Zach: Stars- The Best Starbucks on Campus

I drink a lot of coffee. Like a lot of coffee. While I’d love to be a coffee snob, I’m not and nine times out of ten I settle for Starbucks. Luckily, I go to a wonderful university that facilitates this nasty habit! So freshmen/prospective students, I’ve done the work for you that would have taken you a whole semester to figure out: which Starbucks locations on campus are better than the others?


5: Warren: Ew. Oh my gosh. The line is OUTRAGEOUS, the coffee is ALWAYS burnt, and there are NEVER any pastries. Did I mention the seating is uncomfortable? Only go to this Starbucks if you are in dire need of caffeine and need an IV drip of espresso.

(This Starbucks was ranked lower because they do not accept dining points.)

4: Questrom: I would assume if you are reading this blog you are not in Questrom. If you are not in Questrom this Starbucks is not a fun place. There is a dress code for this Starbucks, and the seating is more like the floor of the stock market than a café. Drinks are meh. I’ve seen better.

(This Starbucks was ranked higher because it does accept dining points)

3: West: So here’s the sitch, this Starbucks is not a BU Starbucks. It’s like a real one you would find in a real strip mall. I know… crazy. So it’s nice to have one that accepts rewards and coupons and actually has the full menu. However, this was ranked a little bit lower because as a zombie freshman, using real money is a foreign experience and can be jolting in juxtaposition to the coffee you’ll receive.

TIE: GSU: Oh how I love the GSU Starbucks even though it is kind of cruddy. There is nothing better than being able to emerge from the 6th floor of Mugar and only take about 100 steps to get a pick-me-up, or being able to have a Basho sushi bowl in one hand and your venti iced coffee in the other without much extra time in the intermix. However, this only goes to tie because it is a smaller location with a long line almost always.

(This Starbucks obviously takes dining points… it’s in the GSU.)

TIE: Kenmore: THIS STARBUCKS IS CLASSY!!! The interior design is like WOW! There is a HUGE variety of seating options, and OUTDOOR seating!!! What else could a hyperactive yet bougie college sophomore want? Well, it would be nice if they accepted either dining points or rewards, but the ambiance of this Starbucks (and general lack of line) puts this Starbucks in a tie with the most convenient Starbs location on campus.

BONUS TIP: The coffee at Rize is NOT bad at all!! Try that if the line is long elsewhere!

Kaley: How about them Apples?

So it's fall and you're ready to pumpkin spice up your life -or, okay, maybe you're just looking for an Instagram to caption with the orange leaf emoji. So understandable. Either way, look no further.

That 'gram is just a few bus rides, or, even more strategically, an Uber-pool away. You're going apple picking.

Red Apple Farm is only a 17 minute drive from BU, and there are about 700 different Instagram opportunities. Pet a pig, hop on a hay-ride, try their famous "apple sundaes" and hashtag #eeeeaaats. Most importantly though, as its name suggests, Red Apple Farm is prime for picking apples.

The apple Insta is easy and minimalist. It's chic in a way only an apple, on a farm1 in New England, can be. Bonus points: leave a leaf on the apple's stem for a nice earthy touch. Apples don't just make for a fresh, filtered 'gram, though. They're multi-functional. Turns out, you can eat them.

Just kidding. But seriously, get two bags of those puppies and bring them back to the first Boston kitchen you can find. There's one more fall opportunity waiting for you there: baking an apple crisp.

Maybe the most magical and underrated experience of autumn, apple crisp is easy and, warm and paired with the right vanilla ice-cream, it's heavenly. Follow the recipe below. You're welcome.

-Preheat the oven to 425 degrees

-Peel two bags of apples

-Chop them into small slices

-Put them over a pie-crust in a pie-tin

-In a bowl, mix together one stick (1/2 cup) of softened butter, 1 cup of flour, and 1 cup of sugar

-Spread the flour/butter/sugar mix over the apples

-Bake for 30-45 minutes

Donald: Cramming 101

It’s time for your first big midterm. You’ve known the date of the exam ever since your professor reviewed your syllabus on the first day of class. In fact, she’s even brought up the date in class several times to remind you. She’s also warned that this is an exam you cannot begin studying for the night before. However, time has magically flown by and it’s the night before your exam. It’s extremely easy to panic in these situations, but as someone who has been in your shoes countless times before, here are a few tips:

Chose Snacks Wisely

If you’re up late at night, you’ll undoubtedly get hungry. And it’s super tempting to run to CityCo at 1 AM and grab your favorite chips. But if you’re going to be up late, remember that your body will respond to the foods that you put in it. Healthier snacks may not taste as great as Doritos, but they’ll give you the energy you’ll need to continue doing the readings that were assigned to you weeks earlier. Plus, they won’t make your crash the way junk foods do.

Chose A Good Study Spot

One of the biggest obstacles to studying can be choosing a bad spot. It’s really important that you take the time to learn about your studying habits and what works best for you. If you like nosier places, picking a spot in your dorm or in the GSU may be better than going to Mugar. Although it can be scary to go places alone, it’s definitely more important that you don’t study with friends who distract you.

Take Timed Breaks

When you’re cramming late at night, it can be easy to think that you can’t take any time to stop because you have a ton of information to learn. However, if you don’t take any breaks, you’ll easily burn out and not remember anything you’ve been studying. My best piece of advice is to set a timer and schedule 10 minute breaks every hour (or whatever intervals work best for you). If you time your breaks, you’ll prevent yourself from procrastinating for too long.

Remember to Sleep

It can definitely be overwhelming when it’s 4AM and your exam is only hours away. However, if you don’t sleep for at least a little, your brain won’t retain any of the information you’ve stayed up cramming. At a certain point in the night, it’s important to grab some shut-eye for at least a few hours so you’ll have the energy to get through the actual exam.


Lastly, yet probably the easiest to forget, is that it’s important to breathe while studying. Looking at the amount of information you have to remember can be scary and overwhelming. Yet, you’ll accomplish nothing if you just freak out about all of the things you have to do. When you find yourself panicking, pause and take a deep breath. Then just start reading one page at a time.

Obviously, the best way to avoid all of this is to actually begin studying before the very last minute. Yet, it happens to all of us sometimes, so just remember that you’ll get through it if you take everything one step at a time. Cramming is extremely stressful and no one loves it, but there is definitely an art to it that you’ll learn as a college student.

Kate: Getting off campus this October

Congratulations, BU 2019! You’ve made it through your first month as a COM freshman at BU. In this first month, you’ve probably made some great friends on your floor and you’ve also probably gotten a little more comfortable navigating the Charles River campus aka you know where the closest Starbucks is at all times. Well now, it’s almost October and I’m daring you to get off campus!

Now that you’ve finally figured some BU stuff out, why leave campus? October is a beautiful time in New England, especially in Boston. The fall foliage is showing its true colors (literally) and the weather cools down from our 92-degree nights in Warren (seriously we need AC) to a comfortable fall evening, cool enough for your new fall boots and that favorite chunky sweater.

Check out one of these three off-campus spots this October, Boston and New England still has a lot of surprises for you in store!

1) Salem, MA

The town of Salem is historically known for the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, which resulted in the hanging deaths of 19 men and women due to their “diagnosis of bewitchment.” Today the town offers visitors and residents alike, rich New England heritage, historic architecture and amazing stories told for almost four centuries. October is the best time to visit Salem because the town gets all decked out for Halloween! In addition to the town’s Halloween spirit, there is always restaurants and shopping, land & sea tours/cruises, parks and commons, Salem Witch Trial museums and memorials, and much more to do! Sold on Salem? Just hop onto the MBTA commuter rail at North Station, and take the Rockport line to Salem. You’re there!

2) Topsfield Fair in Topsfield, MA

The Topsfield Fair began in 1818, when the Essex Agricultural Society was granted a charter to preserve the land for agricultural activities. The fair has been held annually since 1818 – with a few exceptions. The fair was suspended for 3 years during the Civil war and for 3 years during World War II. I think that’s fair reasoning- haha, get it? Today, the fair includes carnival games and rides, many musical acts and attractions, 4-H agricultural and arts exhibits, parades, a petting zoo and much more. Head on over to Topsfield to experience this New England tradition anytime October 2-12 this fall. For this trip, you may need to find a friend with a car as it is about a 45 minute drive from Boston.

3) Apple Picking

My favorite place to go apple picking is Honey pot Hill Orchards in Stow, MA. This 200-acre family owned farm has operated since 1923 and brings you on a adult (aka fast) hayride through the orchards before dropping you off for some apple picking. Apples not your fruit of choice? Come along for the ride because this orchard has farm animals, hedge mazes and hayrides to entertain you. And make sure you end your day with a stop at the Apple Store – you can see their beehives making honey, buy fresh produce, jams and jellies, and you HAVE to try their apple cider donuts. I am not a patient person, but I will and I have waited about an hour in line for my ½ dozen bag of cider donuts. You don’t want to miss this delicious treat. Again, find a friend with a car or perhaps look into getting an enterprise or zip car account if you love off campus excursions. It’ll be worth it!

Caroline: Adulthood: Part 2

Last semester I wrote about how searching for an apartment made me feel like a real adult. Today, I can tell you I feel more like an adult that ever. Yesterday I walked Beacon St. with grocery bags on either shoulder after dropping $80 at Whole Foods. The day before, I vacuumed my entire apartment and used a duster. A DUSTER. I got excited the other day when I received the Xfinity and electricity bills. Who does that? I was just very excited that I was finally living what feels like real life. I paid a bill with my own money (on my kitten checks, but that’s besides the point) and felt legitimate.

Probably my favorite part about feeling like an adult is cooking dinner. I have been gathering recipes for months now and I can finally make everything I’ve been salivating over. I use finally lightly because I had many test-cooking sessions at home before I was on my own and still often text my mother “What temperature do I cook the fish at?” I’m not saying anything I’ve cooked so far has come out stellar, but at least we’re not ordering takeout every night.

My favorite meal I’ve made so far is tofu-veggie stir fry or pesto pasta with broccoli. Things I’ve learned so far while cooking for myself and my roommates: water takes a long time to boil, it’s hard to time everything out to be finished at the same time, the kitchen gets really hot, and something will always go wrong. I’ve under cooked rice, steamed soggy broccoli, and boiled a pot over; and it’s only week four!

My favorite part of the week is when my three roommates and myself all coordinate our schedules and eat dinner together. Nothing is better than sitting down with three of your favorite people to eat a meal you just cooked yourself. And, if I’m lucky, someone else will offer to do the dishes. 🙂

In the past three weeks I have learned a lot about myself and my roommates, as well as life on my own. My biggest take aways are: communication is key, clean your dishes right after you’re done using them, and the walk to West campus feels way shorter on the way home after a long day.

Joe: S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D

The one thing Hollywood got right is how stressful college is. It’s a constant game of time management, while somehow still remembering to eat. Currently, I’m neglecting to eat in order to get this post in on time, so L.E. doesn’t kill me.

You may be expecting some deep, emotional wisdom from this post. Don’t. Stop that. We’re getting ahead of ourselves. Instead, I’m going to give you an insight into my current state of life and how to learn from my mistakes.

#TBT to that time when I was so stressed out over homework that I almost cried in front of all of B.U. Here’s a tip: breathe. Prioritize. These are things I’m not good at. But you have time to perfect them and be in a much happier place.

Try not to bite off more than you can chew. Find the classes you know you’ll get the most out of and commit to them. The others that aren’t as important don’t require every ounce of your attention and for you to go above and beyond.

College is just as much of a social learning experience as it is an actual learning experience. Like from books and stuff. So prioritize. Can that reading wait because the Emmys are on and you really just want to hangout with your friends and analyze everyone’s acceptance speeches? The answer is yes, it can. Bonus tip: be sure to practice your own Emmy acceptance speech during commercial breaks.

College is hard. Life is harder. Homework is temporary. So don’t freak out. Or do freak out. Who am I to tell you what to do? Just remember that the weekend will be here before you know it. And you’ll be able to forget your responsibilities for a little while. Until Sunday night comes around and you’re scrambling all over again.

Stay in school, kids. Say you’ll remember me standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset when you’re famous and I’m still paying off my student loans.

Christy: Money Management

If you’re like me, college was the first time I really had to think about budgeting my own money. I suddenly started thinking things like “Do I really need that Chipotle?” and “I don’t need those shoes right now.” I was so use to having my mom hand me a $10 bill before walking out the door for Chipotle or always going shoe shopping with her that I never thought about what would happen when I had to do those things without her.Suddenly, I was thrown into the world of real adulthood and had to pay for the things I took for granted on my own. My mom still sends me money here and there, but I always feel bad asking for it. So, as soon as I got to campus freshman year, I applied for my first job. Later in the year, I applied for a second. I LOVED the feeling of earning money, having money and spending money that was all my own.

I worked hard all of freshman year and saved up as much as I could to last me through this past summer. I knew I would be participating in an unpaid internship, as well as performing in a musical, so I wouldn’t have any time to get a job. Whatever I saved up during the school year was it for the summer (with a little help from my mom). However, I thought I had saved so much money that I possibly couldn’t spend it three months. I was wrong.

I loved the feeling of spending my own money so much that I bought a few too many Broadway show tickets and went out to eat a little too much. By the end of the summer, I had about $30 to my name. It was one of the most terrifying and disappointing realizations for me. Terrifying, because I had to last two weeks into being in Boston before I would start getting paid once again and disappointing, because I couldn’t believe I put myself in a situation like that.

Right then, I vowed I would never do that to myself, and my bank account, again. So, I started to do the following:

1. I created a self-imposed minimum that I will never let my account go below, so I would always have money in case of emergency- or if I just really need that Chipotle.

2. I really thought about my purchases and how they would pay off in the long run.

Will I hate myself for eating Chipolte later?

3. I planned out purchases in advance.

Okay, I get paid on Friday. So that means if I really want to get Chipotle this week, I can just wait til after Friday when I have some more wiggle room in my account.

Unfortunately, I had to learn my money management lesson the hard way. I feel as though college is the perfect time to learn about money management, and I’m glad I learned when I did. So be smart and be aware of how much you are spending. You’ll be happy in the long run.

Amy: How to get away from the city without really leaving

Don't get me wrong, Boston is amazing and wonderful and full of all the great things that make us all love living here. Living in the city makes life exciting all the time. That being said, sometimes we all need a little break from the craziness. When the sweet sounds of Storrow Drive start to become more like a lullaby than noisy cars, it's time to find some space away from the city to regroup and think. Personally, one of my favorite things about Boston is that it's a city with so much nature all around. Here are just a few of my favorite spots near campus:

1. The Esplanade. Probably one of the easiest spots near campus. I love walking just past campus and finding a nice spot near the water to do some work. The esplanade stretches along the Charles for a several miles, which also makes it the perfect spot to go running with a great view!

2. Boston Common/Public Gardens. The Common definitely isn't always quiet, but it's a great spot to picnic with friends and hang out. Easily accessible by the Boyleston and Park St. T stops, but also a nice walk on a good day!

3. Mason Square Park. Step just south of campus into Brookline, and you'll find yourself in a beautiful alternate suburban world. One small beautiful park to visit is the Mason Square Park, located a few steps down Essex St. (turn south at 808 Gallery).

4. Emerald Necklace parks. The Emerald Necklace is a really cool long string of  parks and greenway that runs from Park Drive in South Campus all the way into Brookline. With over 1,000 acres to explore and fun events held at different locations along the parks, the Emerald Necklace never gets boring!

I also want to note that for those up for bigger trips, Cape Cod, New Hampshire, and Maine also have lots of fun parks and hiking trails that are often accessible by bus or train! Especially as we get into New England's most beautiful season, spend some quality time with the outdoors before we snowed in all over again.

Eliza: #Networking

People talk about networking like it’s either something they are incredible at or as if it is the most daunting task to ever present itself. In COM, it’s at least something people talk about all the time, and for good reason. Sure, you could get hired simply off of a killer resume and your impressive COM degree, but it doesn’t hurt to work to develop connections.

Personal experience has shown me a lot about networking.  One: Because I’m just starting out, most of my connections are people my parents know or have worked with. Two: That is totally fine. There’s nothing wrong with getting a little help from your parents, especially if they have the network.

When I was applying for internships this summer, I had my eyes (and heart) on one in particular: working as an editorial intern at Thrillist. My dad is in marketing and my mom is a special educator, so I figured I wouldn’t have any connections in the editorial world. Plus, at first I resisted help because I decided I had to prove myself, blah blah. Wrong idea.

After some time had gone by, and I had heard nothing, and my dad was offering for the third time to look into connections, I decided to let him help. And from there I learned how insane networking can be (in a good way).

Turns out, a business friend of my dad had sat at the same table at a wedding as an editor at Thrillist. Yep – that was my big connection. None of them really knew each other that well, but it was enough to get my foot in the door. I met the guy for coffee, and within a week had heard back about my application.

That’s really what all this networking is about, getting a foot in the door.  Having the right network won’t get you the dream job, but it will definitely start you on the right path.

Jen: Put down that latte, you’re late!

If you’re like 99% of the human population, you have been late to something at least once in your life. Being late is just part of the human experience. I’ve been late for many things: class, birthday parties, going across the street to grab breakfast in the morning. Being late is just part of my DNA. Multiple times, I’ve kept my friends waiting five, ten, even twenty extra minutes for me to meet them to hang out. Not only am I a chronic late person, but I’m also a chronic procrastinator. Whether it’s putting off homework, doing my laundry, or even just getting out of bed, I will put anything off until the last minute.

So what happens if you are late to class? What happens if you’ve put off that essay until the night before it’s due? Here are some tips from a perpetually late person to help you deal with the stress that comes from tardiness.

  • Relax: Okay, this one is pretty self-explanatory. There have been many times when my stress level has gone from 0 to 100 because of me being a procrastinator. I’ve left everything from worksheets, to fifty page readings to four page papers till the last minute. I’ve gotten extremely overwhelmed and felt like it was impossible for me to get everything done. In times like these, I remember to take a breather and to calm down. I admit that it was my own fault that I procrastinated and then I get straight back to work because I have no time to give myself an intervention.

  • Don’t Make Excuses: When you’re currently sprinting to your friend’s birthday party because you’re running twenty minutes late, you’re probably thinking of a great excuse. How convincing and elaborate can you make your excuse so people think you’re telling the truth? It’s always best to throw out any excuses and tell the truth. Instead of trying to tell your friend a false but creative reason about why you’re late, it’s better to just say you watched a few too many episodes of House of Cards and didn’t keep track of time.

  • Remember, it’s not the end of the world if you’re late: Okay, so you’re five minutes late to class. It’s fine. Don’t freak out about being just a few minutes late because it might be the case where either the professor is late as well or you’re coming into class with some other students whose alarms didn’t wake them as well. Nobody is going to take you to court because you’re late to class. Unless it’s a mock trial class.

Tardiness happens. When it does happen, you just have to remember to relax and it’s not the end of the world. Everyone is late at one point in their lives, take it from me, a girl who was thirty minutes late to her own birthday party.

A Queen is never late