Angeli: Philanthropy, From the Greek “Philanthrōpos”

When I first got to BU, I had no intention of getting involved with Greek life. My older brother had been in a fraternity and for years had recommended that I “at least try it” when my time as an undergrad rolled around. Despite his persistent recommendations, I just didn’t see myself having that kind of college experience. My plan was instead to become as active as I could on campus mainly by pursuing communication-related extracurriculars, so that my free time could be spent in ways that were both enjoyable and advantageous to my professional soul searching. I certainly didn’t foresee finding myself on the brink of hypothermia on the coldest night of Fall 2017, wholeheartedly committed to ensuring a flag football tournament benefitting a childhood cancer nonprofit would go on.  

But first let me retrace my steps a bit. By the end of freshman year, I had followed my initial plan quite nicely. I was in just about everything COM, from BUTV10 to WTBU, and had still gotten to try my hand at a few just-for-fun activities as well, like BU On Broadway. I was never bored (if anything, much too tired.) I’d met a lot of great people along the way. And I felt more than acclimated to my new environment. Nonetheless, something was missing and I just wasn’t completely satisfied.

Throughout my childhood and well into my high school years, I had done a lot of community service. Philanthropy was a value my parents had instilled in my siblings and me from an early age and eventually grew to be something I loved to do without any sort of urging. I had always planned to stay committed to service during college and even began my BU career with FYSOP, but I’d be kidding myself if I said it remained a top priority of mine for the rest of that year. It wasn’t until I returned to campus as a sophomore that I really realized how much I had missed it.

Around the same time, I made another important self-realization, if not confession. I had many things in common with the friends I had become closest to, but they had just one commonality amongst each other that I did not share: all of them had gone through recruitment. More importantly, they each ended up in a sorority where they truly felt at home. At first, I didn’t regret my decision to remain anti-Greek life. I was happy for my friends, and they never made me feel like an outsider. On the contrary, they tried to include me in their new community as much as possible. As time went on, however, I couldn’t help but wonder what I had really missed out on (translation: I couldn’t help but feel the occasional FOMO.) If several people that I related to were in Greek life, was it really as antonymous to my interests as I had always assumed?

That spring was my chance to get an answer once and for all. And sure enough, it was as pleasantly surprising as I had secretly hoped it would be. I went through recruitment with an open mind and found my way to a sorority I am now incredibly grateful to be a part of because, in doing so, I also found that piece of my college puzzle that had been missing. I can definitely only speak to my own experience here at BU, but Greek life has proven to surpass all of the stereotypical expectations I once held for it. I know longer believe there is a “sorority type” or that Greek organizations are purely about socializing. Philanthropy is a large portion of what this community stands for and by far my favorite part of being a member of it. In just two semesters, I have been able to participate in a variety of events supporting important causes like an end to juvenile diabetes and breast cancer research. Above all, I’ve gained a newfound commitment to the Ronald McDonald House Charities, the focus of my own sorority’s efforts, that I aim to maintain beyond my undergraduate career. From volunteering at a local RM house to serving as Event Chair for our annual Friday Night Lights fundraiser, it’s been truly rewarding to be able to contribute to this organization’s immense impact in my own small way.

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Christy: A Time for Lasts

Since coming to Boston University in September 2014, I have experienced so many “firsts.” I went to my first college class, I survived my first Boston winter (it was the storm Juno…) and lived in my first apartment, just to name a few. 

I just celebrated my birthday with all the wonderful friends I’ve made over the last three and a half years at BU, and it hit me: this is the last time I will be able to celebrate with all my closest friends in one place. 

Now, I realized, I have experienced so many firsts that it might be time for some of my lasts (such as my last COM Ambassador blog post).

I know it sounds sad and dramatic, but with only a month left at BU before I graduate, I think I am allowed to be. Graduating early comes with its advantages and excitement, but it also means I have a semester less of time in Boston, at BU and with my friends. But, what’s the point of being sad? I don’t have only a month left — I have a whole month left! In this month, I am going to do as much as I can to see my friends, make memories and make the most of this month. To do this, I promised myself I would:

Make it to all the plans, events and activities I am invited to.

I am a homebody and really value my alone time. But, I am just doing myself a disservice by losing out on time with my friends. 

Make plans to go places I have yet to visit.

I already started this by planning trips to both Salem and Martha’s Vineyard last month, but there’s still so much more to do. I have never been to the Lawn on D, and I have SO many restaurants still to try.

Do now, sleep later.

Not later into the morning, but sleep when I am actually tired instead of retiring for the night in bed at 5:30 p.m. with Netflix and mac and cheese.

Say “yes” more.

I am a very indecisive person … but if I don’t say yes now, when will I?

The friendships I have made while in this incredible city have helped me grow, and are invaluable to me. Hellos may become goodbyes and firsts may become lasts, but at least I know when I leave Boston in December that I have made the most of my time left.

Nick: The Art of Saying No

If you’re a COM student, chances are you’ve got a very busy schedule. Sometimes students in other colleges at BU will scoff at the fact that most COM classes only meet once a week, but they’re forgetting one key point: all the work that happens outside the classroom. One of the best things about COM is you’re practicing the skills necessary for your career from day one. If you want to be a journalist, you’re out covering stories and conducting interviews. If you want to be a director, you’re putting those skills to the test on your short films. If you want to be a producer, you’re scheduling shoots and putting potential producing prowess on display.

But all this great professional experience lends itself to a familiar COM dilemma… “I don’t have enough free time.” Between balancing schoolwork, likely a myriad of extracurriculars and a possible part-time job, finding time to sit back and binge-watch Stranger Things may not be as easy as you’d like. Which leads me to the solution: the art of saying no.
Now if you’re anything like me, you tend to overbook yourself to the max (iCal has become my best friend). I want to make everyone happy, and this often means that I say yes to things that I later regret. If you overbook yourself, you could end up losing sleep, skipping meals or getting sick.
So one of the best lessons I’ve learned in COM, especially my senior year, is to take care of myself and sometimes turn things down if I know they would only make my life more difficult. Don’t wait as long as I did.
With added free time this semester, I was able to be perform in Stage Troupe's production of Grease with some pretty awesome dudes.
Turning down an internship for fall of my senior year was a difficult decision, but one I felt was necessary. I had come off a busy summer interning with both WEEI, writing content for their website, and NBC Boston’s investigative team. My schedule was pretty busy as it was, and I considered interning on my two free days without work or class. Let’s just say I’m happy with the decision I made. As it turns out, those days have proven to be valuable times to schedule interviews, shoot b-roll for class video packages and sometimes just unwind and watch TV.
I was also tempted to take on more responsibility in my extracurriculars, but decided to go another route. Without being bogged down by my extracurriculars, I auditioned for another show this semester and was cast in Stage Troupe’s production of Grease. I have always loved performing, and figured this could be one of my last opportunities to do something like this. It didn’t have to do with my major or advance my career, but that’s ok. Sometimes you need to do things for yourself.
With the added free time, I was also able to book a flight to Washington, DC in early October for the annual Online News Association conference. This was an incredible experience – both in terms of returning to a city that I love and also networking opportunities. This would not have been possible if I didn’t say “no thanks” every once in awhile.

And best of all, with my added free time I’m able to spend more quality time with my friends, some of whom are either graduating in December or headed to do the LA program for the spring semester. You’re only in college once, and it’s important to remember that you have the rest of your life to work. Find some time while you’re at BU to turn down an offer and go to that Red Sox game, spend the night at the ICA, check out some of the delicious eats in the North End. You’ll be glad you did.

Carter, Simon and I spontaneously bought tickets to a Red Sox playoff game, and it was one of the best days of the semester.

Sydney: How PRSSA has prepared me for the real world

I came into BU undecided with my major in the College of Arts and Sciences, completely unsure about my future career path. After realizing my passion for communication and learning more about COM through COM101, I declared my major in Public Relations the summer after my freshman year. But, to be honest, I didn’t really know what Public Relations was, so the best decision I made was joining the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) to help me figure it out.

I attended my first PRSSA meeting the first week of sophomore year. I was enthralled by the opportunity to hear from guest speakers and what working in the PR field is actually like. I attended every weekly meeting, eager to learn from industry professionals about their experiences and advice. By the end of my sophomore year, I was so passionate about PRSSA that I decided to run for the e-board. Everyone running for a position had to give a speech to members in attendance. I was nervous to speak about myself and why I felt I was capable for the position of Programming Coordinator in front of my fellow members. However, I overcame this fear and was elected into the position.

As Programming Coordinator, I am in charge of scheduling our weekly guest speakers. I was intimidated to reach out to industry professionals at first, but realized it wasn’t so scary after all. They are all excited to share their wisdom and experiences because they were once in a place of fear and confusion like us. I came back in the fall semester with the majority of guest speakers booked, and couldn’t wait to hear and learn from them.

PRSSA has taught me so much about the Public Relations world. I had the opportunity to attend the PRSSA National Conference, with over 1,000 PR students from around the country, hosted in Boston this year (shout out to CA Rachel for being one of the students who planned it!). I spent four days learning from industry professionals such as IBM Chief Brand Officer Jon Iwata, CEO of The Celebrity Source Rita Tateel, as well as speakers from PR agencies such as Weber Shandwick and Ogilvy PR. I also connected with other PR students from all over the United States, and Peru, who had similar goals and interests with me, realizing that PRSSA is far more than just our BU chapter. It was a great experience that I am so grateful to PRSSA for.

If you have any interest in Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, or the Communications field in general, I definitely recommend joining PRSSA. Hearing from diverse speakers at weekly meetings has helped me determine what type of organization and industry I would like to work in for the future. This pre-professional organization truly prepares you with connections and advice for the post-grad world!

Rachel: Surviving Cold Season

It's that time of year again: cold season! This is the time of year where everyone is busy with assignments, not sleeping much and spending time with their friends in warm spaces, which let's be honest, provides the perfect conditions for festering disease. I did not make it out unscathed this season, but I do have some tips for making illness more bearable.

1. Nap

Sleep is so important, so make it happen. I know things can get overwhelming this time of year with pending assignments, but resting is essential when you are sick. Maybe do readings in bed followed by a nap, or try to budget your time, so you can go to bed at 10pm instead of midnight. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep!

2. Hydrate

Water, tea, green juice, what ever fluid you prefer - make sure you drink lots of hydrating liquids. Your body needs water especially if you have a sweaty illness where you're losing fluids (ick but true). Water is great, so hydrate!

3. Oranges (Vitamin C)

Vitamin C is more for before you get sick, but I still like to partake in some OJ drinking during ill time. Vitamin C improves your immune system and a strong immune system can improve your ability to fight illness. ( I may be a COM student, but I can science when it comes to sick time).

4. Hot Drinks (Stay Warm)

It's already chilly outside, so you are going to want to bundle up. Being sick, though, makes it even more important and comfy to layer yourself in sweaters and scarves and wrap yourself up in a blanket. Plus, bundling makes it easier to rest when you are napping.

5. Friends

Misery loves company. Isn't that a saying? Having company when you're sick makes it easier to tough through the sneezes and coughs. Plus, if you have really great friends, they will bring or make you food when you're not up to making some yourself.

Josee: The Moments That Matter the Most

Life comes at you fast. Too fast, even.

Let’s set the scene, it’s your freshman year at Boston University. The mid-semester crunch has hit you like a brick wall.

Your homework is scattered with coffee stains, you’ve slept about 8 hours in the past week, and you’re running around campus like a chicken with its head cut off trying to make all the classes, meetings, and obligations of the week.

I wish I could say that I remember most of my freshman year, but in all honesty, most of the time my mind couldn’t stop racing. All I could think about were the things that had to be done next. Not only did it take a toll on my mental health, but it left me exhausted and burnt out.

I was recently speaking to a COM professor about this strange sense of being. I told him about the daily existential crises I faced and the fact that 99% of the time, I felt like I was lost in some way or the other.

But then I also mentioned how I would find these moments, no matter how small, where things felt okay. The world seemed to slow down and my mind cleared up its fog. In those moments, I felt happy, confident, and the pits in my stomach unraveled. For a fleeting moment, things seemed clear.

These moments came about both planned and unexpected. These were the moments I truly cherished and worked tirelessly for. They made the toil and struggle worth it.

For example, this past month, I worked an event for my internship with WBUR at Faneuil Hall. Since the semester had started, I had been struggling with keeping up with deadlines and obligations. I often questioned whether all the work was even worth it.

But then, I took to the stage in a place where history was made. I stood in front of hundreds of people and watched an event knowing that I had a hand in it. I watched journalism at its finest unravel before my eyes. That night, I got the chance to witness a dialogue bloom, a dialogue that I’ve wanted to contribute to my entire life.

That night, I remembered why I wanted to be a journalist.

But it’s not only in the huge career moves or school accomplishments, it’s in the beautiful in everyday. Each day may not be incredible, but if you look hard enough, you’ll find something incredible between the time you wake up and the time you fall asleep.

That’s why I started a reverse bucket list for this semester. What I’ve been doing is writing down things I’m thankful for that happened in a day and placing them in a literal bucket. Then if things are rough, I can just pick up a few slips and remind myself of the times I’m most grateful for.

Some slips so far include petting precious dogs in Amory Park with my FYSOP co-staff, sharing cookie dough with my best friend, and wearing fuzzy socks while listening to smooth jazz on a rainy day.

So yes, life may move quickly, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take some quick snapshots of the ride.

As always, peace and love.


Sophia: Best Holiday Episodes from Your Favorite TV Shows

As soon as the clock turned from 11:59 on October 31st to midnight on November 1st, I turned my speakers up and pressed play. “All I want for Christmas is you” blasted from my room and into the kitchen, and my roommate, used to my holiday antics, rolled her eyes.

“Sophia,” Georgia said, exasperated. “You can’t just skip Thanksgiving and go straight to Christmas. That’s not how it works.”

But, oh, that is exactly how it works.

I was ready. Ready for the Starbucks red holiday cups, the Michael Buble Christmas albums, the “Home Alone” re-runs, and, of course, constant replays of TV’s best holiday episodes. From “The Office” to “Lizzie McGuire,” there’s a holiday episode out there to cure everyone’s frigid-Boston-blues. Here are my favorite.

The Office, “A Benihana Christmas”

Okay, this one’s easy. I have never met a single person who isn’t entertained by Dwight Schrute's bizarre antics, especially in this Christmas fav.
New Girl, “Christmas Eve Eve”

If you’re not already in enraptured by “New Girl”’s leading man, Schmidt (Max Greenfield), this episode will surely do the trick. This episode highlights the gift-giving pressures of the holiday season and pokes fun at Christmas traditions, such as Secret Santa.
Friends, “The One With The Holiday Armadillo”.

If you haven’t watched every episode of friends, are you even a real person? This episode is all about Ross trying to figure out a creative way to explain Hanukkah to his son, Ben, while still being as entertaining as the man in red himself.

Lost, “The Constant”

This episode is widely regarded as the best one created in the infamous sci-fi series, so it’s definitely a must-watch anyway. But its underlying themes of family and unconquerable love are sure to get you feeling as mushy as watching a wood-lit fire. Characters Desmond and Penny finally reconcile on Christmas Eve after years of separation, and their reunion is sure to make your heart burst.
How I Met Your Mother, “How Lily Stole Christmas”

As another classic sitcom, HIMYM is more well-known for their Thanksgiving episodes, so if you’re like Georgia and don’t want to skip Thanksgiving, maybe take a look at one of these. However, this Christmas episode came out early on in the show’s life when the characters were still establishing themselves, making it one of the series’ most important.

South Park, “Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo”

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I totally get it if South Park, like, isn’t really your thing. It’s a smart, satirical show, but it is laced with plenty of dumb humor that really turns people off. But they really are a hilarious show, and they’re so popular for a reason. Their Christmas episodes never fail to entertain (and offend) viewers, so check this out if you’re looking for some holiday-induced laughs.

Spongebob Squarepants, “Christmas Who?”

If you spent your whole life wanting to see Patrick’s famous picture of Spongebob at the Christmas party, then look no further than Spongebob’s first Christmas episode ever. It’s hilarious to go back to the earlier seasons of Spongebob, but this episode is truly adorable. It’s all about Spongebob bringing Christmas back to Bikini Bottom, and if you don’t find that entertaining, I’m not sure what you will.

Lizzie McGuire, “Xtreme Xmas”

There’s nothing quite like the lessons taught from old Disney Channel shows like “That’s so Raven” and “Lizzie McGuire.” This episode is all about Lizzie choosing selflessness instead of selfishness. The same choice that many find hard to make when the holiday seasons roll around. However, Lizzie and her friends always seem to make it out okay.

Grace: Top Coffee Shops for Actually Completing Homework

Tired of going to Starbucks to do work, only to stand in line for hours, get yelled at by an overworked barista, and compete for Wifi? Honestly, same. Sometimes I need a break from studying at Mugar or the George Sherman Union (GSU), and that quest for study space has led me into the front doors of countless coffee shops around Boston. Read on to find your own quiet space – and favorite cup of coffee – at some shops near BU.

Café Nero – With three hours of free Wifi, ample table space, and warm lighting, Café Nero’s soothing interior is the perfect place to chill and focus. Your coffee is made right in front of you, so customers can expect quiet baristas who won’t be yelling out names or orders. With its close proximity to West Campus (literally right under 1047 Commonwealth), this convenient spot can’t be beat.

July 2014 Lobstah Ladies and BSF 720

The Thinking Cup – If you’re looking to venture off campus, try stopping by the Thinking Cup. Located on Newbury Street, this café is perfect for East Campus folks. The Thinking Cup’s coffee drinks and exotic food options make it a perfect spot to snack and study. Even better, you will avoid harsh lighting, since the café’s interior is dimly lit.


Pavement – Trying to work on a team project? Find a whole room dedicated to seating at Pavement. Work with your partners for hours, and even grab a sandwich or slice of pastry while you’re there. Pavement bakes its own bread daily, and many ingredients from its its menu are locally sourced.


Blue State – Blue State is ideal for West Campus students who are tired of studying in the basement of Claflin or the top floor of Stuvi 2. With an Americana-meets-social-justice feel, Blue State is perfect for doing good and eating well while you study. Each drink order comes with a token to vote for a local charity Blue State will donate a portion of its proceeds to. My favorite is the “chaider” – a yummy mix of chai and apple cider that will leave you feeling festive and ready to focus.


Trident Booksellers and Café – Sundays are meant for two things: Brunch and (unfortunately) homework. Whether you eat healthy or prefer a decadent treat, Trident has it all, along with novelty drink options. The Trident café is snuggled between their stacks of bookshelves and cute gift items. Finish your studying, then take a browse – reading for pleasure is the perfect way to relax.


Hali: The Art of Scheduling

Two weeks ago, I woke up early on a Sunday morning to register for my Spring 2018 classes. I’ve already altered my schedule since then. With my track record, this will probably happen twice more before the semester begins. 

I’ve consistently overbooked myself this past semester, and it’s something I’ve spent a lot of time regretting. This semester has taught me the importance of crafting a schedule that is catered towards your individual needs. It’s important to remember that your schedule is so much more than the few hours you spend in class per week. It may sound like a good idea to fill every hour of the day with jobs, internships, classes, and extracurriculars, but you may find yourself crashing by mid-March (if you last that long). 

It’s tough to plan an ideal schedule on your first attempt, but you might come close with careful planning. Here’s some important things to keep in mind as you craft (or modify!) your schedule for next semester: 


Classes are important, but they also only make up a fraction of your week. I mention extracurriculars first because mine are the most demanding part of my schedule. I have rehearsals for my student group, On Broadway, most nights of the week. I always keep this in mind when making my schedule.

One of the most important things to remember is scheduling BREAK TIME. That 3-6 PM class might look great in your schedule, but it won’t feel great when there’s no time to stop for dinner before whatever meeting you have to run to! 

Study time

This is an undergraduate institution! There’s no point in taking 16 credits worth of classes if you’re not saving any time to apply yourself! You don’t need to reserve ten hours of study time per day, but make sure there’s enough space in between your classes to manage your workload. The best schedule is one that will allow you to do a little bit of studying everyday. 

It’s also important to know yourself and consider when you’re the most productive. For example, two years of college have taught me that I am NOT a night owl. I tend to register for late afternoon classes so I can wake up, grab my Venti iced coffee at Starbucks, and spend my mornings getting homework done in the COM Lounge.

Save time for friends and family 

There was a time last semester when I went two weeks without speaking to my parents. I don’t think I will ever live that down. If you’re too busy to spend time catching up with the people you love, you’re doing something wrong! 

This one is easy, because you don’t necessarily need to dedicate two hours per day to Facetiming your parents (although I certainly wish I could). However, it sometimes can be very helpful to block off a weekly time to give your loved ones a call. I usually spend Sunday evenings giving everyone in my family a quick call! 

Remember that life happens

Don’t forget…. there’s going to be so much that you can’t plan for next semester! You’ll be able to handle a busy schedule sometimes, but not always. There will undoubtedly be days when you just need some rest! Filling your Friday afternoon with classes and extracurriculars may seem efficient now, but what will you do when your friends ask you to hang out, or the new season of (insert popular television show here) premieres on Netflix?

As a general rule, just keep your schedule open! You never know when a new job or internship opportunity will arise, or if you’d like to branch out and try a new extracurricular! Keep all of this in mind when you register for classes, and you’re sure to have yourself a successful spring semester! 

Sam K: I’m Stressed, But I’m Alive, & Might I Say Thriving?

On any given day, when someone asks how I am doing, my subconscious usually blurts out “I'm stressed!!!” before realizing the socially acceptable response is actually just “I’m good, and you?” But I am not one to hide how I am feeling, and I am constantly stressed. With two jobs, an internship, an executive board position on Off The Cuff, a full course load, and now and then even a social life, I am often asked how I still manage to function, let alone sleep or eat. My answer? I have embarked on my own “hero’s journey” where finding the time to complete my responsibilities while staying healthy (mentally and physically) is my ultimate bounty. In my final semester of college, I have finally found how to manage my stress and morph it into a healthy balance of drive, productivity, and overall happiness.

Stress can be all-consuming, and it may seem like there is no time in the day to accomplish everything life throws at you and take a moment for yourself. However, I believe that failure will catch up to you if you don't learn how to co-manage responsibilities and self care. People cope with stress in so many different ways, and to do it right you really need to be in touch with what ultimately makes you the happiest and most satisfied version of yourself. For some, this is taking a long walk in silence to clear your head and center your mind and body. For others, it is motivating yourself with an XL chocolate chip cookie that you're not allowed to dive into until after cranking out your 10 page paper. Sometimes, taking care of yourself means simply laying on the floor of your apartment next to a pint of low calorie, dairy free ice cream while listening to calming yoga music (this one comes from experience).

Deciding what I value and the tiny things that make me happy was the first step I took in managing my own stress. I racked my brain for examples of when I was the most unfulfilled —back to the days when I was so stressed that my eyelashes were falling out and I didn't have time to cook anything besides oatmeal—and realized what was missing from these moments. I was overlooking everything I enjoyed in order to get everything else done. In retrospect, I don’t even remember the outcome of all the things I had on my plate during those darker days, but I do remember how heavy the weight of the stress felt upon me. This could've been prevented if I prioritized myself as highly as I set the tasks that, now looking back, weren’t even that important.

I discovered that I am happiest when I am healthiest and when I am able to talk through my ups and downs with others. Trips to Trader Joe’s excite me, and a nice, sweaty workout makes me feel whole again. Skimming cooking videos on Instagram brings a smile to my face, and sitting at a coffee table with my friend discussing our futures (scary) helps keep me on my feet. I was letting these things go in order to finish my homework and my readings and get to work on time and be a good intern and edit articles for the magazine and keep myself from eating fast food and maintaining old friendships and so on and so forth. I wasn’t taking care of myself, nor was I conquering the small victories that keep me feeling fulfilled.

Long story short, there is no worth in letting your stress consume you to the point where you put aside your health and happiness. Make lists, multitask —I’m writing this very blog post on a bike on the second floor of Fitrec—eat your veggies, call your mom, and make time for your friends. In the end, you probably won’t even remember the tasks caused eyelashes to fall out (again, from personal experience), but you will remember the happiness, or lack there of, that dictated some of the most important years of your life.

I hope everyone can find their own XL cookie kind of coping mechanism.