Category: Taylor
Life across the pond has been transformative. When you hear the words ‘Study Abroad’ don’t shove it off, instead embark on the experience.
1. The classes are extraordinary. Students are taught by spectacular instructors with a wealth of experience and credibility. Who ever thought 4-hour classes could be enjoyable?
+For my core journalism course students were granted the opportunity to visit the broadcast powerhouse for class.
2. The residential areas are phenomenal. To say the least, American posture and volume has undergone a transformation.
Oh, I live 15 minutes away from the royal family. #PrinceGeorge
3. Tea time is the best time- happens everyday.
For once you can enjoy life without constant Facebook usage or data consumption.
Lets be honest who really wants international charges.
4. The theatre scene is surreal- you never know who you’ll run into. I purchased a ticket to see a production at Royal Court without prior knowledge of the cast.
5. Studying abroad offers a chance for students to immerse themselves in the culture of a foreign land, get lost, travel, eat yummy food, network, and create memorable moments that will last a lifetime. DO IT!
Sad to leave London but excited to rejoin Terrier Nation!
Follow me: @TaylorReports
Taylor: When the Tests Come Marching In…
The seasonal change from summer to fall sets off a one-word alarm for me…MIDTERMS. No need for panic, there are tons of things to do on campus that will help you release tension and anxiety. The first test of the semester is nerve wrecking for all. BUT …there are the things that you can do in advance to prepare:
- Go to Office Hours- It’s mandatory for professors and faculty to section hours of office time just to answer course inquires. Use this time to your advantage!
- Begin to review early material- It never hurts to start reviewing early. No worries, all the cool kiddies use flashcards.
- Breathe- Don’t let fear become overwhelming. Pace yourself.
- Find a Study Buddy- There is no better way to review class material than with someone else.
- Remember your resources- The ERC has a ton of mock exam sessions. has a great list of events to aid to test prep!
Get a good nights rest before your exams! In the words of Kid President, ‘Keep being Awesome.’
Taylor: COM is Magical
Life is becoming extremely surreal for me at the moment. About two years ago, I shared the same nervousness and enthusiasm as many of you. I can recall drafting lists with ideas on how to decorate my room, bulleting last minute items to purchase, and stalking the information pages of extracurricular clubs I found interesting. Images of friendships to come, future lectures to note, and adventures to embark on would constantly enter my mind. My imagination envisioned BU akin to Hogwarts.
I pictured myself becoming the Oprah of our stellar Quidditch team. Unfortunately, the sorting hat thought otherwise. I was heartbroken when Student Services denied my petition for a time turner. Regardless, the magic of collegiate experiences is contagious. There have been moments where I have missed the BU Shuttle platform by just 9 ¾’s of a second (It happens to all!). Here’s a handy life warning: DON’T walk over the university crest, located in Marsh Plaza, before graduating (it’s literally the dark mark!). FYI: Fluffy creatures are often spotted on university lawns during study periods and at random as therapy.
COM is an extraordinary school full of phenomenal beings. Just thinking about all of the legendary footsteps that Terriers follow daily sends chills down my spine. I am convinced that we posse individual Marauder’s Map- which steers us towards our passion and dreams! Get ready for a journey of a lifetime.
Taylor: Housing Near COM!
Hello again! As the semester spirals to a close small letters plague university mailboxes announcing housing selection dates and times. Last year I panicked at the notice reminding me that I needed to choose a new residential area BUT there are so many cool housing options. Here’s what I consider the top four places to live if you want to neighbor COM:
1. Warren Towers- One of the largest resident halls in the country, Warren is probably the most convenient choice. A bit more of a community oriented environment Warren typically houses a vast majority of underclassmen. Major Pros: It’s a brisk 3-minute walk directly to COM.
2. 575 Commonwealth – Nearing the newly opened dining hall and resource center, Marciano Commons, this larger dormitory typically called ‘HOJO’ has a bit classier sway. The room types, like many larger dormitories, range from singles, doubles, and triples but all have private bathrooms. Most students choice this residence due to its history of being a former hotel.
3. Kilachand Hall- Formerly known as Shelton Hall is probably the most central dormitory in terms of being near Fenway, Newbury, and COM. Most students select this dorm due to its suite-like structure. Although many adore the view from the Student Village residences located in west campus the study lounge of Kilachand has a remarkable view of the river as well.
4. Nearing Brownstones- although applying for specialty community residence is a separate process you won’t be disappointed. Students usually apply for residences that envelope their passion or interest (For instance there are language houses and a common ground house).
Again, there are so many options to choose from. The BU Housing page provides a fantastic interactive tour of residences that you should also check out!
Taylor: Miss COM-geniality
The yearning for WORLD PEACE isn’t absent from my mind as I compete, with the scholarly and ever-dashing Christopher Schretzenmayer, in the 2013 Mr. & Ms. BU pageant. I am extremely humbled to be bestowed the title Ms. COM; words literally can’t express my gratitude to all the many congratulatory text messages and Facebook posts and endless support. I truly believe that this award is universal, for in my eyes, everyone within our college embodies the essence of communication.
Here are the top 5 things to expect from me during the race:
What pep talks sound like with Chris and Micha:
Once I walk into Metcalf hours early:
Can you guess my talent?
If I win:
All jokes aside please COMe out and support us Thursday March 21st as we showcase our knowledge on BU, passion for COM, and unique talents.
Taylor: Got News?
New Year. New Students. New Roles. NEWS…is the first word that enters my mind in the morning and sweeps my dreams at night. Radio has become a silent killer taking over every aspect of my heart. I am the news director for the student-run campus radio program WTBU (which recently won Station of the Year at the College Radio Awards). Having this responsibility is really turning my college experience into something that I will never forget.
WTBU offers live shows everyday with a variety of music and commentary that are insanely humorous and enlightening. Participating in this organization has furthered my passion for broadcast and I continue to learn more and more.
Radio has a weird yet remarkable ability to resurface thoughts and ideas through sound. With an incredible staff of dedicated show hosts and interns WTBU is able to produce weekly shows attainable online and by radio connection.
As news director I am in charge of all of the news-based shows and I also host WTBU News, which airs Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 6-8pm. The evening shows doesn’t solely focus on news coverage, we also feature guest that run the gamut from politicians to actors and professional experts. My semester highlight so far involves a phone interview with Doritos Super Bowl Challenge Finalist Ben Callner, creator of “Goat for Sale.”
I couldn’t be more excited about the shows, coverage, and guests ahead!
Peace, Love, & News.
Taylor: The Final Countdown
It’s that time of the year. Time for major investments in flashcards, increased coffee consumption, and constant professor office hour visits. Students are on the prowl for nice study spots and BU has a lot of options with open space.
Tips for selecting your study spots: try to stay away for the most common study spaces available such as Mugar Library and the Student Villages. Granted that the view of Boston is exceptional, the Student Villages offer extraordinary views of this Commonwealth. However, it is COMmon knowledge that congested congregations make it hard to study individually due to volume levels and the rarity of finding comfortable sitting. Here are five calm and effective study places for final exam preparation.
5. Mugar Library
Mugar Library is a very feasible place to study if you arrive early. The library’s convenience to the George Sherman Union makes small snack and lunch breaks likely. Claiming a cubby or small group table can get a bit iffy though! Be sure to select your spot before the huge influx of students pour in.
4.Shelton 9th and 1st floor areas
In contrast to StuVi’s, the 9th floor of Shelton is less clustered. The riverside view of Cambridge is phenomenal. No other way to watch the sunset and sunrise while reviewing notes.
3. Boston Public Library
Enjoy the reading room on the second floor of the Boston Public Library. Be sure to collect your thoughts and take a look at the massive open room with huge dome ceilings that share similarities to a museum.
2. Trident Bookstore
Located near Newbury Comics, Trident provides great vibes that assist in thought recollection and help tone down test anxiety. Be sure to keep an open ear out for samples of song bites from around the world.
1. Law Annex
Certainly forgotten around campus, the Law Annex has tons of lengthy tables equipped with outlets. This factor plays a crucial role in study selection. If you want to be completely isolated from others around campus this is your place!
Taylor: November Has Me All Shook Up!
Boston is a melting pot filled with thoughts and experiences of a lifetime, and it has me constantly in BURNING LOVE. I could not have imagined myself in any other place than this Commonwealth during the 2012 elections. The amount of canvassing and advertising, the sheer thrill of being near the headquarters of a presidential hopeful, and the diverse ranges of opinions are elements that will forever resonate in my thoughts.

This month I’ve had the great opportunity of making my BU on Broadway debut in an Elvis Presley inspired musical “All Shook Up” directed by COM Ambassador Tom Schrank. The experience of working with such an awesome directorial team and cast is indescribable. Not since I landed in Boston have I felt more enthused and excited about the future. Stepping on stage again after staying inactive freshmen year reignited my passion of performance and storytelling.

Whether you enjoy solely conversing about politics or singing a few measures within a song, it is never too late to get involved in a campus activity. The experience is so worthy!

It’s Now or Never,
Taylor W.
Taylor: COM is a Networking Toolbox
During my childhood, I’d habitually attend “Disney on Ice.” I can recall the sensation of wearing my Toy Story T-shirt and proudly buzzing the lightening toys sold at the event. During those moments, I genuinely felt a connection with the adult performers parading like toddlers around the rink. During those minutes, nothing could distract my level of attentiveness. Recently, I found myself tingling with a more mature but quite similar batch of emotions.
Earlier last month, I had the pleasure of attending Celebration of BU, a groundbreaking event that strengthened the bond between alumni and current students. The event held in BU’s Agganis Arena told the story of the university’s foundation. Watching the speakers and performers take the ice in very unique ways was simply mesmerizing. The most captivating part of the night to me dealt with the speaker distribution. More than half of the speakers were COM alumni. Throughout the weekend, distinguished alumni, including Bravo’s Andy Cohen and CBS correspondent Erica Hill, spoke to students about their success and provided a plethora of advice.
The event kicked off BU’s billion-dollar campaign to support student life programs, faculty enrichment, scholarships, and research. The abundance of alumni connections highlighted during the festivities brought happiness to all.
In particular, it reminded me of the career services available for me to discuss employment options post college, land interviews, connect with alumni, and develop my resume and cover letter. Earlier this semester COM’s career service center -which has a database consisting of over 600 internships- held a open house. Attendees had the opportunity to take professional headshots for their LinkedIn accounts and were also given an overview of the services offered through the center. Later this month COM will hold one of its amazing networking meet and greets where students will have the opportunity to converse with professionals currently practicing in their field of interest.
I view BU as a toolbox full of opportunities to tailor your skills and get ready for the workforce and all the wonders of the world. The services readily available remind me that just as our motto puts great emphasis on virtue and piety, a underlying theme known to all within this community is that this network is immense and “you’ll always have a friend in them.”