Category: Physics

eBooks, maps and bears

In our faculty meeting yesterday, we had a guest speaker from BU Library who talked about digital resources and how students do research.  The discussion of e-books came up a bit, and quite a few opinions in the room were voices that BUA students prefer traditional paper books to e-books which just don’t cut it.  […]

Welcome Back

The first day of a new school year.  Today was student orientation and I am now sure that the students know which way is up.   My LEGO EV3 Mindstorm book has finally entered production, the robotics mentors are returning, and planning for the fall AAPT meeting is fully underway! The new FIRST Lego League Game […]

Physics of the Everglades

I have spent the weekend in Miami with Alejandro and his godparents, Francisco and Maria. Today we went for a Swamp Boat ride in the Everglades.  Last week in U-Design Flight School I discussed how to turn a plane, you needed coordination use of both yaw and roll.  If you try to turn a plane […]

U-Design Flight School on Thursday

In the morning, we  launched our rockets.  All rockets were able to make it through one flight.  A couple of rockets were lost in the river or the reeds, but overall we had a great time. After our time in the hot sun, we went for a tour of the Smoke Tunnel with professor Grace.  […]

U-Design Flight School on Wednesday

For projects today the students made final revisions to our Cadet planes and we attempted to fly them.  After several crash landings, we came back to the lab, made repairs and went out for a second round of flying after lunch. In the early morning, Sean Anderson showed the students the work he is doing […]

U-Design Flight School on Tuesday

Tuesday at U Design Another great day at U Design. In the morning, students started by working on their Cadet Balsa planes.  They needed to prepare their wings to and tail pieces to be glued together. My morning lecture consisted of explaining how the instrument panel on a Cessna 172 works.  We explored the function […]

Finished Chapter 3 of my LEGO EV3 Mindstorms Book!

I have been busy throughout the month of July writing a book for Packt Publishing on the new LEGO Mindstorm EV3 kit.  The kit will be available online in early August and in stores sometime in September.  The software is a big improvement over the NXT-G code and has more similarities with Labview.  The hardware […]

How to Think Like a scientist.

An article from Wired magazine was recently brought to my attention. The article is by Rhett Allain and is “What is wrong with the Scientific Method.” The Scientific Method is often taught as To quote Allain “The first step is take down those silly posters about the scientific method. They just give the wrong idea […]

Next Generation Science Standards

Even though you have been able to read them in almost final draft form online for over a year, the NY Times just reported that the Next Generation Science Standards have finally been unveiled.  I was saddened to see the NYT spends so much time covering in their article and opinion pieces covering evolution and […]

Congnitive Neuro Science and the Shinn-Cunningham Lab

This week the students in physics went to tour the Auditory Neurosicence Lab.  We have been studying acoustics and waves for the past two weeks.  In Professor Shinn-Cunningham’s lab they study how the brain perceives sounds received by the ear. Sid and Scott gave us a great tour of the lab. One of the issues […]