Melina N: What Clubs to Join, From Someone Who Loves Clubs

What Clubs to Join, From Someone Who Loves Clubs

For all of the kids who have been in various clubs throughout high school, BU offers an endless list of on-campus clubs and organizations. I remember walking through dozens of tables and enthusiastic student representatives at my first SPLASH. I must have signed up for at least ten newsletters that day. However, I have compiled a selection of my favorite clubs that I am a part of; hopefully, some of these appeal to you and convince you to explore this school’s bountiful supply of clubs.

Stage Troupe
If you were a former theatre kid pre-college times, Stage Troupe may be the perfect fit for you. I was stage manager in high school, and I was afraid I would be too busy with my classes and work to do theatre in college. However, Stage Troupe, the oldest and largest extracurricular performing arts group at BU, allows us flexibility in our schedules. I never have to worry about
missing important commitments for a rehearsal—as long as I communicate beforehand. During my time at Stage Troupe, I help in the paint department which has a lower time commitment than other departments. Still, I have been able to find friendship and support in this tight-knit community. Consider joining Stage Troupe or a similar extracurricular theatre group if you still crave acting or tech-ing as a hobby.

Boston University International Affairs Association (BUIAA)
I was a major Model United Nations nerd in high school, starting with the General Assembly and transitioning into the Department of Public Affairs. I didn’t want to seriously compete on the Model UN team in university, but I was interested to see if I could still be involved in the process. Luckily for me, BUIAA is one of the largest and most varied organizations on BU’s campus, branching out into different sub-organizations. For example, I am a part of the layout
team for the International Relations Review, a student-produced journal of policy-oriented analysis. This spring, I also served as Assistant Crisis Director at BosMUN, the high school conference. Although it is one of my bigger time commitments during the peak season, I gladly make time to work with my friendly members and organization e-board.

COM Student Government (COM StuGov)
And, of course, COM Student Government is an essential part of the COM community (the COMmunity, if you will). I recently accepted the position of Graphic Designer for COMStuGov. The e-board has been nothing but welcome and helpful, and it is heartwarming to see fellow COM students excel within and outside the organization. I hope to help advertise the club’s events, and meet more COM students. COMStuGov is the perfect way to dive into COM and
make COM connections.

My experiences with BU clubs have been overwhelmingly positive. While these are my top choices, there are so many other clubs I probably missed. Be sure to attend SPLASH, contact clubs if you wish to join, and follow their social media. You may just find your next mini-home within this vast campus.

Mia P: BU Study Spots, Ranked


BU is definitely a pretty large campus with many spots to study at. Whether you enjoy the lively buzz of a coffee shop or the quiet of a library, there is definitely something for everyone. Over my almost two years here, I’ve studied or done homework in almost every place I can think of (mostly because I get bored of studying somewhere too often.)

So, here are my top five BU study spots! 

  1. Mugar Memorial Library

Mugar is great for when you really need to get in the zone. As you go up every floor, it’s supposed to be quieter (although some people on Reddit have complained about the lack of understanding this.) 

What’s nice about Mugar is that no spot is exactly the same –– some areas provide more seclusion, while others (like the basement) allow for more interaction. There are also some spots with some really great views! 

  1. StuVi 2 26th Floor Study Lounge

As a StuVi 2 resident myself, I definitely do not take advantage of our top floor study lounge enough. With windows around the entire room, it provides a breathtaking view of Boston and the Charles River. 

I like this lounge because it isn’t too quiet, but it’s never too rowdy. It’s a great option for people who live in West campus and don’t want to walk all the way to East campus to do work at night. 

  1. Buick Street Market

Honestly, I didn’t even know that Buick existed until well into freshman year. Buick is another great West campus study spot, especially because you have direct access to the Dunkin and snacks whenever you want! People are usually pretty quiet, and there are also lots of outlets around to use. 

  1. George Sherman Union

As someone who enjoys a lively buzz surrounding me when I’m studying, I can’t recommend the GSU enough. It’s perfect to sit at in between classes to grab lunch and work on some homework. I also always end up seeing people I know there, so it can always keep things fun socially. 

With so many different places to eat inside, it’s super convenient to go there for a meal or even study there all day. Make sure to avoid going during peak rush times though, or it’ll be super hard to get a table!

  1. Questrom Starbucks

The Questrom Starbucks is great for morning or afternoon study sessions. First of all, being in Questrom always makes me feel cool because it’s so nice inside. Second of all, such close proximity to caffeine is always a plus.

Although this spot is a bit smaller, it’s definitely an amazing place to study with friends or do work before/in between classes if you have the time! You might think that this is an odd choice for the number one spot, but there’s something about the vibe and buzz of the place that makes it most appealing! 


Jonathan M: The Most Important Thing in College: GUM

The Most Important Thing in College: GUM

After living for 20 years, I have realized something essential for everyone: Gum is the most important thing you can have in college. Yes, you heard that right, gum, more specifically a pack of gum, is the most important thing you can have. Whether you place it in your backpack, pocket, or bottom of the shoe(not recommended) here are three reasons why:


It's a great way to make friends.

Carry around some gum on your first day of classes, and BOOM, instant friends are made. Here is roughly how it goes, "want some gum?" "Yes, let's be friends"... ok, maybe that's not how it goes, but it really is a great conversation starter. You can give someone a piece and ask if they like it, ask what their favorite kind of gum is, and of course, the centuries-old debate of Wintergreen and Spearmint (wintergreen, ftw btw). Gum is also cheap enough where it's ok for someone to accept it without feeling guilty, and since it doesn't make a tri-dent in your wallet, you feel ok giving it out. Finding friends in college is hard enough, and the small 2 dollar pack of gum will make it a lot easier.  


It's good for the environment.

Listen, I have no idea if it's actually good for the environment, but I know it is recyclable. Here is the situation, you just got back from seeing BTS at Agganis Arena and have an awesome new tour poster itching to get on the wall. You open your desk drawer, and OH NO…the tape has run out. Now, do you wait until the morning and buy new tape at CVS, or do you want to slap that wad gum, you’ve been chewing on for the past three hours, on the wall and enjoy your new poster… Gum is reusable in senses you could never imagine; have a nail in your bike tire? Stuff it in the whole the nail left, fixed! Do you have an enemy running after you? Throw it on the ground, and they'll be stuck there for hours. 


It's a low price for some fun.

Not everything that is fun needs to be expensive. And if you want a cheap 15-minute fix that will help you get through your (always entertaining!!) lecture, it is worth it.

Frankly, I might be overdoing it. Gum has its downsides: it's sticky, it's sugary. Also, chewing gum can potentially cause mercury to be released from mercury amalgam fillings…I just copied that from the internet. But there is something to be said about having little things in life and college that make your day better. Whether it's to make new friends, hang a poster, or just to help you get through your day, buy some gum.


Jess S: Should You Study Abroad? A Traveler’s Guide to Being The International Student

Should You Study Abroad? A Traveler’s Guide to Being The International Student

Let’s be honest — you’ve romanticized yourself living in a single apartment, seeking an independent life, and finding freedom from the clutch of your parents. There’s no doubt that moving to another state or city for college can accomplish that goal, but what if you wanted to deal your cards even further and travel to a different country? I recently spent my first semester in this incredibly odd place called the United States of America, and I want to share what it’s like to build a new persona for yourself while hurdling through the cultural barriers of a new country. 


First thing’s first, WEATHER! 

The best thing about moving to a place you’ve never been before is the complete wardrobe change. I grew up in the Philippines, a tropical country in Southeast Asia that is approximately 30c degrees (86 in Fahrenheit for my fellow Americans). That being said, I was more than excited to finally switch up the usual shorts and spaghetti strapped shirts I was used to wearing. When moving to a new place, remember to ALWAYS take the weather into account because now that it’s the dead of winter in Massachusetts where snow can come in at any minute I’m beginning to question my decision to study on the east coast (only joking, of course). The weather is a huge factor in your stay since it will determine the activities you end up doing, what you wear, and the difficulty level of your adjustment. The best weather is one you are prepared for and one you can eventually learn to enjoy. 


New You? 

One of the absolute best parts about moving to a new country is that nobody, and I mean almost nobody will know who you were back in high school. Failed biology in Junior year? Went to school with a terrible haircut that you still have nightmares about? Wore the wrong uniform to gym class? Went to a high school with a bad reputation? Don’t even worry about it. This is one of those few opportunities that allow you to completely rebrand yourself. And in the unfortunate event that you are unable to think of anything else to add to your new personality, you can always pull the international student card. 


Culture Shock is REAL

I never realized that when someone asks, “How are you?”, you’re actually supposed to ask how they are after answering. In Manila, people don’t really ask how you are. Random people don’t really even greet one another in general. I thought my limited TikTok and Youtube exposure to American culture prepared me enough to live here, but there are some things that you can only learn by experiencing it. Back in Highschool, we were required to stand up if we wanted to speak in class, and here everyone just seems to sit and talk at the same time. I also want to give a small shoutout to the advancements in payment methods here in America. Everything here is paid through apple pay or card, and whenever I pay with cash, I have trouble checking if my change is correct because American coins still confuse me. Moving to a new country requires a lot of preparation, not just in greetings and currency, but in learning a new language, trying to speak without an accent, and pushing yourself to talk to the locals when it’s pouring hail and you can’t remember where the nearest T is. 



The hardest part about studying abroad, on my end at least, was the homesickness. In my opinion, it’s worst after winter break because as soon as I arrived in Boston, I couldn’t even leave my dorm because of the cold and the covid cases around the area. There are days when it feels like my family is so far away, and the time difference only makes it harder to contact them when I need to hear their voice. This is why I strongly suggest that you join clubs, make friends, go out, do your assignments, keep yourself busy, and enjoy the freedom you have in a city you can one day call yours. 


It’s not easy to study abroad for an extended period of time. Even if my country offered more opportunities in the education and employment department, I wouldn’t trade my first semester here for anything. If you do decide to study abroad, know that the people you will meet, regardless of a potential language and culture barrier, those people will make all of the harsh winters and endless midterms worth it. Not to mention, when you’re studying abroad you are not only learning something you probably would have never seen or heard of back home but are also discovering the beauty of independence. In 10 years time when life decides to hit me in the face and put me in a position where I need to make decisions for myself while in a single apartment trying to get my 9 to 5 together, I am 70% sure I’ll have already gotten through worse and survived by then. 


Evan B: Be Your Valentine: Practicing Self Love in College

Be Your Valentine: Practicing Self Love in College

As college students, it can be incredibly easy to fall into a rhythm of only focusing on classes and homework. Although we’re at school to learn, it is super important to take a break and take the time to put yourself first! So, this Valentine’s Day, make it a goal to prioritize self care in your own daily routine. Here are just  a few tips that I’ve used to practice self love:

  1. Treat yourself

Corgi Ice Cream GIF - Corgi Ice Cream Dog GIFs

Anyone who knows me knows that I am most definitely a dessert person! Sometimes all I need is a sweet pick-me-up, whether that’s grabbing a chocolate rose from Tatte before classes or grabbing a sundae at J.P. Licks after a long day of classes. Although days at school can be super busy, it’s really important to remember to reward yourself for your hard work every so often. So, whether your love language is in the form of a home-cooked meal, trip to Starbucks, or a fun treat, you deserve it all!


  1. Watch (all of the) Netflix, like, ever

There’s nothing better than curling up in your fuzziest slipper socks with the latest hit TV series after a busy day at work! Whether I’m fully invested in a drama series or am in need of a good laugh, Netflix always does the trick for me. My recent favorite has been the second season of Cheer, but there’s sure to be a show that’s perfect for you!


  1. Get outside and get moving!

Boston is absolutely beautiful, whether the trees are in full bloom during the spring or covered with a dusting of snow in the winter. Whenever I need some fresh air, I love taking a walk on the Esplanade or along the Fens. It can be way too easy to spend entire days in the BU Bubble. Sometimes, all you need is a bit of fresh air to get your mind off of classes, homework, or anything else. Taking a walk or doing yoga always makes for a perfect study break, too!


  1. Spend time with friends

Friends Dogs GIF - Friends Dogs I Love You GIFs

Let’s face it– long days working are no fun. Whether your best friend is your roommate or you make a plan to hang out with your squad after classes, laughter and catching up is always the best medicine. Even if you can only catch up for a little bit before the next event on your calendar, I always try my best to make time to be with the people who I love most on campus!

Mira D: 5 Lessons I Learned During College

5 Lessons I Learned During College

In just a few months, I will be graduating from BU, so I wanted to take a moment to reflect onwhat these past few years have taught me. Here are some of the most important lessons I’ve learned that I want to share with you!


Have something that will always remind you of your priorities

Every once in a while, set aside time to reflect on your priorities and ask yourself- are you putting those things first? Or are you forgetting what’s important to you? It can be as simple as writing them out and sticking them on the wall or even finding a time once a month to chat with a
friend about what’s important to you and talking through whether or not you’ve been true to those things.I say this because identifying and honing in on what's important to me has given me a sense of peace. I still get stressed about things, but if I can immediately think about my priorities, I usually end up reminding myself that whatever I was stressed about in that moment isn’t anything to worry about and I can turn my attention towards what matters to me.I think that when your priorities aren’t clearly outlined in your mind, it’s easy for things to get muddled and for you to feel stressed about not doing the things you want and not focusing on the things that matter to you. If you have something to remind you of your priorities, you will always have that guidance to make sure that you’re staying on track with what’s going to make
you feel the happiest and the most fulfilled 🙂


People are going to come and go in your life and that’s okay!

There’s so much going on during this time in your life that people are going to need more room to grow than may have needed before. All of us are navigating this strange and confusing new world, and that requires space. We've all changed and gone through so much and that energy is going to push some people away and pull some people in. And that’s normal and that’s okay. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that sometimes your relationships are going to stretch and you’re
going to experience distance and you’re going to miss them or you might not. But that doesn’t mean that it’s permanent. Relationships are ever changing. Don’t let your worries about relationships changing take your attention away from the new relationships that you have the potential to discover and welcome into your life too!


Things are inevitably going to change, so don’t worry about the plan

For as long as I can remember, I was always someone that had to have the perfect plan. I had to know exactly what I was doing, and I had to know exactly what I wanted to do in the future. I wanted my life to be set up in a neat and organized linear map, so that I would know what I had to do and where I had to go to succeed. Almost four years ago now, I came into college my freshman year, having this perfect, prewritten idea of what my life was going to look like by senior year. My life right now looks nothing like that. But that’s okay! Things change and shift everyday! And because of that, there’s no need to worry so much about your plan because things are inevitably going to change! So why fret over every tiny detail about your future when you don’t even know what tomorrow is going to bring you? I think this was a really difficult lesson for me to accept at first. I spent months worrying about what I would do after graduation, where I would go, what I wanted to do with my career, but the second I took a breath and let go of my expectations, I found joy and opportunities in places I
didn’t expect.


Change up your routine with one big thing

This can be anything! But it should be something that will change up your life in a noticeable way! I’m not entirely sure how to explain this, so I’ll just share what I did this year that really changed up my routine and actually ended up having such a positive impact on my life. So even though I am Japanese, all throughout the first three years of college I never joined JSA, or the Japanese Students Association. I was always so busy with other things and I always had
some excuse for why I couldn’t go. However, since it was my senior year, I promised myself that I would go to at least ONE JSA meeting and meet some people. And I am so glad I did because it totally changed the course of how my semester went for the better. I met so many incredible people and am having so much fun being a part of JSA! Take a chance and just do that ONE thing you’ve always wanted to do or make one big change to your routine! You never know what kind of opportunities it’ll bring you, and it might even help
you discover a whole new path you didn’t even know existed for yourself!

Cut yourself some slack!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this past year, it’s to cut yourself some slack! And offer that same grace to the people around you. Life is hard, and college is hard! There’s a lot going on! I understand how easy it can be to get frustrated at yourself and the people around you. But when those moments happen, take a breath and forgive yourself for not knowing all the answers. Forgive yourself for being confused or mad or upset or whatever you might be feeling. And instead applaud yourself for how far you’ve come and for just doing your best you can at the moment. Your energy is going to flow in different ways in different eras of your life and that’s the way it should be. Recognize that you won’t be on top of things all the time, and that that’s fine! Even if it doesn’t feel like it now, you will eventually find your way. So cut yourself some slack for not
being perfect and not having it figured out 🙂

And with that, those are the 5 most important lessons I’ve learned over the past few years. I hope at least a few of these things resonated with you and that you’ll keep some of these lessons in mind as you embark on your college journey!

Wishing you the best of luck!

Brady G: 22 Opinions from a ‘22 Graduate

22 Opinions from a ‘22 Graduate

I feel old.

I’m graduating in three months, so I’ve been around BU for a long time. This campus has been my neighborhood for four years, and I’ve covered every inch of it. I’m like a Terrier textbook. A BU buff. A Comm. Ave. connoisseur. I know a thing or two because I’ve seen a thing or two.

In my advanced age, my final wish is to share my wisdom so future generations can benefit from it. Upon my graduation, here are my takes on several of the most important debates at BU.

Best Residential Area:

Winner: South Campus

I can’t pretend to know what every building is like, so instead, I’ll evaluate the neighborhoods as a whole, and South Campus is my favorite. It’s a 20-minute walk away from anything, but still feels like it’s outside the “BU Bubble.” Plus, it’s close to three different Green Line branches.

Runner-Up: Bay State Road

On the border of BU, Back Bay, and the Charles River, Bay State Road is like South Campus; always within walking distance, but a quiet alternative to the main stretch of campus.

Honorable Mention: West Campus

West isn’t best, but it cracks the top three thanks to its proximity to the athletic facilities and its “classic campus feel”. If it wasn’t so far away, the Fenway Campus would be here instead.

Best Dining Hall:

Winner: The Fenway Campus

I have to give some love to the Fenway Campus, and the dining hall is its best feature. In my year at the Campus Center and Student Residence, I went to this dining hall so many times and never got tired of it. The food is good, it’s rarely busy, and it’s still very new. It’s worth the walk.

Runner-Up: Warren Towers

I will always have fond memories of the Warren Towers dining hall, where I spent many meals as a freshman. It has a good variety of food and seating, and great views down Comm. Ave.

Honorable Mention: West Campus

Once again, West earns a spot on the podium. It’s a slightly worse replica of its counterpart at Warren, but it’s still better than Marciano Commons. Who wants a dining hall with two floors?

Best Study Spot:

Winner: 100 Bay State Road

After dissing the dining hall downstairs, I’ll make up for it here, because the Yawkey Center for Student Services is a perfect place to study. There are individual rooms for use throughout the upper floors, and they all look out on the Charles River, Kenmore Square, and Fenway Park.

Runner-Up: The StuVi 2 Study Lounge

On the top floor of a high-rise, this might be one of the coolest study spaces across the country. Any seat near a window is valuable real estate — Just don’t let the views of Boston distract you.

Honorable Mention: Top Floor of the Photonics Center

This place is a bit of a hidden gem, so let’s try to keep it that way. That being said, if you can get a seat here, you’ll be treated to a quiet study experience with views that rival those at StuVi 2.


Best Non-Dining Hall BU Restaurant:

Winner: George Sherman Union

It’s an easy decision. Especially after the recent renovation, the GSU is new-and-improved and offers so much variety, whether you want a fresh salad from Greens and Grains, a filling sandwich from the Charles River Bread Company, or whatever you call Panda Express.

Runner-Up: Fuller’s BU Pub

If you’re 21 or older, the BU Pub is a fun place to go that makes you forget you’re on a college campus. I don’t even drink and I like it there, which should tell you everything you need to know.

Honorable Mention: Raising Cane’s

I’ve heard whispers that Cane’s is overrated, and fine, maybe the simple menu can get tiring sometimes. But, when you have a craving for chicken, fries and toast, Cane’s never misses.


Best Non-BU, On-Campus Restaurant:

Winner: T Anthony’s

We’re running out of iconic BU restaurants, with the closing of T’s Pub a couple years ago. Thankfully, T Anthony’s still delivers a classic on-campus experience with good food at any hour of the day (or night). Check out all the photos on their walls while you’re waiting for your order.

Runner-Up: University Grill

Maybe I’m riding the high of finally discovering this place after years of walking past it, but UGrill has impressed me with its efficiency, prices, and quality. It’s a go-to stop for a snack or a meal.

Honorable Mention: Zinneken’s Waffle Truck

In an unprecedented move that is sure to raise eyebrows everywhere, I am including the waffle truck on this list. When the Zinneken’s truck pulls up in front of COM, you absolutely have to go.


Best Place to Watch a Game

Winner: Agganis Arena

I came in with my doubts about Agganis, but after spending a few years around college hockey, I have been converted. Even if it lacks the character of older arenas around the region, you can’t take for granted the amenities, the presentation, and that precious reliable arena Wi-Fi.

Runner-Up: Walter Brown Arena

Even if I’ve grown to prefer the younger hockey venue a block away, Walter Brown Arena is the quintessential college hockey experience, which I love. It’s outdated, it’s cold, and it’s awesome.

Honorable Mention: Fenway Park

Can we claim Fenway Park to be on BU’s campus? I didn’t realize how close Fenway is to BU when I first got here, but as I’ve learned, you can’t beat the ten-minute walk to a Red Sox game.


Best Historical Location:

Winner: Nickerson Field

To a sports nerd like me, there’s something so cool about the Nickerson Field bleachers being a part of Braves Field, built for professional baseball more than a century ago. I’ve spent a lot of time learning about the ballpark, and I love having a piece of baseball history right here at BU.

Runner-Up: “Automobile Row”

Many of the buildings down Commonwealth Avenue, including the College of Communication, were once car dealerships. You would never notice it, and I think that makes it more interesting.

Honorable Mention: Kenmore Square

I’m pushing the boundaries of BU’s campus again, but I think Kenmore Square counts. As a popular spot to photograph, it’s evolved so much over the years, and only continues to grow.


Best School:

Winner: COM

It’s COM, and there’s no competition. You didn’t think I could finish my last COM Ambassador blog without getting a little sentimental, did you? COM is where I found my best friends, learned what I want to do for a career, and made countless incredible memories. From the moment I arrived, I never doubted my choice of school or University, and I think that sums it up best.


Nick M: Ranking My Previous Blog Posts (Most of which Have Been Rankings)


(most of which have been rankings)

Going into my eighth and final semester at BU also means entering my fifth semester as a COM Ambassador. While I won’t miss being shocked that my blog deadline has suddenly approached, I will miss the small creative outlet the blogs provided me.

That being said, let’s do the least creative thing possible to wrap up my blogging experience: repurpose old content! I hope this nostalgia blast brings me some emotional catharsis and some entertainment. 

Here is my ranking of my old COM blog posts.

  1. Three BU Related Movies to Watch In Quarantine.

This one gives me bad vibes for many reasons, the first is in the name: “quarantine”. I made this list sitting on the floor of my living room, deep in my feels… because I was in quarantine. I don’t want to dwell on this part of my life anymore, so let’s move on.


I wrote this one last semester. As a first semester senior, I think I was projecting a distinct longing for caretaking onto my blog. Cooking for oneself can be fun and delicious, but it’s an adult activity, and adulthood is scary. My main takeaway is: I wish I still had access to prepared food.

  1. The Best Places Near BU To Escape Your Room

I like this one because it offered some physical escape from the trappings of going hybrid, as well as mental escape. Walking still helps me refocus and destress and there are plenty of great places to walk around campus.

  1. What I Gained From Being On-Campus This Semester
  • This blog was a means for me to share one of the most positive experiences I had in the midst of a pandemic and presidential election: covering said election. BUTV10’s The Vote went on to win an Emmy, but that award indicates the passion that I experienced being part of the project. It was a fulfilling experience that reminds me of the multitude of reasons why I love this school.


You’re probably thinking “Huh? This is too meta for a student ambassador blog.” You’re right. However, this is a list of ALL my blogs, so it’s gotta be here. It only receives an honorable mention because it doesn’t offer anything new, just nostalgia and graduation goggles.

Thank you to anyone who ever read these posts, and to anyone I may have crossed paths with while at COM. I am truly grateful for this wholesome experience.




Will A: Guide to My Final Semester



This is my final (that’s right, FINAL) semester here at Boston University, and to be honest it is bittersweet. While I am sad to leave the place I called home for four years, I am also excited to begin life in the “real world!”

However, the real world is often stressful, especially in the field of communications where there is not quite a job cycle to follow. It can be incredibly stressful to watch students secure jobs after graduation when you are still searching for leads. That being said, I also think it’s incredibly important to manage that anxiety and try to enjoy the final stretch of college. Thus, I made a goals list to combat my fear of missing out on all the fun and hopefully relax while my job hunt begins! Here are some general ideas around which I’ve made my goals, and you can use them as guides for yourself, too 🙂


This is the biggest stressor on my mind right now: will I have a job when I graduate? Well, we all hope that we have one, but hope needs to be turned into action. As graduation approaches, I am trying to manage my application process to avoid cramming by the end of the semester, and I would recommend you do the same! If you’re applying to a million jobs near the end of the semester, I can almost guarantee the applications will feel too overwhelming and monumental to complete. So create a spreadsheet, keep track of applications and start applying early! 

Social Life

As important as it is to apply to jobs and look ahead to life outside of the school routine, it is also important to focus on the now. This is my final semester in my undergraduate career, and I want to savor every single moment that I can! Make plans with your roommates and friends while you still live a block away from each other. Go watch a BU hockey game and experience the chanting, loud and loveable student section right next to the band. Make reservations and explore the city of Boston while you are here, as I promise that the city has more to offer outside of Newbury Street (lol).

Self Care

Self care is the most important thing to focus on when things get stressful, yet it is often (at least for me) the most neglected. If you are anything like myself, you tend to cram as much into your schedule as possible. While I did do this in prior semesters, I plan on taking a break from some activities to focus on myself. Making myself quality food, watching YouTube videos and exercising when I can are major ways that I try to relax. I even signed up for a rock climbing course in FitRec to destress once a week. Find activities that bring you peace and try to include some of them in your weekly routine. You will feel less stressed, I promise 🙂


Anika B: How to Feed Yourself in College Without a Dining Plan

It's Called ~Adulting~

Coming back to college after a year at home, I was nervous to go from having guaranteed home cooked meals everyday to needing to plan my own meals, keep track of ingredients, buy groceries, and, of course, cook. The last time I had been on campus — my freshman year — I had a dining plan and ate most of my meals at Bay State Dining Hall. 

Coming back as a junior without a dining plan, I was sure that after a week of trying to cook, I’d be eating instant ramen every day. But here we are, in November, and I am pleasantly surprised with how I’ve been able to pretty consistently make myself food that I enjoy.

Tip 1: Learn basic recipes that you can apply to many different ingredients

This, like most (okay, all) of my cooking knowledge, comes straight from my mom. In my last couple of months at home, I practiced making recipes with her that I’d grown up eating my whole life. The most surprising—and reassuring—thing I learned was that if I could master one recipe, I could almost automatically master two or three others at the same time! 

For example, the recipes for the two types of beans pictured below (garbanzo beans and kidney beans) are actually exactly the same! They both contain chopped onions, potatoes, and tomatoes along with all the same spices — the only difference is which beans I added.

This method is a super easy way to mix up your meals without having to learn too many different recipes.

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Tip 2: Know what kitchen items you absolutely need stocked

As you learn more recipes and get in the groove of cooking for yourself, you’ll start recognizing which ingredients you use the most consistently and which run out the fastest. These will differ for everyone depending on what type of food you tend to cook, but for me, I’ve noticed that I use olive oil, garlic, and a variety of spices in almost every recipe I make.

For large items, like olive oil, my roommates and I have one big bottle that we share. If everyone in your apartment agrees to it, sharing some big items (either splitting cost or repurchasing on a rotating basis) can help you keep your kitchen free of clutter. And, you don’t have to worry about keeping track of whose is whose if everyone is using the same thing!

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Tip 3: Make last night’s leftovers today’s lunch

I always make at least two servings of food for myself when I cook, sometimes even more if I know my next day or two are super busy. Having a shared refrigerator with limited space makes it impractical to meal prep too many items, so I try to be smart about how I can use the same leftovers in combination with a few distinct ingredients to make different second-day meals. 

For example, one way I repurposed the kidney beans (pictured under Tip #1) was to eat them with rice and other vegetables the next day. This way, you’re still getting some variety in your meals, but you don’t have to go through all the effort of cooking an entire new meal each time.

I recommend getting a few light tupperware you can take with you to campus for the day if you won’t be home for lunch, but still want to eat your cooked food instead of spending money. You don’t need anything fancy or even a lunchbox -- I usually put my tupperwares in a plastic bag (in case of spills) that I slip into my backpack, or if I’m bringing a sandwich, I just wrap it in plastic and tin foil and I am good to go! (If you can find more eco-friendly alternatives, that is even better!)

Learning to cook for yourself can be daunting at first, and there is definitely a learning curve that comes with it. The best advice I have is to practice, practice, practice. If you can, ask someone (parents, other family members, older siblings, friends, etc.) to write down recipes for you that you can follow along with as you are learning. It may seem like overkill, but it really helps mitigate the stress of all the multitasking you’ll inevitably do in the kitchen.
Lastly, know that you can do it! No matter how much I practiced at home, I didn’t feel confident in my ability to cook at all until I actually got to school and was fully responsible for my own diet. It may seem like you’re diving off the deep end, but you are probably better equipped to handle it than you think!