Homework for weeks 8-9: Momentum!

Physics Test on Friday, October 26th: Location College of General Studies

Final Draft of Lab Report Due at 10PM on November 4th

Final Draft of Lab Report Due at 10PM on November 4th

Class Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin
1 10/23 10/23 10/24 10/23
2 10/25 10/24 10/25 10/24
3 10/29 10/25 10/29 10/29
4 10/30 10/30 10/31 10/30
5 11/1 10/31 11/1 10/31
6 11/2 11/1 11/2 11/2
7 11/5 11/2 11/5 11/5
8 11/6 11/6 11/7 11/6

Before the test, you should complete the following homework:

WB Problems on Momentum Ch 4 Read (51-53) Do ex 1-6 (p53-55)

WB Problems on Collisions Ch 4 Read (55-57) Do ex 7-14 (p58-59)

You should read the examples in the momentum chapter in the workbook.

There are two Web Assign Assignments:

1. Momemtum Impulse Relationship
2. Conservation of Momentum

For Concepts, please read the textbook, Chapter 6   pp 83-95

The highlights of the chapter can be found at the following blog entries which will be rolled out over the course of the week:



Complicated Collisions

Vis Viva