1st, I will officially be done with college, which is an absolutely crazy thought.  It feels like just yesterday I was driving into Boston to move in for freshman year.  But here I am, three and half years later, in Los Angeles, where I always hoped to end up, preparing for my final class of college!

My time in Boston provided me with some of the best moments of my life.  I met some of my best friends and took advantage of some amazing opportunities that I wouldn’t have had anywhere else.  Boston became my home and I am terribly sad to leave it behind for the huge metropolis that is Los Angeles, but I know some day I’ll find my way back to Beantown!

For my final blog post, I decided to compile a list of my favorite places/things in Boston, and a list of the things I wish I had done during my time in the city.  For any incoming or current students: check these places out; four (or 3.5) years flies by quicker than expected.  Make the most of your time in Boston!


The North End, specifically all of the pastry places, like Modern Pastry.  (Honestly, I think Modern is better than Mike’s, plus it’s cheaper.)  There’s a lot of history in this part of town, lot’s of old buildings and churches, etc.  It’s the perfect place to just walk around and absorb the city.  

Relatedly, I love Faneuil Hall, mainly because it was where my family would always take me when we would visit Boston when I was younger.  I just think it’s such a cool place, with plenty of different dining and shopping options.  There are always performers there as well, and you’ll be only a few minutes away from the harbor, another fantastic place!

Coolidge Corner is another one of my favorite places in Boston.  There is so much to do there: shopping, eating, seeing a movie.  The Coolidge Corner Theater is an absolutely beautiful theater and always shows smaller indie films that might not show at Regal or AMC, which is great.  Brookline Booksmith, right across from the theater, is also another great place to visit.  They have a whole basement full of used books for great prices, and the store consistently brings in authors for a variety of events!

Illuminus, an art festival held on Landsdowne Street: The last time this festival happened was my sophomore year, and I’m so sad they didn’t bring it back until this fall while I was away in LA.  During Illuminus, Landsdowne street was shut down and filled with a variety of art installations, most of which involved amazing lights.  It was quite a amazing to behold and I would totally recommend attending the next time it comes to Boston!

Spectacle Island- When I worked as a program assistant for the AMP high school program, I was able to bring my students on a trip through the harbor to Spectacle Island.  Not only was the boat ride beautiful, but the island itself is magnificent, with plenty of walking trails and beaches made almost entirely out of sea glass.  I guess it really was a spectacle.


Boston may not be the biggest city, but there is still so much to do both there and in the surrounding areas.  One of my biggest regrets was failing to go to nearby places such as the Bunker Hill Monument or the USS Constitution Museum.  The USS Constitution was one of my parents’ favorite places to bring me and my siblings when we would visit Boston as kids, so its a shame I never had the chance to see it while actually living nearby!

The Institute of Contemporary Art

This museum is on the water!  You probably see your friends there on Snapchat and realize that it’s a super cool museum and wish you took the time to visit!  Or maybe that’s just me…

The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

I’m noticing a trend here with museums.  Again, I lived about ten minutes away from this museum over the past three years and somehow never managed to visit it.  Fun fact, it’s free to get in with a student ID or if your name is Isabella (I only qualify for one of those), so I really had no excuse not to stop by!

Well everyone, this was just a short list of the things I did and wish I had done while in Boston.  I think it serves as a way to commemorate the many great memories I made while visiting these places, with friends or on my own, all while learning the city and growing to call it home.  I’m sad that my time as a student at Boston University has come to a conclusion so soon, but I am beyond excited to see what the future has to offer me.  I’m so thankful for the many opportunities I have been offered during my time in Boston, especially those offered to me via COM.  Being a COM Ambassador is one of my favorite memories of all, and I’m so happy I was able to spend the better part of my time at BU helping welcome in new students. 

Lilah: Some Thoughts about Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving break brings many mixed emotions. Kids are thankful that they get to escape school at the apex of stress, aside from finals week. However, some dread going home to confront their odd families. This is especially stressful when you are a film and television major. I do not know what to do when family friends say, “So what are you planning to do with that degree?”  I was at a restaurant, and I ran into an old family friend and his parents. When my parents asked what his major was, he said business management. “None of that art nonsense in this family, no,” said his dad. “Zoinks,” I thought to myself. He then asked, “What’s your major?” to which I sheepishly responded, “Film and television.” He looked embarrassed, and so did I.

Personally, my family is entirely in the entertainment business, so they cannot judge my decisions like a third party. However, they can scrutinize every little decision I make because “they know best.” I am not completely sure what is best. I will say that, whenever someone criticizes your decision to pursue a communications degree, you must remember that you get what you put in. Like that man, a lot of people view the arts as nonsense. Sure, if I was a parent, I would love for my child to pursue something that had a stable income. Instead of instilling a sense of financial stability into my mind, my parents have always taught me to be headstrong and hard working. I have found that, with the qualities they gave me, success follows. As does happiness. On the other hand, I think the world would be way worse off if the arts weren’t there to distract from mundane activities or bad times.

On the subject of family, I must write a little love letter to mine. Everyone that knows me knows that my family is the heart of everything I do. As I grow older, I see that my family is morphing into a stereotype of itself. Our activities include singing around the piano and dance parties, exclusively. We are loud and obnoxious, but our bond grows tighter every year. As I left to return back to school, I realized how much I needed my family - especially during sophomore year, during which the “sophomore slump” can easily overwhelm you. When things are difficult at school, your family will always be there to support you. For me, calling my mother every day is the only way I can survive.

Overall, Thanksgiving brings you together with those you love, or those you dread to see. Just remember to defend yourself when someone says, “Oh…” judgmentally when you say what your major is. You are working hard here at BU, and you cannot let anyone invalidate your work. Also, cherish your family, because you do not know how often you will see them in the future. ALSO, despite how exciting or busy college life is, CALL YOUR MOTHERS!

Caroline: BUTV10 is My Life

My last blog post was a love letter to Boston. Now, for my last blog post on campus (catch my abroad post from LA next semester), I have to write about the most important thing in my life: BUTV10.

I first heard about BUTV10 when I was researching colleges in my sophomore year of high school. I liked BU because I could take lots of classes, I didn’t have to be hyper focused and decide as a 17 year old that I wanted to do, say, screenwriting for the rest of my life. There was flexibility. There was also this great television station where students could produce their own shows. Other schools had that, sure, but something about BUTV10 got me really interested. The website was cool, the content was fun, and I could see myself working on their shows.

Next step was when I went to the Academy of Media Production (check out their website). It’s a high school program at BU for students interested in production. After I determined that I liked BU from my online research and a quick campus visit with a friend, I found out about AMP online and decided I had to go. I had such an incredible experience there. I fell in love with BU and I got to work on projects that were just like what BUTV10 was making. Plus, I got to learn from the faculty advisor for BUTV10 (the academic director of AMP) AND the general manager of BUTV10, who was a teaching assistant at AMP. I used the same studios BUTV10 shows like Good Morning BU and Bay State are filmed in. I also met two of my future best friends and roommates at AMP, but I tell everyone that so I’m sure you know already. I remember lying on the COM lawn late one afternoon and I decided I was going to apply early decision to Boston University.

Fast forward through an awesome senior year—its September and I’m in Boston. I take a video every day, and here is the a screenshot from the video I took when I went to the BUTV10 general interest meeting as a wee freshman (so young and naive about filming  vertically instead of horizontally).

My first BUTV10 General Interest Meeting, Sept 10, 2014

Like most students at that meeting, I was full of excitement and absolutely in awe of the Paper Trail presentation and wanted to work on it. Luckily for me, the producer and cinematographer taught me at AMP, so I had an inside man. After a few weeks of general BUTV10 training and some Paper Trail training I was on set working on a real college television show, learning how to work on a set for the first time. I remember getting the call sheet for the first shoot and I was listed as “grip/electric” and I had no idea what that was. But I showed up to set anyway and soon learned I would be helping to rig the lights and diffusion and set up the dolly track for the camera. That was such a fun set to work on. The whole crew was organized and professional, but we also had a lot of fun. I learned a lot about filmmaking from the producers and crew that helped me a lot in my production classes. I didn’t even know you needed to use a sandbag until I had to be a human sand bag because we ran out one day, holding on to a C-stand with a flag (a type of light shaping tool) so it wouldn’t blow over. Not only did I learn, but I was a part of something special. Paper Trail was nominated twice for the Emmy Foundation’s College Television Awards and won two NATAS Boston/New England College Awards and two Telly Awards.

Me (and my now roommate Dylan) on the set of Paper Trail as “grip,” first day filming with BUTV10, October 4, 2014

Freshman year brought many other exciting opportunities within BUTV10. I got to film soccer games for the Athletics department. I operated Chyron (graphics) for 2014 Midterm election coverage. I was chosen to work on the basketball crew where I operated graphics. Later on in the spring semester, I was able to technical direct some basketball games and I eventually made my way to the director’s chair. I’ll never forget—the first time I ever directed a basketball game. I was so nervous and something was going wrong—they wouldn’t start the game. We were live, but the referees were just fidgeting with the ball. I find out in the first break there was a problem with the ball, one play complained it was overinflated. ESPN got word of this, and a clip from the game, and played it on SportsCenter that night. Why, you ask? This came just weeks after the Patriots’ deflate gate fiasco. “They’ve got a problem with their ball inflation up there in Boston,” the anchor mused. That was pretty cool, but the story overshadows the fact that I was very nervous that game and needed a lot of help. I was doing something I’d never really done before. I directed the morning announcements in high school and I got to direct a little at AMP. But this was a basketball game. Anything could happen at any point. I got through it with the help of the crew and staff.

Sophomore year I was able to branch out more. Paper Trail was over and I needed a new show to work on. I signed up for a developing show BU Late Night that didn’t end up getting on to BUTV10. I filmed more soccer games, did some women’s ice hockey and field hockey too. I joined the Student Management Board as Show Liaison-in-training to help communicate with all of the producers. After the Show Liaison left to go to Los Angeles, I took over. I joined Good Morning BU, the live weekly morning news show as technical director. I got better at directing basketball games. Through my experience with BUTV10, I learned valuable skills that I was able leverage to get summer internships. At LAX Sports Network I was able to jump right into production running the teleprompter, cutting highlight reels, and wrapping cables—all skills I learned through BUTV10. Professor Cavalieri, our faculty advisor, helped me get my second internship researching for a PBS American Experience Documentary.


Junior year was by far my most important with BUTV10. I assumed the role of General Manger. I directed Good Morning BU. I directed our election coverage (see my blog post from last year ). I directed more basketball games and developed. I helped film One on One interviews with people like Larry Charles (producer/director for Seinfeld, Borat, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and more), Stephen Schiff (executive producer of my favorite TV show The Americans), and comedian Demetri Martin. I got interviewed by BU Today twice about BUTV10. I took on a lot of responsibility this year and it was challenging at times. I had to plan my time meticulously and stay organized. I had to learn how to manage people and delegate tasks. I had to assume responsibility—for successes and failures. I got to lead the General Interest Meeting in the same room I sat just two years earlier.


Now I’m in my last semester with BUTV10. While I have handed off some of my responsibilities to underclassmen now, just as it was handed to me, I’m still working hard with BUTV10. I’m training a new general manager and setting up more organizational structure to ensure the organization will continue to grow. We're also training a new director for basketball. My time is winding down and I’m very sad about it. It’s hard to have a conversation with me without me talking about BUTV10. It has been the most rewarding, challenging, and valuable thing I’ve done at BU and that alone was worth the BU tuition. Don’t get me wrong, I had a lot of incredible classes at BU as well, but the practical experience I got from BUTV10 will be the most valuable for me when striving to achieve my career goals.

BUTV10 holiday party with Olivia Etienne and Zambeta Tsapos, December 2016

I can’t leave out all of the amazing friends I’ve made while working with BUTV10. One quick shoutout to my BUTV10 partner in crime Justin who lived and breathed BUTV10 with me. And I can’t finish this post without giving my sincere thanks to Professor Cavalieri for being an incredible faculty advisor (he even won an award for it from the university). Without Professor Cavalieri’s support my time spent with BUTV10 and my contributions to the organization would have been minimal. Meeting him is yet another reason BUTV10 was the best thing I did at BU. I can honestly say I am the person I am today because of BUTV10, and I know whatever success comes to me in the future, I can thank BUTV10 for getting me started and giving me the tools to succeed.
