Tagged: Sargent Choice Nutrition Center

Don’t Fail Your Fruits and Veggies Report Card

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College The National Fruit and Vegetable Alliance (NFVA) recently released a report that showed in an average day, only 6 percent of individuals consume the recommended amount of vegetables and 8 percent the recommended amount of fruit. Eight of the states with the lowest fruit and vegetable consumption are […]

Creating a New Sargent Choice Meal: Pumpkin Spice Pork

By Caitlin Quinn, BU Dietetic Intern As part of my dietetic internship I spent three weeks in a food service rotation working with the Sargent Choice (SC) program.  My task for the three weeks was to create a new SC meal to debut in the Warren Towers dining hall.  It was a very interesting experience, […]

Healthy Recipe: Roasted Chicken and Fall Vegetables

By Kelley Bradshaw, BU Dietetic Intern This hearty dish is simple & requires only 1 pan!  You can substitute other vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, zucchini, parsnips or carrots, for the ones listed below.  It’s a great way to experiment with seasonal produce at your local Farmers’ Market.  For a special touch, drizzle herb-infused olive […]

“Loko” Gone For Good?

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College You’ve probably seen the news that the FDA is expected to ban alcoholic energy drinks, and Massachusetts’s ban on distribution, marketing, and sale of Alcoholic drinks that include caffeine, goes into effect Monday. Image source We at Sargent Choice are happy to see Four Loko go. With 700 […]

Healthy Recipe: Fish Tostadas

By Jacquelyn O’Connor, BU Dietetic Intern I cooked this quick Mexican Entree in our Healthy Cooking on a Budget Class. This quick and easy tostada meal has all the flavors of Mexican food, and is healthy too! Baked tortillas provide a nice crunch, and the tomato salsa is a great contrast to the other warm […]

Healthy Snacking with Joan Salge Blake, RD

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Struck by the mid-day munchies? Reach for a healthy snack! Professor Joan Salge-Blake, Registered Dietitian is here with some great snack ideas! Though her original audience was school children, these are great suggestions for busy people of all ages! You’re never too old to enjoy a 3pm yogurt […]

Sargent Choice in the News!

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Did you know that by Senior year College students are moving less and eating worse?  Sargent Choice is here to help you stay healthy your entire collegiate career. For five years, we’ve  offered a healthy choices menu in all of our dining halls — the only such program […]

A Sargent Choice Approved Thanksgiving

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Want to learn how to cook a healthy Thanksgiving Dinner? BU student group CAKE (Culinary Arts and Kitchen Entertainment) is having Thanksgiving Dinner Demo THIS Friday and is featuring Sargent Choice Recipes! Chef Kim Hannon, BU’s Executive Chef of Residential Dining will be demoing classic Thanksgiving foods, as […]

“Eat ‘em Like Junk Food” Baby Carrots Take Over the Snack Market

By Elizabeth Jarrard, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Last Week the CDC released a report showing that Americans are falling short on eating enough Fruits and Vegetables. Numerous studies have shown that increasing F&V servings can help to reduce the risk for many of the leading causes of death in this country, including heart disease, diabetes, […]