Category: Physics

Physics Olympics!

Yesterday was the 27th annual Massachusetts New England Physics Olympics.  This is a really Phun event where 10 teams from 8 schools competed in a variety of Physics Events.  I had the pleasure of trying to coordinate this event, and I must first thank all of the BU undergraduates (and Mark Greenman, the Boston University […]

Newton’s 3rd Law, Labview, and LEGOS

So I just found out that a nice example of InterLACE, LEGOS, and Labview from our BUA Physics Class is on the Vernier Website.  Vernier had a contest for using LabView in the classroom and they loved what the BUA students came up with.  Many thanks to Jeff K (or others) who I think developed […]

The Bubble Lab

Today in physics we went to visit the lab of my favorite bubbleologist.  Although we went as part of our study of acoustics, the lab, which belongs to Professor Glynn Holt studies all kinds of acoustic, wave, and bubble related phenomena. Our guide through this study was Enrique Gutierrez  (who I need to chat with […]


Tonight I went to Tufts CEEO to go play with LEGOs and met Baxter.  He is really good at sorting LEGOs.  He is the future of doing menial tasks that the rest of us don’t want to do.  I see a future where STOMPers will no longer have to sort LEGOs.  Baxter is here to […]

Superheroes, Fringe Science and Science Fairs

I was just reading Leonardo a bedtime story, about a guy named Clark Kent.  For fun, I said “Look up in the air, its a bird, its a plane, its SUPERCREST!”   Leonardo got very upset  He said, “I am tired of your students talking about Supercrest.  Your students don’t know what they are talking about.  […]

Boston Area Physics Teachers Meeting

Tonight I walked down the street and attended another BU Physics Teachers meeting hosted by Mark Greenman.  It was an excellent meeting, with several great magnetism demonstrations that I hope to try out in late April with the students. My favorites were the magnetic kites by David Lyons and sending music using magnetic fields through […]

Future of Fusion

Today’s speaker at All School Meeting was John Rice.  He is the Principle Researcher over at the fusion reactor at MIT.  I haven’t been there in a few years, but when I taught the Junior Science Seminar, I used to bring the students on a tour there every year.  There are not many places where […]

NASA, education and the Sequester….

A few days ago, NASA decided to suspend all educational funding, which you can read about here. “Effective immediately, all education and public outreach activities should be suspended, pending further review. In terms of scope, this includes all public engagement and outreach events, programs, activities, and products developed and implemented by Headquarters, Mission Directorates, and […]


I have been playing around a bit with a new website, HapYak, which allows students (and teachers) to annotate videos.  My hope is that students who want to learn by watching a YouTube video will instead of being passive watchers, develop an online way to become an active learner.  Traditionally, one would listen to a […]

The Cold Lab

Last week to round up our study of thermodynamics we had the opportunity to visit the BU Physics Department.  We walked down in the cold (brrrrr) weather to see something even colder.   While there, Carsten gave us a tour of Professor Mohanty’s lab who does work in nanotechnology where they have an experiment where […]