The first week is complete!

We didn’t get as far as I would have liked, but we had a lot of fun this week.  As we are a bit behind my aspirations I will be giving an off-day for homework early in the week to play catch up.  So check out the revised HW syllabus.

Lessons of the week.  We had an interesting experiment where we measured mass using a pan balance and weight using a scale.  I purposely did not provide enough equipment to see what level of cooperation there would be among the students.  Would they work together and exchange equipment or idly sit around twiddling thumbs waiting for equipment to be freed up.  The latter tended to dominate, and I must confess, the micromanaging control freak in me who is used to the quickly finished canned laboratory experiments wanted to push things along.  But I think the lesson was learned that cooperation is needed not only among lab groups but between lab groups.  On the rare occasion I saw some exchange of ideas.  I didn’t see any exchange of actual data.  The traditional inhibition taught in middle school is that all students most do their own work and that cooperating and sharing of data must be cheating. A myth we need to dispel.

Next up, LEGO Mindstorm robots, programming in LabView, and designing an experiment to measure velocity!

Physics Day 3 Statics and Equilibrium

Today we explored the ideas of net force, statics, equilibrium and normal force.We started by drawing free body diagrams of a hamster at rest on a table top.

From there we examined a hamster at rest on an inclined plane.

Thinking about an object at rest against a vertical surface we discussed a horizontal normal force on a bar of soap.

We finished by starting a brief experiment trying to measure both the mass and the weight of a set of mysterious objects.  Students measured weight using a variety of spring scales and force probes.  They measured mass using a traditional Greek balance!  A debate ensued among the Ravenclaws as to why the balance was measuring mass and not weight.  Obviously gravity was involved.  In fact, this exact point was made in the Physics Teacher magazine last year criticizing this experiment as pure stupidity and misleading by a great physicist.  However, the young Ravenclaw pointed out that on Mars the balance would give the same reading, but the spring scale would give a different reading!  5 points to Ravenclaw for great insight!

Another great use of LEGOS!


Day 2 of Physics: Inertia

Before a recap on today's class, I have to mention a link for Ms. Glenn's brother. Ms Glenn went on the Vomit Comet ride with me last summer and she decided to make some cool air rockets!

So today we tested inertia.  We had lots of great demonstrations.  In the format of InterLACE, either before or after each demonstration I would ask students to explain the physics.

Ms Hickman demonstrated the inertia of a cinder-block for the students and I survived.


We had a fun test with an inertia mass examining which string would break when I tugged on a mass hung from the ceiling.  The top of the bottom?

Movie of Beaker Not Wearing a Seatbelt

Beaker helped us explore the inertia of objects in motion and why it was a good idea to where a seat-belt.







We also discussed the table cloth trick and the students made a model of the table cloth trick using a cup, a coin, and a card.









First day of School

The first day back.  Most of the freshmen figured out where they were going despite the moving staircases. We learned how to use InterLACE today in class.  The students built creations out of LEGOS to represent themselves.  This is a model called LEGO Serious Play.  In case you are concerned about your enlightened student wasting their time playing with toys, LEGO Serious play is used as professional development for corporations.  I also questioned the students as to what they thought about the Scientific Method and Galileo, two topics which are full of misconceptions.

A note to parents.  A hardcopy of the IRB and Tufts Photo-waiver went home.  They are also available on First Class.  Here are links so you can download.

InterLACE IRB 2011 - ParentStudent Form


The lab fee is $12.00.  This is $10.50 for the Web Assign accounts, and $1.50 for the lab notebook.  If you already bought a lab notebook, then you can just pay for the Web Assign account.

In case you want to know the homework, you can download in on the PY page.



The end of the sabbatical

Yesterday was my last regular day at Tufts.  An amazing year at the Center for Engineering and Education Outreach.  This past week we ran an InterLACE training workshop.  We trained 12 teachers in the use of the software I have helped to develop this past year.  It was great to see the response to the software and I look forward to using it on a regular basis this coming year at BUA!  And of course, the week finished with a game of Ultimate.

This has been an eye-opening year.  Rafi asked what I will take away from the CEEO.  So Many thanks to the wonderful people at the CEEO for broadening my horizons and exposing me to LEGOS, Labview, Image Analysis, Music Engineering, Tetrix, Touch Tables, Educational Research, Social Network Analysis, collaboration, software development, and Ultimate Frisbee. I will miss the CEEO, in particular the Phun attitude that everyone has towards work.  Of course, when you are surrounded by LEGOS, how can you not have Phun!

Looking back at my sabbatical, besides the work at the CEEO I would say the work with AAPT and NASA were the highlights of my year away.  But I am excited to come back.  Leonardo helped me clean my classroom today.  We threw out a LOT of old junk that got damaged in the flood of 2012.


The Binary Trick

Today we performed some Math Magic Tricks using binary numbers.

I started out by asking each student their birthdate, and using the binary trick I was able to guess that number. I was even able to guess any number they were thinking of between 1 and 31.


I asked the students to look at each of the following tiles and asked them if their number was on the following tiles, and they had to answer yes or no for each tile.

Binary Trick Tiles

Binary Trick Tiles

Using this trick, one can guess the number!

How, well I will allow your child to perform the trick on you.

How does it work?

Click above to see a solution using binary numbers.

After playing around with the binary trick we learned to count in a new system of Base Six.

So to count in base six





















So instead of each column being for powers of 2 with 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16

We now have powers of 6 with 1, 6, 36, and 216

Math Circle Week of March 21

We continued to count in binary today.   We started out by reviewing how to count the basic numbers in binary.

From there we learned how to add in binary, and use addition as a short cut to figure out some larger binary numbers.

Since binary is a base 2 system, we talked about powers of 2 and exponents.

So for instance, if I am translating the first several numbers from decimal to binary we use the following table.  We can see that each time we get to a power of 2 that we need a new column.

0 = 0

1 = 1

2 = 10

3 = 11

4= 100

5 = 101

6 =110

7 = 111

8 = 1000

9 = 1001

10 = 1010

11 = 1011

12 = 1100

So just looking at the powers of 2 we can see the relationship between the number of columns in binary and how many factors of two we have.

2 = 2 = 10

4 = 2 ×2  = 100

8= 2 ×2 ×2 = 1000

16 =2 ×2  ×2 ×2 =10,000

32 =2 ×2 ×2 ×2 ×2 = 100,000

64= 2×2×2×2×2×2 = 1,000,000

128 = 2×2×2×2×2×2×2 = 10,000,000

So using this and simple addition we can quickly find harder numbers without counting on our fingerless hands.

So for instance in decimal, 13 = 8 + 4 + 1

We could then write this in binary as 1000 + 100 + 1 = 1101

To find the number 19 = 16 + 2 + 1 = 10,000 + 10 + 1 = 10,011

Some of the kids at the end wanted to dive into multiplication and we touched on subtraction.  We'll see if we can handle these two topics as we go forward,  They might be a bit too advanced.

If you are looking for some practice exercises click here.

We left off with trying to calculate 60 in binary.

Math Circle in March and Pi Day

Two weeks ago we examined how Zorgons count.  Unlike us with 10 digits on our hands, the Zorgons have no fingers, which means they count in binary.   A lot of what I used was based on a lesson by Rick Garlikov. We learned how to count up to the number 32 in binary (or Zorgon) and learned a deeper understanding of columns and place value.  I hope this helps them in understanding our own base 10 system.  Eventually, I hope to bring our discussion of binary numbers back to the Game of Nim.   After working through the basics of Garlikov's inquiry, I moved onto some ideas from Math Maniacs.   The students practiced generating binary numbers using a set of flashcards and tried generating numbers up to 32.

This past week was a double treat for Math Circle.  On Wednesday, Pi Day, the student measured the circumference and diameter of several objects around the classroom and found the ratio between them.  Maura explains in detail on the main Melrose Math Circle site our lesson from that day.  We finished with a quick exploration of Buffon's Needle.  This is a need example using a Monte Carlo simulation which the students watched to estimate Pi.  The basic idea is that if you drop needles there is a relationship between the number of drops and how many times the needles will happen to cross a set of parallel lines which comes up with an estimate of Pi.

As an aside I was reading about how to generate Pi in binary.  Turns out, it is a bit easier to remember in binary.  I found this great binary web-site that has some stuff a bit more advanced.   Lots of students learn binary counting, but I had never learned binary floating point numbers before.  But it makes sense that instead of 0.1 being 1/10th it would be 1/2 in binary.  Working this way

Pi = 11.001001000011111

which is actually easier to remember that 3.1415926535897932384

On Thursday, at the CEEO we had our first Staff Math Circle.  We explored an interesting nine digit problem.  The problem is how can you arrange nine digits in such a way that the first digit is divisible by one, the second by two, the third by three, etc.  This problem relies on a lot of elementary school mathematics, but was challenging enough that it took us the entire hour to work through the problem.  We had a few undergraduates working on LEGO NXT Robot projects who were quick to jump to the answers. Perhaps they had a fresher memory of 6th grade mathematics!

This Wednesday we will return to binary counting and will venture into binary arithmetic.

Collaboration in Science

The main project I am working on at Tufts is called InterLACE, which stands for Interactive Learning And Collaboration Environment.  We are developing a piece of software to facilitate Collaboration in the classroom.

To quote the opening of a paper I just submitted with my colleagues at Tufts:

It is widely understood that collaborative design of technologies and activities are effective at supporting inquiry learning for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education improves student content and processing skills. Yet teachers are often reluctant to engage in these methods noting many barriers, such as excessive time demands, lack of materials or equipment, and lack of student readiness. Although educators acknowledge the value of the type of student-centered, open-ended problem solving activities that comprise inquiry-based learning, even the most experienced and inquiry-oriented teachers will tend to utilize teacher-centered activities (e.g., lecturing or pre-made lab exercises) when other job demands compete for their time. Additionally, the layout of conventional classrooms (i.e., students at desks, teachers at the front of the room) reinforces this teaching style. Realizing more inquiry-based student-design learning in STEM education, therefore, will require both a change in the affordance structure of the classroom and supports for teachers that lower the barriers to engage in these methods. Technology has an important role to play, but only if it is tightly tightly integrated with a pedagogically sound instructional process and classroom activities.

Over the past three weeks we have our initial pilot test of the software we have developed out at Boston University Academy, Sant Bani School, Fenway High School, and Littleton High School. Our software allows students to work in groups and enter answers to a series of questions.  They can view each others answers and all answers are displayed on the classroom projector.  This facilitates a discussion.

Some other thoughts on collaboration in science.

This past Friday, I went to Masconomet High School to observe David Kurtz using Learning Catalytics.  This is a piece of software based on the Peer Instruction Model developed by Eric Mazur and Brian Lukoff at Harvard for use in college classrooms to teach physics.  David is the first high school teacher to use LC.  Students answer multiple choice questions on tablet computers.  However, the teacher's computer also knows where each student in the class is sitting.   The computer then instructs students to have conversations with another student who answered differently from them.  Thus the idea of peer instruction, which is different than the collaborative model we are working with.  It was interesting to watch technology being used in a different educational model similar to ours.

I was reading an article in Educational Leadership Magazine today. There was an interesting article on "Making Textbook Reading Meaningful"  which suggests using taking advantage of social dynamics such as paired activities and collaborative reasoning, in more than just science.

A final note on collaboration.  I was a judge at the Roosevelt Science Fair last week.  There were many fine projects, both group and individual.  However, at this age level, the best benefit for the student is gained by collaborative group work as opposed to individual science fair projects.  In particular, Science as not done by individuals, but accomplished by a collaborative effort.  As Grubman, a former Chancellor of The University of Missouri Argues, look how many contributions to the journal Science are by individual authors versus collaborative efforts.  You can read an interesting article on this in the Science Teacher Magazine,  A Fair Proposition by NSTA.

Robotics and Engineering This Summer at BU for Grades 6-9

Hello Everyone,

U-Design registration has begun!  Boston University’s College of Engineering has seats available in its annual summer science and engineering program for Middle School students currently in grades 6-9.  Creative thinking and critical problem solving are skills that American students need to develop to be competitive.  For the past nine years, Boston University's College of Engineering has offered a summer science program,

U-Design, which fosters these skills.

BU’s U-Design is based on a program established by UMASS Lowell in July 2000.  As part of our grades 6-9 educational outreach efforts, U-Design's mission is to get middle and high school students excited about learning science and engineering, and interested in pursuing careers in these areas. The program gives them the opportunity to learn about science and technology by engaging them in the real work of scientists and engineers: design, exploration, invention and experimentation.

U-Design consists of two one-week sessions in July and offers three workshops: Robo-Alley, Electrical & Mechanical Gizmos, and Flight School 101.  Each workshop is built around a series of design projects and science activities that involve very interesting challenges.  The program will be held at Boston University and runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Friday.  Friday concludes the week with a design show presentation and pizza party with family and friends!

Workshop schedules are noted below.

2012 program dates:

Week 1: July 9-13 – Electrical & Mechanical Gizmos

Week 2: July 16-20 – Flight School 101

Both Weeks 1 & 2 –  Robo-Alley

Registration is limited to 20 students per workshop. Tuition is $425 for a single session and $400 for an additional session. Scholarships are limited and on a need basis for those who qualify.

For more information and to register on-line please visit, , email or call the Dean’s Office at 617-353-2800.

REGISTER NOW while seats are still available!