GRADES CLOSE ON October 21 at 3PM. All work not in by 3PM on Friday (including lab reports, test corrections, extra credit, and written and online homework) will not be counted as part of first quarter grades.
Major Assignments: Tests will be in the physics classroom during Academic Block.
Test 1: Tuesday Sept 20; Test 2: Friday Oct 14; Test 3: Thursday Nov 17
Rough Draft of Gravity Lab Report: Monday Oct 10 at 10PM
Final Draft of Gravity Lab Report Nov 3 at 10 PM
Momentum Lab Report Thursday Dec 1 at 10PM
Homework 1 Due
- Gryffindor Tuesday 9/6
- Hufflepuff Tuesday 9/6
- Ravenclaw Tuesday 9/6
- Slytherin Wednesday 9/7
- Write a letter (approximately one page in length) telling me about yourself. What are you interested in, what did you do over the summer, your family, what do you like to do, etc. It may be either typed or handwritten. Font size and spacing do not count. You must hand this in on paper, not electronically.
- Read blog on Introduction to Physics. Or
Homework 2 Due
- Gryffindor Thursday 9/8
- Hufflepuff Wednesday 9/7
- Ravenclaw Wednesday 9/7
- Slytherin Thursday 9/8
Aristotle and Galileo:
Learn about Aristotle and Galileo by (and take BRIEF notes)
Read Blog entry
OR YouTube Video
OR Textbook readings: Chapter 1 on Scientific Measurements (pp 3-5), Scientific Method (pp 8-12) and Chapter 2 pp 21-25 (on Aristotle on Motion, Galileo on Leaning Tower, Galileo on Inclined Planes)
Write Visual Classroom HW on Aristotle, Galileo, and Mass.
Homework 3 Due
- Gryffindor Friday 9/9
- Hufflepuff Thursday 9/8
- Ravenclaw Thursday 9/8
- Slytherin Friday 9/9
Newton’s First Law
Learn about Newton’s First Law AND readings on Mass (and take BRIEF notes)
Read Blog on Newton #1 and on Mass AND
OR Watch YouTube Video
OR Read textbook Chapter 2: pp 26 (Newton’s 1st Law) Chapter 4: pp 61-3 (mass and Weight)
Visual Classroom HW Questions on “Inertia”
Homework 4 Due
- Gryffindor Monday 9/12
- Hufflepuff Monday 9/12
- Ravenclaw Friday 9/9
- Slytherin Monday 9/12
Net Force:
Learn about Net Force and Equilibrium (and take BRIEF notes)
Read Blog entry on Net Force
OR Read text Chapter 2 pp 28-33 (Net Force, Equilibrium Rule, Support Force, Equilibrium of moving things),
Do Visual Classroom HW on Statics
Finish analysis for lab on Mass Experiment using NOTEBOOK on VC.. Arrange things in VC as if your NOTEBOOK were a presentation. This assumes your group finished the experiment. Otherwise you can postpone this for a day.
Bring back laboratory fee of $10 checks made out to “Boston University Academy” and give to Gary Garber
Homework 5
- Gryffindor Tuesday 9/13
- Hufflepuff Tuesday 9/13
- Ravenclaw Tuesday 9/13
- Slytherin Wednesday 9/14
Vectors and Triangles and Similar Triangles:
- Learn about Vectors (and take notes)
Textbook: 28-39 & Workbook Read pp 15-16
- Finish Mass Vs Weight experiment writing. Arrange things in VC. If this is confusing I will give you some time to wrap it up in class tomorrow.
- Do Workbook Problems on Colinear Vectors Ch 2 Do Ex 1,2,3 5 pp 18-19 (You should do this work IN the workbook and bring it into show. Show your work, not just an answer).
- Do Visual Classroom HW on Vectors
Homework 6
- Gryffindor Thursday 9/15
- Hufflepuff Wednesday 9/16
- Ravenclaw Wednesday 9/16
- Slytherin Thursday 9/15
Statics and trigonometry
- Learn about statics:
WB Ch 3 Read pp38-41 OR
You Tube Video on Strings Problems OR
Blog Reading on Strings
- Learn about trigonometry on blog at
- Do WB Problems on Statics Do Chapter 3 ex 12, 16, 17, A10, A11 (p41-7).
- Do Visual Classroom HW on Trigonometry and Vectors and Strings
Homework 7
- Gryffindor Friday 9/16
- Hufflepuff Thursday 9/15
- Ravenclaw Thursday 9/15
- Slytherin Friday 9/16
Inclined Planes and Inverse Trig functions
- Learn about Inverse Trig and
Watch Inverse Trig OR
Blog on Inverse Trig
- Learn about Static Incline Plane Problems
Blog on Inclined Planes
- Do Visual Classroom HW on Incline Planes and Force Components
Homework 8
- Gryffindor Monday 9/19
- Hufflepuff Monday 9/19
- Ravenclaw Friday 9/16
- Slytherin Monday 9/19
Do Workbook problems on Vector forces problems: Ch 3 Ex 13, 14, 15, A9, A12 p 41-47
Study for Test on Tuesday Sept 20 during Academic Block
Motion will NOT be on the test. The test will cover inertia, Newton’s First Law, forces, statics, trigonometry, vectors, strings problems, and the inclined plane problems. You should be familiar with all experimental work from class such as the mass vs weight experiment and any strings experiments.
Homework 9
- Gryffindor Monday 9/26
- Hufflepuff Monday 9/26
- Ravenclaw Tuesday 9/27
- Slytherin Monday 9/26
Introduction to Motion
Learn about motion and velocity
Read Blog
OR Read Textbook Chapter 3 (Sections on Speed, Velocity), Appendix A (US Customary System, System International, Appendix B (first column only) AND Workbook p iv (How to use This Book), Chapter 1 pp 1-2 (Speed Velocity, NOT acceleration), Read Examples 1-3
- Learn about Methods for Measuring Velocity on Blog
- Do Workbook Questions: Write the answers IN your workbook: Chapter 1 pp 5-6 Do Ex. 1-3
- Do Visual Classroom HW Questions on Motion
Homework 10
- Gryffindor Tuesday 9/27
- Hufflepuff Tuesday 9/27
- Ravenclaw Wednesday 9/28
- Slytherin Wednesday 9/28
Motion and graphing:
Learn about motion and graphing
- Read Blog
- OR YouTube Video
- Or Read Textbook Appendix C (Graphs, Cartesian, Area and Slope)
Do Visual Classroom HW Questions on graphs of Constant V
Do Workbook Questions: Write the answers IN your workbook: For the A problems at the end of the chapter you can show your work on a separate sheet of paper Chapter 1 p 12 Do Ex. A1-A6