Sabrina: Why I Chose BU

Why I Chose BU

When I became a COM Ambassador I was thrilled. I was so excited to give tours, mentor first years, and immerse myself into the College of Communications. After I had begun giving tours, I found myself looking forward to the end, not because the tour was ending but because it was the time in the tour where the CA’s talk about why they chose to go to BU. I loved hearing everyone’s stories and enjoyed telling my own. It was always the perfect ending to every tour. Now, seeing that this is my last blog post for COM Ambassadors, I felt it was only appropriate to share why I chose to go to Boston University, and why it’s going to be so incredibly hard to leave.

My story starts differently than most, mainly because I didn’t spend my freshman year of college at BU. I started my college experience at Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York. After my first semester I realized that it wasn’t the place for me, and I decided to start applying to schools as a transfer. Before anything, I googled the best schools for majoring in television and on every single list, Boston University was charting. I immediately applied to BU for Film and Television and screamed in the middle of a parking lot when I got accepted. I knew it was the place where I wanted to be. And now I can’t believe that I’ve begun my final semester.

The first time I visited BU was in May after I had finally said goodbye to Ithaca. After one minute on campus, I had fallen in love. The fact that BU could provide an urban environment but still have a college campus vibe, totally sold me. And above all, I loved everything about COM. I loved that it was a small school in a big university, providing every student with the best of both worlds. I loved that it wasn’t competitive but instead, collaborative. I loved the people, the faculty, and the opportunities. And I still do. 

For the past two and a half years, Boston University has become a second home where I’ve made the best friends a girl could ask for, participated in some amazing clubs, and found new passions everyday. Now, I understand that this may be cheesy, but it wouldn’t be a real “Why I Chose BU” from me if I didn’t say it: COM may stand for Communications, but it also stands for Community. That’s what I’m taking away from my time at Boston University, and I hope that anyone who’s thinking about coming to BU, whether as a freshman or transfer, gets something out of that. 

So, in short, thanks BU. See you on the flip side!


Evan: Tongue Thai-ed! An Unofficial Thai Food Tour Around BU’s Campus

Tongue Thai-ed: An Unofficial Thai Food Tour Around BU’s Campus

Chicken Pad Thai from the Giggling Rice Thai restaurant, 1009 Beacon St., Brookline. Photo by Maddie Malhotra (COM ’19)
Photo by Maddie Malhotra (COM ‘19)

After leaving Chicago to come to BU last year, I knew there would be a big transition period. But, what I didn’t realize was that the one thing I missed most– after my dog, of course– was all of the great food from home. While there may not be deep dish pizza in Boston, this past semester, I decided to explore another one of my favorite cuisines: Thai food!

From campus favorites, like NudPob, to places I only heard about after moving to South Campus, I knew I had to try it all. And, to keep it consistent, I made sure to order Pad See Ew with tofuat each restaurant. So now, I present to you the unofficial thai food tour around our campus. Let’s dig in!

  1. NudPob

Even before my Freshman year, I’d heard all about Terriers’ favorite Thai food spot on campus! I was super excited to give it a try and see what the hype was all about. While I never got to go inside the store and instead chose a COVID-19-friendly contactless delivery, NudPob’s bright banners are a Comm. Ave. staple. But when I finally grabbed my chopsticks and tried my dish, I was sadly a little disappointed. My noodles were all super greasy, and while that taste may be for some people, it just wasn’t for me. My scallion pancakes were better– those are something I typically expect to be a bit more greasy– but my meal felt really heavy. One perk, however, is that NudPob’s portion sizes are huge! While NudPob is definitely the place to go to after a long night of studying, it just wasn’t exactly the taste of home I had hoped for.

  1. Thai Dish

A lesser-known Thai restaurant near the New Balance Field, I only learned about Thai Dish because of their free Thai Tea promotion at the start of the semester. The inside of the restaurant is super cute and trendy, and they clearly marked social distancing protocols inside. Their Thai tea was super light and refreshing, especially on a hot day, and their Pad See Ew complemented it nicely. Like NudPob, Thai Dish’s noodles were more on the greasy side, but their super soft and pillowy baked tofu helped make the dish less heavy. In the future, I would love to also try some of their many unique dishes which their social media helps to make look so good. If I’m ever looking for a quick meal and a fun place to carry out from, Thai Dish would fit that description perfectly!

  1. Giggling Rice

Until I moved onto Beacon St. this past year, I hadn’t heard about– or even seen– Giggling Rice! Just a few doors down from my favorite cafe and bakery, Tatte, is Giggling Rice, and it really is a hidden gem. Their staff was friendly and made sure to get my order ready super quickly, and while the inside of the restaurant may not have been as aesthetically pleasing as Thai Dish, their noodles really told another story. Giggling Rice had really captured my favorite Thai food tastes from home; the Pad See Ew was perfectly seasoned and there was even enough for me to enjoy it as leftovers the following day. I also really loved knowing that I could support a business that isn’t as central to campus, especially during these hard times. While I may be Learning from Anywhere for the first few weeks of classes, I can’t wait to get back to Boston and order from my new favorite Thai restaurant again!


Exploring food around Boston has been such a great way to meet new people and check out new parts of the city. Coming to college is a huge transition for everyone, but there are always ways to help you feel at home, wherever your adventures may take you! Let me know if I missed any of your favorites or what restaurants I should check out next time. 🙂

Nick: The Best Places Near BU To Escape Your Room

The Best Places Near BU To Escape Your Room

My Production Professor, Mary Jane Doherty, often talked about her Thursday walks in the afternoon, referring to them as constitutionals. The term comes from England, the dictionary definition reads: “a walk, typically one taken regularly to maintain or restore good health.”

A new semester has started and this pandemic has yet to give in. With regulations and anxiety keeping me inside, I’ve been feeling a little claustrophobic.

*praise BU for their well run testing system to keep my sanity every time I sneeze or cough at the dust collecting in my room*

I realize that in order to maintain my mentaI health I will need to venture into the outside world, in spite of Boston’s harsh winters, and take a constitutional. So bundle up tight, here are The Best Places Near BU When You Need To Escape Your Room.

The Esplanade

There’s something very pacifying about staring at a body of water. I’m not sure if it's the consistency of the waves lapping against the shore, or the ocean’s vast indifference to your presence, but it’s nice to sit and watch the waves. If you cross one of the footbridges along BU Beach, you can walk (or run) right along the water. There’s some lovely foliage and some not so lovely geese, but they’re worth the trouble.

Amory Playground

What Amory lacks in size, in makes up for in character. Amory Playground, commonly referred to as Amory Park, is in the middle of Brookline, a neighborhood close by BU. It’s got beautiful architecture: old brick houses and stunning brownstones. The park itself is a beautiful, wide space with a short nature walk. Spaces like these help remove me from my own head.

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Riverway/The Fens

This is for people who need a long walk. The Fens and Riverway are part of The Emerald Necklace - a string of parks around Boston and Brookline. The winding path, accompanied by the river, is the perfect place to get lost in a podcast or a new playlist while your feet carry you to Leverett Pond In Olmsted park. The hike is worth it!


Ali: Five Weather Essentials to Survive a Year in Boston

Five Weather Essentials to Survive a Year in Boston

Boston weather over the course of a school year can range from 70 degree sunny days in September to -6 degree snowy days in January. Since your main form of transportation in the city will probably be walking, it’s important to be prepared for any weather. These are five weather essentials that will keep you cool and comfortable all year, no matter the weather!

  1. Wind-proof umbrella

Also called vented umbrellas, wind-proof umbrellas have slits that allow wind to go through so your umbrella doesn’t fly away with the wind. The Comm Ave wind tunnel is real, so these are crucial. An umbrella is something I always keep in my backpack just in case there are some unexpected showers throughout the day.

  1. Waterproof raincoat

Emphasis on waterproof. I had a water resistant raincoat my freshman year and got soaked the first time I had to make a 15-minute walk home from work in the rain. Check out raincoats on sale in the summer when they’re on sale!

  1. Layer-able clothing

Most people coming to Boston for the first time know they need a good winter coat, but layers are just as important! There are days where it may be chilly in the morning, but warm and sunny in the afternoon. Being able to take off a jacket and still be comfortable (or put on a sweater in a cold classroom) is really important.

  1. Sunscreen

Sunscreen isn’t just for days at the beach! The American Academy of Dermatology recommends wearing sunscreen anytime you’re going to be outside -- UV rays can be just as damaging on cloudy days as they can on sunny days. Add some sunscreen to your skin care routine and give your skin some extra protection.

  1. Winter boots

No one likes cold feet. Depending on the type of boots you get, you can also wear them on rainy days and avoid getting your sneakers soaked. Afraid snow boots won’t fit your style? Try getting a pair of Doc Martens, which are fashionable enough to match your favorite outfit and functional enough to get you through the winter.

Boston’s weather can be unpredictable, but never fear: CA Ali has five weather essentials you need to survive a school year at BU!

Jazzy: On Feeling Fine When the World Is on Fire

On Feeling Fine When the World Is on Fire

My Tips to Help You Weather a Unique Spring Semester

This school year has been rough, to say to least. We’ve had to grapple with killer bees, a global pandemic, rising racial tensions, a presidential election, an attempted coup, confusing Gamestop stocks, climate change, Bridgerton, wildfires, oh my!

And, it’s only the beginning of second semester.

Here’s how I’m dealing when the world is on fire, literally. Maybe one of these tips can help you, too.

  1. Journaling

Before the pandemic, I rarely wrote about myself. But, now, my tune has changed. With everything going on, I find it cathartic to write about my life. This way, I can process my emotions before they start pouring onto another person. There’s lots of different ways to journal — I personally love this

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  1. Keeping an Organized Calendar

I don’t know where I’d be without my Google Calendar and Notion workspace. My bedroom has become my classroom, work office, dining room, study space and gym; it’s easy to lose track of time. But, my organizers keep me healthy, safe and sane during these tough times.

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  1. Getting Fresh Air

Admittedly, this is something I struggle with. However, studies have shown that fresh air and sunshine are good for the soul. So, go for that morning walk. Take your dog for a run. Bike to Starbucks; you deserve it. 

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  1. Remembering to Breathe

It sounds silly, but I promise it’s not. I schedule Breathing Breaks, as I call them, into my day. Sometimes I need to check-in with my body, relax my muscles and calm my mind. The Headspace app, free for BU students, can help with this as well.

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So, now it’s your turn. What works for me might not work for you. And that’s okay. It’s also okay to not be okay. There are days when I struggle to get out of bed. It can be hard to log-in to Zoom, or to turn on your camera, or to reach out to a classmate about that cup of coffee you said you wanted to get with them 3 months ago. But, no matter where you’re at in life right now, it’s okay. It’s okay to feel all your feelings. It’s okay to ask for help.


I’d be remiss to not include a few mental health resources. So, here’s a non-exhaustive list of free resources for exhausted folks. You can access these no matter where you’re at — mentally, economically, or physically.

Steven: Reflections on an Unprecedented Semester


With final exams upon us, I wanted to take some time to reflect on this ~unprecedented~ semester. This semester taught me a lot about myself, and I wanted to share what I learned with all of you. I hope that my experiences help you all as we head into the next semester. So what did I learn? I’m glad you asked! 

1) It’s okay to not have a 5-year-plan

Prior to the pandemic, I was the type of person who always had to have my next move planned. I had a pretty clear plan for what I wanted my next couple of semesters at BU to look like I’d stay in Boston and be a FYSOP coordinator over the summer, then stay in Boston in the fall, and then go abroad to London for the spring semester.

When COVID hit, those plans quickly went out the window. The FYSOP program went remote, and I was no longer able to stay in Boston for the summer. Then, the abroad program was suspended for the spring semester. My plan A quickly became a plan B, and then a plan C, and so on (I think I might be at plan G by now).

In the past, not having a plan would have terrified me. But this semester taught me that it’s okay not to know what the future holds, and that freeing yourself from your plan A can actually open up a lot of new opportunities that you didn’t even know existed. 

2) Get comfortable with having to adapt

The pandemic was definitely a crash course in adapting to new circumstances. Being a Journalism and Film & Television double major, most of my classes were hands-on and production-based, or they required me to go out into the community to report. 

I was worried that these classes would not be able to function with the pandemic going on, but what I soon learned was that there was so much you could still do during the pandemic as long as you got comfortable with adapting to the circumstances.

 I was able to go out and report, work on productions and shoots, and still do what I would’ve done during a traditional semester, it just required wearing masks, staying socially distant, and using hand sanitizer before and after using equipment. 

3) You have to learn to learn from a distance

This semester also taught me how to learn virtually. I realized that learning online can be difficult and distracting, and it required some extra effort on my part to get what I wanted out of my classes. I had to relearn how to take notes, rid myself of distractions, (I would lock my phone in my closet) and take advantage of virtual office hours. Figuring out your habits while learning virtually can help a lot as we head into the next semester!

4) Everything starts with self-care

This semester also taught me a lot about self-care. I definitely found myself overwhelmed by the state of the world. When life feels like you’re living in a history book, it can be difficult to focus on your own needs. I found it helpful to take time to disconnect. No phones, no screens, and ABSOLUTELY no Zoom. This went a long way in helping me keep sane this semester, and also gave me more time to focus on my personal relationships with friends and family.

5) You can still get a lot done during a pandemic!

Despite the circumstances, I was still able to do some of the most rewarding work I’ve done so far at COM. I got to make a documentary about love and relationships during the pandemic. I wrote a feature-length screenplay. I reported for an entire semester on a community leader from Roxbury who’s been running her organization through the pandemic. I took some of my favorite classes at COM so far, and I never would have thought I’d be able to do as much as I did this semester!

Ultimately, this semester taught me to be grateful; to be grateful for my friends and family, for the opportunities available to me at BU and COM, and for the opportunity to learn in such an unprecedented time. This semester was difficult, but it was rewarding, and I’m excited to see what the future holds (whatever that future may look like).

Remy: 3 Lessons I Learned from Planning and Attending *Virtual* PRoBono


Many of us have experienced the dreaded “all-nighter,” where you stay up working through the night on whatever assignment is due in the morning. I had never heard of anyone who had even remotely enjoyed pulling an all-nighter...until I attended PRoBono my freshman year. PRoBono is PRLab’s annual overnight, hack-a-thon style event where COM students volunteer to spend their entire Friday night into Saturday morning providing meaningful PR work for deserving nonprofit organizations.  

This year, I’ve had the pleasure of serving as PRLab’s President of Client Service, which meant I also had the opportunity to help plan PRoBono. PRLab’s President of Operations, Rachel Rubinstein, spearheaded the event with help from Vice President Rebecca Owen and our Director of Events, Hedy Zhou. 

PRoBono’s primary goal is to give back, but it's also a fun event with lots of prizes, games, and food. There’s a level of energy and excitement of being in-person at COM overnight with your peers that I was worried we wouldn’t be able to replicate over Zoom. Lots of questions and concerns ran through my mind when Rachel and I first met to plan PRoBono. 

“Would we be able to deliver the same quality of work to clients if we were online?” “Would volunteers be able to get to know each other as well over Zoom?” “Would students have as much fun?” “Would anyone really want to stare at their computer screen for 12+ hours?!” 

Luckily, PRoBono’s results proved all of my doubts and concerns wrong. Here are the top three lessons I learned from planning and attending virtual PRoBono. 

1) A virtual event requires just as much effort as an in-person event

PRoBono may not have required us to rent out the COM building, bring in everyone’s favorite Ben & Jerry’s treats or play a competitive round of musical chairs at three in the morning, but we had just as many logistical items to account for. We had to make sure we could host upwards of 80 people on Zoom. We had to reformat the schedule, which included giving everyone a six-hour break to combat Zoom fatigue. We had to make sure clients and students received clear communication about the event, how to contact us, and what links to go to at what times.

In the same vein, virtual events aren’t easier to show up to on the participant side either. Students could have easily chosen not to attend the event, but they showed up, even with the comfort of their own bed just feet away. Having 68 volunteers dedicate that much of their time was really special and PRoBono wouldn’t have been possible without them. 

2) It’s just as fun! 

Truthfully, I did not think PRoBono could be nearly as fun as it was when we were in-person. However, I was wrong. I had a blast. We played two competitive rounds of Kahoot trivia throughout the event, which made for some hilarious commentary and conversations. (Did you know cats can be allergic to humans? I didn’t.) 

We also had an online scavenger hunt and team room scavenger hunts to help spark everyone’s creativity. Instead of physical prizes, first and second place winners will receive e-gift cards to Starbucks and Grubhub. Overall, I may have needed a nap afterward, but it was all worth it! 

3) 2020 can’t stop us

The biggest lesson I learned from PRoBono is that despite the challenges this year has thrown our way, 2020 can’t stop us from coming together for a good cause. No matter where you are, giving back is giving back.

In total, 68 volunteers worked together for 12 hours and created 72 deliverables for our clients. The virtual nature of the event allowed us to have clients from across the globe and students were able to participate from different continents. We had a record-breaking 85% volunteer retention rate and the event concluded with incredible client feedback. Lastly, we walked away with new friends and an unforgettable experience and for that, I am incredibly grateful. 

Congratulations and thank you to all who participated in PRoBono 2020!

Sophie: Historical Journalism Dramas You Need to Watch Over Winter Break

As a Film/TV major who’s dabbled in journalism throughout my time at BU, a good historical drama based on real-life journalistic triumphs never fails to get my heart pounding. And if you’re like me, you’ve probably lost your patience with media coverage a time or two in the last few months. So if you need a boost of passion about the importance of the fourth estate, here’s a list of films for you.

Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass tells the story of Stephen Glass, a New Republic reporter from the late ‘90s. This movie is the ignored middle child of the historical journalism drama genre and I can’t figure out why. At risk of giving too much away, all I’ll say is that Hayden Christensen is a monster in this film. It’s completely underrated and the plot really sneaks up on you. I’m putting it at the top of the list so you’ll take it seriously for the masterpiece that it is.


Want to honor your COM heritage? Check out Spotlight. The protagonists of this film are COM alums themselves. Go check the Pulitzer wall if you don’t believe me. Heard of this movie? Of course you have: it won the Academy Award for Best Picture back in 2016. One of the most well-known films of the genre, this movie is beautifully written and produced. And it’s set right here in Boston.

All The President’s Men

When you think of political journalism at its finest, you probably think of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein and the downfall of Richard Nixon. Made in 1976, this movie is genre-defining. Scratch that--it’s genre-creating. As we navigate the current era of political corruption, you’ve got to check this one out.


All these films about Nixon, and this is the only one that has him as an actual character who interacts with the protagonists in any kind of significant way. This movie is also neglected in the name of its more popular peers (notably Spotlight and All The President’s Men). In spite of this, it’s deeply relevant, another must-see in these unprecedented times. The most famous line? “When the President does it, that means it’s not illegal.” Bone-chilling, right?

The Post

By now you might be rolling your eyes and thinking to yourself, ugh, is this another movie about Watergate? Well, not exactly. This film tells the story of the Pentagon Papers, and how Katherine Graham launched The Washington Post into the big leagues. Also, unlike the rest of the films on this list, this one’s got a female protagonist.

You don’t have to be a journalism student to love these movies. Not a film fanatic? Try one or two of them; they just might surprise you. 

Stephen: Thinking, Reading, Doing


I would like to preface this blog post by saying that this is a complete rip from an idea my brother had a few years back. Go take a look at his original post and other posts too on his website here:

At this point in my life, I’m starting to encounter a lot of uncertainty. In just about half a year I will be graduating from BU with a film degree and that is about all I know. Where I live, where I work, who I interact with — these are all things that are just completely up in the air, and that’s okay. What’s important to do, though, is try to plan out my personal goals and aspirations and consider things that I can control. Here is where my post title comes into play. Thinking, reading, and doing is a simple way of listing out what I would like to accomplish or realize in the upcoming year. It’s not quite the end of 2020, but it’s about time to put this list together. So, let’s begin. 

Thinking –

This one is pretty straightforward for me. I’d like to spend more time self-reflecting. This doesn’t have to be anything grand or extensive either, and can instead focus on one week at a time. 

Additionally, I need to think more about my craft of filmmaking and photography. I have worked on combining the two to work together in a potential career more effectively, but I need to spend time refining these thoughts and plans. I’d also like to think more about how to combine my love for filmmaking into my care about the environment. I have begun making plans here to make this a priority, but I need to double down on my commitment and think about how to best approach it moving forward.

Reading –

This one is a challenge for me, but as a filmmaker I would very much like to get back into reading. I believe reading is extremely important for my line of work to learn more about storytelling and be immersed in other worlds, so I am going to make it a goal to read more. I have a few books with me that I would like to read first:

  • The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
  • Zero to One by Peter Thiel
  • The Peregrine by J.A. Baker

These three would be a great start, and I have already begun The War of the Worlds so I hope to finish that before the Spring semester. 

Doing –

There are plenty of things that I feel like I need to do, but with the Spring right around the corner, it’s time to narrow it down a bit more and focus up. 

Firstly, I need to get out into the world more to do not only photography, but various filmmaking projects. It can be very hard to find the proper motivation sometimes, especially in the middle of a very strange semester, but I’m always so happy to be out and about and I need to remember that whenever I feel doubt. 

I need a better workout plan. Over the past year I have worked out on and off in various ways, but I need to set a proper schedule and stick to it. Working out consistently will improve my energy and attitude and help with some anxiety issues that I have started to have. 

Lastly, I need to network. Now it is more important than ever to reach out to people and expand my connections. As a filmmaker, connections in the industry is vital, so doing additional research into the companies and studios I like to reach out to individuals is a must.

Colbi: How to Survive Finals

Colbi Blog

The end of the semester is on the horizon, and I think I speak for all of us when I say I am so excited for winter break. After a long semester of homework, essays and Zoom meetings, I am ready to sit down and relax. But, before we get there, we have to make it through finals. So, I’m going to give you some tips on how you can end this semester on a high note!

First, stay organized. I keep up with all of my assignments and tests three ways: Google calendar, the My Study Life app and by writing down my daily tasks in a notebook (it’s nice to cross things out when I’m done). If you stay organized, you will be able to properly plan ahead for the things you need to do, which will help you avoid pulling all-nighters and unnecessary stress.

Second, take breaks. Whenever I finish long tasks, I try to take at least a 15 minute break to get a snack, watch a YouTube video or just take some deep breaths. I think it’s important to find a great work flow, but your mental health should be a priority. You are working hard and you deserve a break.

Third, try to make study groups! Find a few people in your class who you can hop on a Zoom call with and go over the information you need to know for your tests. You can even screen share Quizlets or Kahoots, which are great ways to learn virtually.  These peers will be great resources for support and some fun studying during a stressful time.

Lastly, it’s important to make time for physical exercise. You don’t have to go to the gym for an hour and run three miles everyday. But, you can go take a short walk or do some relaxing yoga. Exercise is always important, but it is especially so during a time when we are sitting down, staring at blue light all day long. Get out and get moving in any way you can — it’s a great way to clear your head and you will feel great afterwards!

Do all of the things you can to take care of yourself — mentally and physically — this finals season. If you need any additional encouragement here it is: I believe that you are prepared for your exams and are going to do great!! Good luck everyone!