Category: Sargent Choice

SCTK: Carrot Bread

By Alaina Coffey, Senior Dietetics Student, Sargent College Baby carrots may be one of your staple grab-and-go snacks but for this fall recipe we put carrots to use in a new, creative way. We shredded bunches of large carrots in a food processor, producing several loaves of delicious carrot bread. The reviews were positive and carrot […]

Healthy Cooking on a Budget: Quinoa and Vegetable Pilaf

By Emma Balek, Sargent Choice Nutrition Center Practicum Student & Senior Dietetics Student and Sarah Butler Mazerall, MBA, MS, RD, LDN, SCNC Registered Dietitian Recently in the SCNC’s Healthy Cooking on a Budget Class we took on the challenge of making a one dish wonder that gives us all the grains and vegetables we need […]

Behind the Scenes: Planning for Sargent Choice Night

  Each August our Sargent Choice Registered Dietitians sit down with the culinary dream team at BU Dining Services to start planning for Sargent Choice Night. If you don’t know about Sargent Choice Night, mark your calendar for this Thursday –  September 25th, it’s the one night each semester where everything served in the dining […]