Posts by: lmontor

Diving in to BU

Rebecca Shinners – CCD/ERC Student Ambassador Lacing in and out of the crowds, I hustled through Nickerson field and read sign after sign. “Acapella, Theatre,” sounds like fun—but not for me. Like BU’s other new students, I was at SPLASH searching for my niche at Boston University. Navigating SPLASH is not an easy task. It’s […]

Finding the Right Fit

Dvisha Patel – CCD/ERC Student Ambassador Like many other students, I was undeclared when I first arrived at Boston University. I had a few ideas of what I might pursue, like business and international relations, but no concrete plans. As a College of General Studies student for my first two years at BU, I was […]

Building Your BU Experience

Emily Mulloy – CCD/ERC Student Ambassador After driving nearly 20 hours in a van, we pulled into Nashville, TN: our home for the week. We were tired, but ready to work! While other BU students spent their spring break relaxing in exotic places, we were working hard building wheelchair ramps as a part of BU’s […]

Being You at BU

Sua Morales – CCD/ERC Ambassador BU is a big school that offers a lot of majors, and I get it: being undecided is tough. Your friends may know what they’re majoring in while you’re still wandering through general requirements. Hopefully the following tips will help you find some clarity. A major is only a set […]

Ready, Set, Expo!

Zach Costello – CCD/ERC Student Ambassador Before you attend a Career Expo, make sure your resume is up to date and error-free. You should bring multiple copies of your resume in case you’re interested in more than one employer. Dress appropriately – a two-piece matching suit in a dark conservative color, like navy or black, […]

Major Dilemma

Paige Parrack — CCD/ERC Student Ambassador Majors are like a box of chocolates: you have to sample them to figure out which one is your favorite. I really took this to heart freshman year and tried out everything from an introduction to architecture to macroeconomics, from Italian to psychology before finally applying to Sargent College’s […]