Creating a New Sargent Choice Meal: Pumpkin Spice Pork

By Caitlin Quinn, BU Dietetic Intern

As part of my dietetic internship I spent three weeks in a food service rotation working with the Sargent Choice (SC) program.  My task for the three weeks was to create a new SC meal to debut in the Warren Towers dining hall.  It was a very interesting experience, and it really opened my eyes to what goes on behind the scenes in dining services, as well as how much work goes into a SC meal.

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The first step in creating a new SC item was to find what was missing.  I found that there were limited pork options so I began searching for pork recipes among others.   After days of compiling and analyzing recipes I brought 11 to be reviewed by the food service director and executive chef.   Luckily they all loved my personal favorite recipe- pumpkin spiced pork with roasted parsnips, sweet potato, and apple, and sautéed Swiss chard!

With the recipe chosen it was time to price out the meal, and order the ingredients for the test meal, so I could get final approval from the executive chef.  The meal got rave reviews, and after some minor adjustments I was ready to prepare it for 500 hungry students!

On November 16th I arrived at the kitchen at 8:30 AM to being preparing for the 11 AM debut.   After four hours of chopping and cooking Swiss chard, and another 2 hours serving, I was exhausted, but the meal was a success!

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ready to serve Warren Towers!

Before this experience I never realized how much work it takes to feed thousands of students each day, and what a great job the dining staff does.  We pulled off this recipe on a large scale but look below for a scaled down version of the recipe.

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our happy interns, Moragn Medders (left) and Caitlin Quinn (right)!

Pumpkin Spiced Pork (Makes 4 servings)


Cooking spray
4 (4-ounce) boneless pork chops
1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper


1. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray.

2. Rub pork chop with olive oil, pumpkin spice, and pepper.

3. Add pork to pan, sauté 3 to 4 minutes on each side or until done.

Honey Roasted Parsnips, Sweet Potatoes & Apples

Makes 4 servings


Cooking spray
½ pound parsnips, peeled and cut into bite size cubes (about 1 ½ -2 cups)
1 large unpeeled sweet potato, cut into bite size cubes (about 1 ½ – 2 cups)
3 firm, sweet red delicious apples, unpeeled, cored and cut into bite size cubes (about 2 cups)
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp honey
2 Tbsp reduced sodium soy sauce
½ tsp black pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Lightly coat medium casserole dish or baking sheet with cooking spray and set aside.
  3. Peel and cut parsnips into bite size cubes.  Cut sweet potato and apple into bite size cubes.
  4. Mix together in large mixing bowl.
  5. Combine honey and oil in microwave safe bowl.  Heat for 10 seconds until warm.  Mix soy sauce into the honey mixture. Pour sauce over vegetables and apples.  Toss to coat well.  Transfer mixture into prepared dish or baking sheet.  Bake for 45min-1hour, or until tender.

Serve warm.

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Time to Dig in!

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Recipe modified from: The New American Plate Cookbook; American Institute for Cancer Research

Healthy Recipe: Roasted Chicken and Fall Vegetables

By Kelley Bradshaw, BU Dietetic Intern

This hearty dish is simple & requires only 1 pan!  You can substitute other vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, zucchini, parsnips or carrots, for the ones listed below.  It’s a great way to experiment with seasonal produce at your local Farmers’ Market.  For a special touch, drizzle herb-infused olive oil, such as roasted garlic or orange flavored oils, on top just before serving.  Freeze extra servings to save for a quick entrée on those really busy days!

Roasted Chicken and Fall Vegetables

Makes 4 servings


1 acorn squash, halved lengthwise, seeded, & sliced ½ inch thick
1 pound Crimini mushrooms, trimmed & halved
1 large red onion, cut into ½ inch wedges
1 small-medium eggplant, sliced into halves or quarters
8 garlic gloves, peeled & crushed
1 tablespoon olive oil
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (about 4 oz each)
1 tablespoon dried rosemary
Salt & pepper for seasoning (as needed)



1.  Preheat oven to 375°.

2.  Combine all veggies, garlic & oil in roasting pan.  Season with salt & pepper (if desired) and toss to coat.

3.  Roast about 15 min., until squash starts to soften & veggies are heated through.

4.  While veggies are cooking, rub both sides of chicken breasts w/ rosemary & season w/ salt and pepper (if desired).

5.  Remove roasting pan from oven & place chicken on top of veggies.


6.  Return to oven.  Roast for about 35 minutes more, until chicken is cooked through & vegetables are tender.

7.  Serve immediately and drizzle with olive oil (if desired).


Recipe adapted from Everyday Food


Calories 280 kcal
Fat 7 grams
Saturated Fat 1.5 grams
Protein 29 grams
Carbohydrate 30 grams
Fiber 8 grams
Sodium 220 grams

$14.96 for recipe
$3.74 per serving

Dinner in a Dash

We are all pressed for time. How do you create a healthy meal quickly? BU Registered Dietitian Joan Salge-Blake appeared on My Fox Boston with the answer to this question.

JSB Headshot White High Res(2)

See the video and find some recipes here!

“Loko” Gone For Good?

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College

You’ve probably seen the news that the FDA is expected to ban alcoholic energy drinks, and Massachusetts’s ban on distribution, marketing, and sale of Alcoholic drinks that include caffeine, goes into effect Monday.


Image source

We at Sargent Choice are happy to see Four Loko go. With 700 calories of alcohol, caffeine and sugar we won’t miss the talk about this supposed “blackout in a can.”

Later Loko!

Healthy Recipe: Fish Tostadas

By Jacquelyn O'Connor, BU Dietetic Intern

I cooked this quick Mexican Entree in our Healthy Cooking on a Budget Class. This quick and easy tostada meal has all the flavors of Mexican food, and is healthy too! Baked tortillas provide a nice crunch, and the tomato salsa is a great contrast to the other warm ingredients. And one of the best things about this recipe is that you can make it dozens of different ways. Don’t like fish? Try it with chicken or beef instead. Or add some extra beans and avocado for a vegetarian tostada. The corn and bean mixture is great as a cold salsa too!

Fish Tostadas

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4 Whole Wheat Tortillas
1 lb Tilapia fillets, or other white flaky fish
2 limes
1 cup frozen corn
1- 15 oz can low sodium black beans, drained and rinsed
1 lg red bell pepper, diced
1 pint grape tomatoes, chopped
1 medium red onion, diced
2 T chopped fresh cilantro
2 T + 1 tsp olive oil
2 tsp chili powder
½ tsp cayenne pepper
3 tsp cumin


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Brush each tortilla with olive oil on both sides and sprinkle ¼ tsp of cumin on each tortilla.
  2. Place tortillas in single layer on baking sheet(s) and bake at 425 degrees for 6 minutes. Flip tortillas over and cook for an additional 6 minutes, or until tortillas are crisp.
  3. Meanwhile, brush 1 tablespoon olive oil over bottom of a baking dish to prevent the fish from sticking (or use cooking spray). Mix remaining cumin, chili powder and cayenne pepper in small bowl. Sprinkle half of this mixture over the tilapia fillets and place fillets in baking dish. Slice one lime into thin slices and place these slices on top of the seasoned fish. Bake the fish in the same oven at 425 degrees for approximately 10-15 minutes, or until thoroughly cooked.
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  5. While fish is baking, heat last tablespoon olive oil in a pan. Add corn, black beans, red bell pepper, half of the diced onion and remaining spices. Cook until heated through.

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  1. Mix chopped tomatoes, the remaining diced red onion, chopped cilantro and juice from ½ lime in a bowl.
  2. When fish is fully cooked, remove from oven, discard lime slices and flake with a fork. Top crispy tortilla w/ a layer of flaked fish, ¾ cup of the corn mixture and ¾ cup of the tomato salsa. Serve.

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Sargent Choice Updates

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College


photo credit: Julia Sementelli BU 2012

Have a Healthy week! (and don't forget to wish Rhett Happy Birthday Today!)

Healthy Snacking with Joan Salge Blake, RD

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College

Struck by the mid-day munchies? Reach for a healthy snack! Professor Joan Salge-Blake, Registered Dietitian is here with some great snack ideas! Though her original audience was school children, these are great suggestions for busy people of all ages! You’re never too old to enjoy a 3pm yogurt parfait! See the video and find the recipes here!

Sargent Choice in the News!

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College

Did you know that by Senior year College students are moving less and eating worse?  Sargent Choice is here to help you stay healthy your entire collegiate career. For five years, we've  offered a healthy choices menu in all of our dining halls — the only such program of its kind at a U.S. university. Registered Dietitians Sarah Butler and Laura Judd of the Nutrition and Fitness Center were recently interviewed by Channel 4 News Boston about the Sargent Choice Program.

“We’re really hoping to change the perception that ‘healthy means bland’ to that ‘healthy means exciting and delicious,’” -Sarah Butler, RD.

no other university

Check out the entire video and interview segment here!

A Sargent Choice Approved Thanksgiving

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College

Want to learn how to cook a healthy Thanksgiving Dinner? BU student group CAKE (Culinary Arts and Kitchen Entertainment) is having Thanksgiving Dinner Demo THIS Friday and is featuring Sargent Choice Recipes!


Chef Kim Hannon, BU's Executive Chef of Residential Dining will be demoing classic Thanksgiving foods, as well as some healthier Sargent Choice options
You may have seen Chef Kim around West Campus, and he has created an awesome menu including:
Thai Butternut Squash Bisque
Whole Roasted Turkey with Homemade Turkey Gravy
100% Whole Wheat Stuffing (Sargent Choice!)
Yukon Gold Mashed Potatoes with Leeks
Maple Glazed Acorn Squash
and a special surprise dessert!
The Demo will be held THIS Friday, November 12th at 6 to 7pm at the Demo Kitchen at 808 Commonwealth Ave
Tickets will be on sale for $5 each {or $4 with your donation of a canned/non-perishable food that we'll donate to a shelter in honor of Thanksgiving}
Tickets will be sold in the GSU link on Thursday 11/11 from 12:30-2pm or by request... email or
What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Is there anything you would like to see us "healthify?"

“Eat ‘em Like Junk Food” Baby Carrots Take Over the Snack Market

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College

Last Week the CDC released a report showing that Americans are falling short on eating enough Fruits and Vegetables. Numerous studies have shown that increasing F&V servings can help to reduce the risk for many of the leading causes of death in this country, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. But only 1/3 of adults consumed fruit two or more times per day and 26% consumed vegetables three or more times per day, far short of national targets set by the Dietary Guidelines and Healthy People 2010.  Public health efforts to increase consumption seem to be falling short, so what can be done to turn these statistics around?

The Carrot farmers of America think they have an idea-Making baby carrots just as cool as junk food. With a genius new marketing campaign, they urge consumers to-"eat em like junk food."


Food marketing is only 2nd to the auto industry in number of dollars spent on advertising, and the vast majority of that goes to fast food restaurants and junk food snacks. I fully support a shift in advertising from McDonalds to something more healthful. With tongue in cheek youtube videos that play on common marketing ploys, we find we can INDULGE with baby carrots, that baby carrots are XTREME, and also the snack of the future.


Baby Carrots ARE cool! Scurry on over to their new, flashy website, or read their highly amusing twitter feed. Here's a sample:

  • #Eatem like you just got paid.
  • @DoritosUSA Want cool ranch? You should see our carrot farm.#babycarrots
  • Some say baby carrots give you vision like an eagle. Maybe that’s because we’re the snack of freedom.
  • Never trust a snack that can live forever. #twinkies Do you like baby carrots??

Next time you’re at CityCo or the supermarket, pick up a pack of baby carrots, grab some hummus and try it as a snack!

Do you think you eat enough fruits and vegetables? Is getting 5-9 servings a realistic goal for you? Do these commercials make you crave baby carrots?